"Order! The whole army will attack!" Straddle

the white dragon, Xiang Ji raised the overlord halberd in his hand and launched a general attack order against the Ningjin Pass of the Hebei Army.



With Xiang Ji's order, the Chu army launched a full-scale attack on the Ningjin Pass in Hebei.

Abrupt cannons and muffled horns sounded at the same time.

Immediately, the sound of the earth-shattering war drums also came from the Chu army's position.

As the drums fell, a large number of Chu troops, led by their respective generals, launched a charge against the Ningjin Pass in Hebei.


!" "Hurry

!" "Chu State Wansheng!" Tai

Shi Ci, as the general of the Chinese army, risked the arrow stone and led his soldiers to charge on the front line of the position.

Because of Tai Shici's bravery, the Chu army's offensive against Ningjin was like a rainbow.

Under the impact of the Chu army like a tide, the Ningjin Pass was suddenly in chaos.

"General Jiao Touch, General Su You, it's not good! It's not good! The Chu army, the Chu army has carried out a general attack!" Located

inside the pass, the second general Jiao Touch, who was sleeping soundly, was suddenly awakened by the attack of the Chu army.


must know that the Chu army has been confronting the Hebei army in Ningjin for nearly two months.

During these two months, the Chu army carried out some tentative attacks at most.

But I never thought that today, this Chu army actually launched a general attack without warning?

"Damn! Order all departments to hold on, and not let the Chu army break through the pass!"

Hearing that the Chu army launched a general feat, the Ningjin guard general Jiao was suddenly shocked.

These Chu troops are really damned, can't you just wait for the last ten days and eight days?

You know, just yesterday, the envoy sent by Yuan Shang just informed him that if he was allowed to hold out for a maximum of half a month, the army of Lu Bu of Qin State would come and counterattack the Chu army with the Hebei army.

But now, Lao Tzu, I just celebrated yesterday, and you came to attack the city today?

Yes, Yuan Shang still doesn't know, the envoy he sent to Bingzhou has already become the nourishment of the earth.

In his calculations, this Lu Bu's army should almost send troops...

Although Jiao Touch was full of helplessness about the dispatch of troops from the Chu State, at the moment, he could only choose to resist the general attack of the Chu State first, and then he could consider anything else.

"Quick, Mulberry, Push

Mulberry!" "Hurry up! Why is there no Mulberry

?" "Oil, Oil, Oil, Hurry! The Chu Army has already erected a ladder, where is the Oil?"

"Arrows, there are no arrows! Quick! The southern section of the city wall needs arrows!"

But when Jiao Touch rushed to the city wall of the pass, the scene in front of him almost made him faint.

Yes, these materials for defending the city have already been exhausted in the pass! Previously,

they could always get domestic aid, but since Gao Ran led the Canglong Cavalry to break through and enter the central part of Jizhou last month, the life of the Ningjin Pass is really worse than one day.

Now, relying only on the grain and grass delivered by the large convoy organized by Yecheng, the Ningjin Pass can barely maintain the morale of the defenders.

As for the other supplies, sorry, it's out of stock for a long time.

"Kill! Can't let them come up! Quick, kill them!" Just

as he was anxiously struggling with supplies, a noisy noise suddenly came from not far away.

Looking up, Jiao Touch was shocked.

Damn, how long has it been

since the Chu army was allowed to climb to the top of the city? Yes, because the Ningjin Pass lacked materials to defend the city, it was impossible to effectively defend the Chu army that was hedging through the pass, so that the Chu army rushed to the city almost without hindrance.

"Quick!General Su You, you immediately lead people to kill the Chu army back!" As

the commander-in-chief, Jiao Touch certainly wouldn't go to the front line because of the loss of a section of the city wall.

Just kidding, don't you still have you Su You? I don't need you at this time, when will I use you


Hearing Jiao Touch's order, Su You was stunned.

Nima, do you think of Lao Tzu at this time?

You know, this Su You can be said to be the least courageous general in the Hebei Army.

Otherwise, he would not have fled back to Ningjin in embarrassment after only losing 10,000 soldiers.

Now, this Jiao Touch actually asked him to lead the troops to fight against the Chu Army? Wouldn't this cost him his old life?

But helplessly, looking at the serious Jiao Touch, Su You could only bury his grievances in his heart.

There is no joke on the battlefield.

People Jiao Touch is the main general, if he disobeys at this time, I am afraid that he will be dragged down by this goods directly ordered to be cut down.

"I am Donglai Tai Shi Ci!" When

Su You had just led his army to the city, a loud shout came from his front.

Hearing that it was Tai Shi Ci, Su You instinctively wanted to turn around.

But when he turned around, he found that his back was already crowded with armor waiting to enter the city.

Yes, although Ningjin claims to be an army of 400,000.

But after all, the city wall is so big, the number of people who can stand on it is limited, no matter how many troops you have, if you don't dare to go out of the city, you can only rely on the defenders at the head of the city to defend.

Previously, it was because Ningjin had sufficient materials, and Xiang Ji was afraid of losing too much.

But now, after two months of consumption, Ningjin's fortification materials have long been exhausted.

You must know that when two cowards are guards, when defending the city, it can really be described as a crazy use of materials regardless of consumption.

Even if it was just Xiang Ji sending hundreds of people to harass him, the guards at the head of Ningjin City were eager to shoot arrows into the air...

Now, Su You and Jiao Touch have finally tasted the bitter fruit.

"Quick, archer, shoot, shoot him to death!" In

a trance, Su You was shocked when he found that Tai Shici on the other side was a few steps closer to him.

What else is there to say about this, Lao Tzu alone is definitely not your opponent, but Lao Tzu and I have many brothers, and I will shoot you to death!

As for most of the people on this city wall

, they are all their own people? This is not what Su You considered, anyway, they are all some big-headed soldiers, die or die, as long as they can kill Tai Shi Ci, or even repel them, their deaths are worthwhile.

But Su You only considered his own comfort, but he ignored the hearts of the surrounding Hebei soldiers.

"Whoosh!whoosh!" A

rain of arrows fell, leaving the impermeable Tai Shi Ci unscathed, but the Hebei soldiers around him were completely damaged.

The screams kept coming, and countless Hebei soldiers did not die in the hands of Tai Shici and other Chu soldiers, but died under this round of arrow rain.

"Shoot! Keep shooting!" Seeing

that a round of arrow rain did not stop Tai Shici, Su You ordered again.

What he didn't expect was that as his order was issued, countless Hebei soldiers looked at him with blood-red eyes.

"Bold! General Ben asked you to shoot arrows! What are you doing watching General Ben?"

Su You, who didn't know that he had successfully caused public anger, was still putting on the majesty of a general.

What could respond to him was a sword soldier from the Hebei army who slashed at him.

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