
!" "Changshan Zhao Zilong is here!" Just

as Xin Ping was about to communicate with Zhen Mi about human reproduction, a killing cry suddenly came from outside the carriage.

"Who dares to disturb your Uncle Xin Ping?" was

alarmed by the shouts of killing, and the angry Xin Ping lifted the curtain of the carriage and walked out.


but when he really saw the mirror image outside, he was suddenly stupefied.

What is the situation? Where did the strongman come out?

You know, Xin Ping brought a hundred guards with him.

But now, all Xin Ping saw was corpses lying in pools of blood, and occasionally there were constant wails coming from the mouths of the guards who had not yet died.

"You are Xin Ping, the person in charge here?"

Attracted by Xin Ping's shout, Zhao Yun rode his horse to the front of the carriage.

was asked by Zhao Yun about his name, and Xin was stunned.

Just now, I vaguely heard him shouting Changshan Zhao Zilong? Who is that?

Obviously, although Zhao Yun is famous, most of his reputation is in the Central Plains and even in the Jiangnan region.

As a northerner, Xin Ping is not very aware of Zhao Yun's name.

"Bold fanatics, do you know who I am? We are the envoys of the King of Qi, and we are going to send an envoy to the Qin State to meet the King of Qin, Lu Bu!

Damn, these bold and reckless fellows even dared to loot the envoys of the King of Qi, and even slaughtered many

of the guards of a certain family, what a damn thing! It's just that why does this robber know the name of a certain family? Could it be that a certain family is already so famous in Hebei?

"It's good that you kill them all, and leave not one behind!"

After being confirmed, Zhao Yun completely let go of the scruples in his heart.

After all, in ancient times, it was impossible to pinpoint the whereabouts of a large convoy.

Although this Jing County is the most convenient place to go to Bingzhou, who knows if this Yuan Shang's envoy Xin Ping will suddenly change his mind?

You must know that this envoy group is only one hundred and ten people, and in this era, the number of wealthy merchants of some clans will not be less than his.

It doesn't matter if you kill the wrong person, but if you delay the time to pursue the real envoy because you killed the wrong person, then Zhao Yun will really cry to death.

Zhao Yun was relieved, and Xin Ping was completely panicked.

What is the situation? Knowing who my Xin Ping is, and knowing that we are the envoys to the Qin State, they are going so far as to kill us all?

This is definitely not an ordinary bandit!

You must know that even if these bandits from Taihang Mountain are rampant, they will never dare to offend the Qin State and the Qi State at the same time.

"You, who are you?"

was full of doubts in his heart, and Xin Ping instinctively asked Zhao Yun.

"So that you can be a ghost.

This general is General Fu Bo of Chu State

, Zhao Yun and Zhao Zilong!" !!

this time, Xin Ping was not panicked, but completely sluggish

! General Fu Bo Zhao Yun!

If you want to talk about Zhao Zilong, he has not heard of it.

But the name of General Fu Bo Zhao Yun, how could he not know

? But the question is, why did this Zhao Yun appear here?

His heart was full of puzzlement, but Zhao Yun did not give Xin Ping a chance to continue to ask questions.

The gentian gun was stabbed, and Xin Ping was picked by Zhao Yun to fall under the car.

"Ah!" a

woman's exclamation came from inside the carriage.

In terms of how smart she is, Zhen Mi is just a woman.

When he saw that Xin Ping, who had been unable to compete before, was pierced through the chest by a silver gun, he couldn't control his panicked heart no matter what.

Who are they? I seem to have heard about the great general of the Chu State just now? Oh my God

! Why did the people of the Chu State appear here? The killing shouts outside have stopped, are all those guards dead

? What are they going to do? Why did they intercept our convoy?

Yes! It must be the plan of the Chu State to sabotage Yuan Shang's plan and prevent him from forming an alliance with Lu Bu of the Qin State!

After some thought, Zhen Mi had already guessed the probable one.

But even so, as a weak woman who is powerless, she can't change anything.

Only now, the only thing Zhen Mi can do is to take off the hairpin and aim it at her neck.

If that group of Chu people planned to do bad things to themselves, this was the only resistance Zhen Mi could make.

As for why Zhen Mi wasn't like this when Xin Ping rushed to come before

, it was just because Xin Ping came in too suddenly, and Zhen Mi didn't have time to prepare at all.

After waiting for a long time, the curtain of the carriage was not lifted.

Just when Zhen Mi thought that the people outside the car had dispersed, a female voice came.

"Hey, you go quickly, my brother Yun said, he doesn't kill women, and you were just an innocent hard-working person.

With that, the crisp girl left with the sound of horses' hooves.

When Zhao Yun confirmed that this convoy was his goal, he naturally knew that the person in the car was the legendary Hebei No. 1 beauty Zhen Mi.

However, Zhao Yunzhi is not very interested in this rumor.

I have seen a lot of beauties, what kind of beauties are not among the wives and concubines of the overlord?

After some killing, after confirming that all the people in the envoy group were killed, Zhao Yun left with Xiahoulan and the others.

As for this Zhen Mi

, after all, he is just a victim, and for a woman, Zhao Yun can't do it, so he can only let her go.

Come to think of it, a woman, or a woman who has been betrayed by her husband, can't return to Yecheng anyway?

Fortunately, Zhao Yun did not look at the wrong person this time.

Others dare not say that at least Zhen Mi is definitely not the kind of person who is willing to degenerate.

After waiting for a long time, when Zhen Mi confirmed that Zhao Yun and the others had really left, he immediately left the carriage quickly and ran to Jing County, which was not far away.

Now, for Zhen Mi, it is impossible to return to the family.

After all, she is already married to Yuan Xi, and that is the person of the Yuan family.

If you return to your clan or seek help from your clan at this time, you will only be dragging your own clan into danger.

As for returning to Yecheng? Hehe, Zhen Mi won't go.

What are you going to do when you go back? Are you betraying them once? Are you being treated like cattle and horses like cattle and horses at a time

? In this regard, Zhen Mi would rather live in seclusion in this Jing County.

A few days later, the envoy Xin Ping, whom Yuan Shang was looking forward to, had not yet returned, but Xu You's side brought him good news.

"King, the baggage supplies have been collected, now we can launch a plan to lure the enemy in!" After

arduous and extraordinary struggle, Xu You, who had been guarding the front line, finally transferred all the money and food he could move.

Now, it's time to let that Gao Ran give me the black cauldron!

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