Jizhou, Gaotang left near.

"Canglong Ride, charge

!" "Kill!" A

baggage convoy that was transporting supplies to the Ningjin defense line was stunned by the sudden sound of killing.

Damn! Why did the cavalry of the Chu army appear here

? Didn't the news come from the ancient city just three days ago that they had attacked one of our baggage convoys?

Looking at the Canglong cavalry that suddenly appeared, the face of the guard of the baggage convoy was extremely pale.

Although his heart was full of puzzlement, he couldn't understand why the Canglong Rider appeared here, but helplessly, the question of the guard could only be buried in his heart forever.

"General Gao, this is the third Hebei baggage convoy in the past half a month.

Come to think of it, the Hebei Army's supplies in Ningjin must be in an emergency, right?"

Gao Ran thought the same in his heart about the questions under his command.

You know, not counting the large convoys of baggage.

Just this kind of small baggage convoy of about 1,000 people, Canglong has already found three strands in half a month.

So, how many of them have not been discovered?

Come to think of it, as long as efforts are made to block the transportation of the Hebei army's baggage, then the Hebei army on the Ningjin side will inevitably fall into a situation of shortage of materials and even food shortage.

And this is the purpose of Gao Ran's leading Canglong Rider to Jizhou this time.

As long as the supplies of the Ningjin defenders who can be forced are insufficient, then the chances of the Chu army breaking through the Ningjin defense line will be greatly increased.

"Quickly burn these grains and grass, and then tell the brothers that the search area will be expanded, and the Hebei Army's baggage transportation must be cut off!" "

It has been more than a month since he came to Jizhou, and Gao Ran can't remember how much of the Hebei Army's baggage he intercepted.

But Gao Yan made it clear that as long as the Hebei Army still had a baggage convoy to Ningjin transporting, then he could not stop.

Now, this is the only way for the Chu State to break through Yuan Shang's Ningjin defense line.

Otherwise, I am afraid that the confrontation will not be able to achieve a result for a year.

It's just that what Gao Ran didn't know was that just as the Chu army expanded the scope of the search, he was also targeted by the two forces.

Jizhou, Yecheng, the palace hall of the king of Qi.

"Congratulations to the king, congratulations to the king! Now the traces of the cavalry of the Chu army led by the traitor Gao Lan have been discovered.

As long as we lure them into two waves, we can completely locate their activity area!"

This Gao Ran is so weak that he only intercepted three baggage convoys before he was discovered!

For Gao Ran, Xu You was very angry, and he was very angry!

Waste things, how long have you been hiding for a while.

You must know that the materials stolen by you, Uncle Xu and I, cannot be concealed by relying only on three convoys.

In order to cover up his behavior, Xu You, who had no choice but to delay for him, could only delay it as much as possible.

At the very least, only after letting you grab the two waves of baggage convoy can you roughly cover up the materials that Uncle Xu Yu and I greed for, right?"

"Hahaha, Gao Lan, Gao Lan, what if you are as cunning as a fox? Haven't you been caught by the Lone King?

Xu Aiqing, very good, you did a very good job this time."

Tell the following, not to mention that the convoy was intercepted twice by him, even if he intercepted it five or ten times, he must also bring the head of Gao Lan to King Gu!" "

Yuan Shang, who lives in the temple, naturally does not know that his great Hebei no longer has so many materials to be squandered.

However, Xu Yu would not tell him this.

Just kidding, if Yuan Shang knew about this, would my Uncle Xu You have a chance to continue to be greedy for ink

in the future? There are no supplies? Isn't it a big deal to go to the people to collect them? For example, what kind of Zhen family, doesn't there have a lot of money and food?

Just when Yuan Shang excitedly ordered Xu You to continue to send bait, in a private house in Wei County, Zhao Yun also got Gao Yan's whereabouts.

"General, it can already be confirmed that General Gao Lan and his Canglong Cavalry are now active in the Gaotang area.

According to the news from the Yecheng brothers, it seems that Yuan Shang intends to continue to lure General Gao Ran several times in order to determine his precise location. Hearing

Xiahou Lan's report, Zhao Yun knew that at this time, it was the best time to meet with Gao Lan's department.

As long as Zhao Yun, who knew Yuan Shang's plan, returned to the Canglong Cavalry Formation, then Xu You's plan would become a joke completely.

Moreover, Zhao Yun could also take this opportunity to return to the Chu army camp in order to inform the news that the Xiliang army of Xiang Lu Bu had appeared in Bingzhou.

Xiahoulan, let your brothers work hard and tell them that they must find out when the next batch of baggage teams from Hebei will set off and what the route will be. "

If you want to meet Gao Ran, instead of looking for him, it is better to follow the baggage team in Hebei and wait for Gao Ran to find him.

Three days later, the Yecheng baggage team set off again.

"General, I have received accurate information, the route of this baggage convoy is from Yecheng, passing through Qiuqiu, Yangping, and Beiqiu, and then turning to Ningjin!"

After some inquiry, he finally brought Zhao Yun the news he needed most.

"Let's go

directly to Beiqiu!" After some thought, Zhao Yun decided to go directly to Beiqiu to wait for the arrival of the Hebei baggage convoy.

You must know that the most popular location in Gaolan, which is active in the Gaotang area, is the shell mound in Qinghe County.

In the future, it is too close to the direction of Yecheng, and the danger is a little greater.

And if he is allowed to walk through Qinghe County safely, it will not be far from Ningjin.

Zhao Yun believes that Gao Lan, a famous general in Hebei, will definitely not make such a mistake.

Shell mound is the best place to start with Gao Lan!

After a few days, Jizhou, shell mound left near.

"General Gao, the brothers must have been keeping an eye on this baggage convoy for three days, and there is no army hiding around it at all, should we do it?"

Out of caution, after discovering the Hebei baggage convoy, Gao Ran did not attack it immediately.

After all, so many convoys had been intercepted, Gao Ran didn't believe that Yuan Shang didn't have any countermeasures.

You must know that as long as there are less than 10,000 people, all of them are the targets of the Canglong Cavalry.

Then Yuan Shang can't always send

100,000 troops every time he transports, right? Just kidding, if it is really a transport team of 100,000 people, I am afraid that before they reach the place, the baggage they transported will have already been eaten up, so what else to do? Will the reinforcements starve together?

Now, this baggage convoy has been watched for three whole days without any abnormality, and Gao Ran finally decided to take action against it.

"Order, immediately reorganize, assemble, let's go eat this baggage convoy!" With

Gao Lan's order, the Canglong Cavalry warrior quickly dressed up and stepped onto his own war horse.

"Canglong Cavalry

, charge!" After a while, seeing the baggage convoy in front of him, Gao Ran gave the order to charge.

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