Jizhou, Yecheng, Qi Palace.

"Damn! Damn! That damn Gao Lan! Damn!"

the angry Yuan Shang was venting frantically, and the face of Yuan Tan, who was standing under him, was full of embarrassment.

This, Gao Ran used to be his own general, and he couldn't imagine that he would bring such a big trouble to the Qi State now.

Yes, it has been more than ten days since Gao Ran led the Canglong Horse to the central part of Jizhou.

In the past ten days, Gao Ran successively annihilated three convoys transporting heavy supplies for the Ningjin front.

The rest of the townships and counties were plundered by it.

Yuan Shang didn't think about sending troops to exterminate Gao Lan, but unfortunately, Gao Ran, who was a cavalry in the water, knew the terrain of Jizhou well.

The army sent by Yuan Shang tossed back and forth three times, but did not even catch a single hair of Gao Ran.

In desperation, Yuan Shang could only continue to expand the scale of the baggage transportation team.

Although, it is true that the expanded transport team will no longer be harassed by the Canglong Cavalry led by Gao Ran.

But the problem is! The Qi State of Hebei, which has a majestic army of one million soldiers, has been beaten out of its house by a cavalry of 5,000 people, and this is not a matter of laughing for 10,000 years?

As long as he thinks that he may become the laughing stock of people for hundreds or even thousands of years from now, Yuan Shang's mood cannot be better.

"My lord, Weichen has a plan, or he can break the high light horse.

Seeing that Yuan Shang was angry, Xu You, who was his loyal courtier, couldn't sit still.

This, you Yuan Shang has become a laughing stock, don't we, who are courtiers, also can't escape the fate of being ridiculed and incompetent?"

"Aiqing! Xu Aiqing! What a clever plan, don't you come quickly!" "What

a life-saving straw

! Unexpectedly, at this critical moment, Xu You is still reliable!

Hearing that Xu You has a plan to break through that high view, Yuan Shang was excited.

What is the minister of the humerus? This is the humerus of the lonely king!

For this kind of rescue of his subordinates who were in trouble, Yuan Shang was eager to take his daughter and treat her as his father-in-law.

Of course, this is just a matter of desire, not necessity.

After all, Xu You's daughter really does not meet Yuan Shang's aesthetics.

"The king, the most important plan is to lure the enemy in!

Didn't Gao Ran specially select our country's baggage convoy to attack? Then the king simply prepared a big gift for him. "

Yuan Shang naturally didn't know what Xu Yu was thinking in his heart, otherwise he wouldn't be able to talk so eloquently.


Xu You's words, Yuan Shang probably understood what he meant.

But the question is, hasn't this ploy been used before? It's not easy to use at all, it's slippery like a loach, and I'd rather not rob you than risk your life.

"Aiqing, this plan, haven't they already used it?" It didn't work!"

Is this king stupid? Or is this Xu You using this king as a fool to tease him?

Thinking of this, Yuan Shang was not happy.

Is it true that the Lone King is mentally retarded? He even used a trick that had already failed to tease the Lone King?"

"Great King! This plan is not another plan! Xu

Yu means that we can make a few more waves of bait, and let that Gao Ran be as cunning as a fox, and when he eats several waves of our bait, he will still be safe and sound, and his vigilance will inevitably be lowered.

When his vigilance is lowered, it is when we swallow him in one bite!" !!

Yuan Shang was really excited this time.

Yes, why didn't the Lone King think of it? And that Tian Feng, who is especially known as the number one thinker in Hebei Qi State? Why didn't he even think of it?

But how did Yuan Shang know that Tian Feng didn't expect it.

Tian Feng and them, that is simply distressed about the loss of baggage materials!

You must know that as a bait, you must also take out dry goods, otherwise people are not fools.

But Tian Feng and they

care about the loss of Hebei's baggage, and people don't care about it! You manage the people's biological resources, so you naturally feel sorry for these things, but I Xu You manage the criminal code, what does it have to do with the loss of these things?

Just kidding, even if the materials stored in Hebei are exhausted in the end

, I Xu You will not panic! "Come on! The matter of the herald and bait will be handed over to Xu You Aiqing to be responsible, no matter how much the loss is, I must give the Lone King and I will exterminate that Gao Lan!" Obviously

, Yuan Shang, who is high in the sky, does not care about the loss of heavy materials.

Aren't they all Tian Feng and Fu Zhi to deal with them? If you don't have to look for them, otherwise it won't be possible for the Lone King to keep them to eat dry food?

With Yuan Shang's order, the major warehouses in Yecheng where materials were stored were opened again, and countless baggage was carried out.

As for how many people will take the opportunity to enrich themselves under Yuan Shang's order, it's hard to say.

At the very least, our Uncle Xu Yu will never be the God of Wealth.

In this regard, although Tian Feng and others saw it, they could only occasionally obstruct it under Yuan Shang's order.

Just when Yecheng was in a big move, Zhao Yun and others, who were located near the Qinghe River in central Jizhou, were the first to discover the changes.

"No! Yuan Shang's move must have a deep meaning, Xia Houlan, please ask the brothers to find out, why Yuan Shang is crazy to carry heavy supplies during this time period. Because

of martial law on the front line, Zhao Yun and his entourage could only be temporarily trapped near the Qinghe River.

But when Xiahou Lan received the news from her friends in Yecheng, Zhao Yun discovered the abnormality.

You must know that Xiahou Lan is the head snake in Jizhou, and in Changshan County, it is a black boss-like existence.

Even though he has left Changshan County now, Xiahoulan in the major counties of Jizhou also has acquaintances.

These rangers walking underground are not seen by Yuan Shang at all, as long as they keep to themselves and don't come to make trouble, then what if they persecute and persecute the township?

But what Yuan Shang never imagined was that these rangers, whom he didn't care about at all, took the lead in passing on all the news that happened in Yecheng.

Now, Zhao Yun has learned that the one who commanded Canglong was the former Hebei famous general Gao Lan.

Although Zhao Yun didn't know why this Gao Lan would surrender to the Chu State, this was a good thing after all, and Zhao Yun didn't care much about it.

But the problem now is that Gao Ran lost the information, if this Yuan Shang really made any moves, even if Gao Ran and others would be careless.

If the Canglong Rider of Xiang Ji is folded here because of this, I am afraid that not only will Xiang Ji be painful, but even Zhao Yun will be able to die of pain.

You must know that this Canglong Rider was selected by Zhao Yun himself and then trained by himself.

As for how to inform Gao Ran after finding out the purpose of Yecheng,

I'm afraid it's not too easy.

Those adults who were far away above the temple could not detect Gao Lan's movements, but these rangers walking in the countryside had a firm grasp of Gao Lan's every move of the army.

After all, this Jizhou, in the final analysis, is also the territory of these rangers, isn't it?

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