
This sentence perfectly interprets the current state of Xiang Ji and Pang Tong.

This Nima, 400,000 people, do you really plan to defend the Ningjin Pass and fight to death?

Yes, because of the order that Yuan Shang guarded, the loyal guard Jiao Tu carried out this order to the end.

And Su You, the second-in-command of Ningjin Pass, is a player who is afraid of death, and now he can fight without going out of the city, which is definitely unwanted.

Therefore, the entire Ningjin worked together, which completely built Ningjin into a steel defense line.

Although Xiang Ji had the intention to attack, his own Chu army was only 70,000 horses, and the defenders were 400,000.

But then, for the sake of a Ningjin defense line, did the elite of the Chu State lose most of it?

Xiang Ji is not so stupid.

If this is the last battle to conquer the world, then it will be a strong attack regardless of casualties.

But obviously, now is not the time for the final decisive battle, and most of the world has not fallen into the hands of Xiang Ji, how could Xiang Ji destroy the Great Wall for the sake of a mere Ningjin?"

Yes, after Gao Ran subdued the Hebei cavalry, he traveled all the way and finally arrived at the Jizhou battlefield yesterday.

As for the cavalry that was subdued, along with the war horses, etc.? Isn't there still Gong Du? With the ballista brigade of the goods under guard, these cavalrymen naturally walked honestly and obediently all the way to Pengcheng.

After all, now that Xiang Ji is at war with Hebei, these captives are just borrowing Xiang Ji to have the courage to use it, and who knows if he will suddenly turn against the water?

When Gao Ran arrived, he was immediately relieved of Xiang Ji's urgent need.

As for Gao Lan's opinion, Xiang Ji and Pang Tong both agreed.

Now, this is the only way to break through the tortoise's shell.

After all, how much does your 400,000-strong army have to consume in a day?

I'm afraid that you don't have to transport it from Yecheng and other places?

If a light cavalry can cut off the grain route of the Hebei army, then this turtle shell will be self-defeating.

Before, it was difficult to have no cavalry, and even if he knew this method, he couldn't use it.

However, now that Gao Ran is here, and he has also arrived with five thousand dragon riders, the problem of Xiang Ji can be regarded as completely solved.

Moreover, the most important thing is that Gao Ran is a general in Hebei, and he is the most familiar with the terrain.

Others may not be able to find the accurate baggage transportation route of the Hebei Army, but Gao Yan will definitely not.

Zhu said, looking at Gao Lan, who led the resting Canglong cavalry to leave, Xiang Ji knew that the opportunity to break Yuan Shang's army could only appear on Gao Lan's cavalry.

It's just that Xiang Ji didn't know that Gao Ran's trip actually brought back an unexpected person for him.

Jizhou, Qinghe is close to the left.

"Xiahoulan, how did you lead the way? This Qinghe is already under martial law?

It's so annoying, people even say that you can have a good rest. "

All the way, Zhao Yun and the others, who have galloped hundreds of miles, have come to the left side of Xindu County, which is located in the middle of the Qinghe River.

What he never expected was that Qinghe County, located in the central region, also began martial law.

Isn't the army of the State of Chu confronting the Hebei army at the Ningjin Pass? Why, why is

there martial law here?" "Xiahou Lan, you take Zhao Jia and them to investigate quickly, what is the reason for the martial law in Qinghe. When

Zhao Yun learned that Qinghe, which is located in the middle of Jizhou, was under martial law, it was immediately clear that this must be a change in the front-line battlefield.

Is it the overlord who has fought them, or is they attacking Ningjin now? Or is it something else?

In this regard, Zhao Yun's heart was full of doubts, but he could only wait patiently for Xiahou Lan and the others to return.

"Brother Yun, I really don't understand, how can you agree to let this kid Xiahoulan be your lieutenant general? You are one of the top generals in Chu State! Is his level, when you are your lieutenant general, is he qualified enough?

You know, he can't even beat me!"

Obviously, Fan Juan, who is a violent woman, really doesn't look down on Xiahou Lan.

Quite a big man, even my little woman is not an opponent, what should I do?

Looking at Fan Juan with an arrogant face, Zhao Yun could only be silent.

Just kidding, you must know that when he was learning art, the teacher Tong Yuan said it to himself.

If this girl is not a daughter, I am afraid that her talent is no less than herself, then she can also become a disciple of the teacher.

With Xiahou Lan's ordinary qualifications, how could she be compared to this girl?

Of course, what comforted Zhao Yun was that no matter what the situation, as long as she was present, she would basically still show her ladylike side.

In the middle of the night, Xia Houlan and the others returned again.

Xia Houlan, who just returned, looked at the two people sitting in their respective places with a disappointed expression.

Why, we have been gone for so long, and nothing has happened to the two of you?

You know, after a few days of getting along, Xiahou Lan has already become one with Zhao Jia and the others.

Then he will naturally hear rumors about Zhao Yun's sexual orientation within the Chu State.

In this regard, Xia Houlan was deeply disdainful.

Just kidding, can Brother Yun still have this problem? It's just that our Brother Yun has been thinking about Xiaojuan in his heart.

Naturally, Xia Houlan, who wanted to correct Zhao Yun's name, of course, hoped that Zhao Yun and Fan Juan would have something happen quickly.

However, along the way, Zhao Yun perfectly interpreted how the word "gentleman" is written.

"Xiahoulan, how is the situation with Brother Yun asking you to investigate?Why do you look like a fool as soon as you come back?"

"Ah, General, you've found out.

It turned out that Yuan Shang was shocked by the combat effectiveness of our Chu army, and now he didn't dare to engage in a field battle with our Chu army at all.

Therefore, the goods simply shamelessly hoarded a full 400,000 troops in Ningjin, just to defend the pass.

This, too, did successfully defend against the overlord's attack.

I heard that before that, a group of Chu cavalry had crossed the Ningjin Pass and came to the central part of Jizhou.

I heard that two teams transporting baggage have been wiped out by our Chu cavalry.

It was because of this that Qinghe began martial law. "

What!?400,000 troops defending

Ningjin? There was already a cavalry from the Chu State that bypassed the Ningjin defense line and came to the interior of Jizhou?

Hearing Xiahou Lan say this, Zhao Yun was stunned.

This Yuan Shang is crazy!

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