"Rush, the warriors of the Chu Kingdom, rush with me!

Break the city, just now!" Seeing

Su You die at the hands of his own people, Tai Shici was surprised, but now he didn't have time to think about the reason for him.

Now, with the death of Su You, a large number of Hebei troops have given up resistance.

There are those who flee, and there are those who surrender on their knees.

Seeing this, what else is there to say, Tai Shici even quickened his pace and desperately rushed to kill the Hebei army in other cities.

As long as a few more cities are occupied, the large forces of the Chu army can wait for the Ningjin Pass one after another.

And when the Chu army can occupy more city heads, then the defense line of Ningjin can basically be declared lost.

You must know that the Hebei Army has been able to resist the Chu army of Xiang Ji for so long, relying on the defense of the pass.

If it was a field battle, the Hebei Army, which only relied on more than 80,000 regular soldiers, would not be the opponent of the Chu Army at all.

As for the other more than 300,000 defenders,

hehe, Xiang Ji has never looked at them in his eyes.

What can some peasants who have taken up arms do? I'm afraid that they are already timid before they go to the battlefield?

Of course, this is too clear to Shi Ci, Chu Jun is clear, and the anxiety as the general of Ningjin is even clearer.

"Hurry! Block! Can't let them rush over, no matter what, I have to block the Chu army for me!" Seeing

that the Chu army began to attack another city pass under the leadership of Tai Shici, the guards were anxious.

Damn Su You, waste, just a waste!

Although I didn't see how Su You died, but seeing that Tai Shici was still attacking, even if he was a fool, he could guess that Su You's goods must have died.

However, in the face of Tai Shi Ci, who resounded all over the world, Jiao Touch did not have any courage to go up to confront him, all he could do was to constantly order his soldiers to fill the vacancy that Tai Shi Ci had killed.

"Changshan Zhao Zilong is here, and those who stand in my way will die!" Just

as Jiao touched the command armor to block Tai Shici's impact, a loud shout suddenly sounded on another section of the city wall.

Raising his eyes, Jiao Touch's hands and feet were suddenly cold.

Another section of the city wall was lost? So fast?

Moreover, it was Zhao Yun who led the siege of the city!

As a general of Hebei, several generals of the Chu State naturally knew who it was.

Now, the soldiers of the Chu State led by Tai Shici have completely occupied a section of the city wall, and the other section of the city wall has also been lost with the impact of Zhao Yun.

Jiao Touch knew that this Ningjin Pass was really unable to hold it.

"Order the whole army, block, be sure to block the attack of the Chu army.

King Qi's reinforcements are already on their way, hold on, the reinforcements are coming!"

Immediately, Jiao Touch turned the horse's head and fled frantically to the rear.

Just kidding, this Ningjin is lost, is it certain, Uncle Jiao Touch, can I still live and die with Ning Jin?

Yes, after Jiao Touch gave the defenders an order to defend to the death, he ran away by himself...

In the chaos of the battlefield, it is really normal to disappear a person, even if that person is the main general.

But with the disappearance of Jiao Touch, the Hebei defenders of Ningjin became even more chaotic.

After all, each section of the city wall was facing the onslaught of the Chu army, and the Hebei army without command could only fight on its own.

"Kill! Open the city gate! Quickly! The work of breaking the city is my Xiahou Lan!"

After a round of rushing killing, Xia Houlan took the lead in leading the troops to kill under the city gate of Ningjin Pass.

The chaotic Hebei army was unable to resist at all, and was killed by the Chu army in a moment.

The gates were opened.

"Whole army, charge!" Seeing

the city gate open, Xiang Ji, who was outside the city, clamped his legs, and the white dragon under his crotch shot out.

"The Xiang Ji of the Chu State is here, and the one who stands in my way will die!" "

The white dragon horse is fast, and within a few steps, Xiang Ji has already entered the pass.

The overlord halberd in his hand flew over, and the Hebei army close to it was constantly swept away by Xiang Ji.


"Chu State Wan Sheng! Overlord Wan Sheng!" Immediately

behind him, a large number of Chu troops smashed into the pass along the open city gate.

The Hebei army has a number of empty air, but the combat power is really sorry, and the Chu army can only retreat in the face of the momentum like a rainbow.

With the entry of the last wave of Chu troops into the city, Ningjin was completely lost.

A large number of Hebei soldiers surrendered on their knees, and only a few took advantage of the chaos to flee into the mountains and forests.

"Overlord! Our army has won a great victory in this battle!

A total of more than 200,000 enemy troops have been captured and more than 100,000 have been killed, and Yuan Shang's Ningjin army has been completely wiped out!"

When Xiang Ji heard Pang Tong's post-war statistics, he was immediately surprised.

200,000 captured, 100,000 killed?

To say that 200,000 prisoners are still acceptable, after all, there are 400,000 defenders in Ningjin, and most of them are peasants, and it is not surprising that in the face of this kind of killing battlefield, surrender.

But killing those more than 100,000 is too exaggerated, isn't it? How long has the battle been going on? It's only one morning, how can it be possible to kill so many?

It turns out that this is what Xiang Ji doesn't know.

Because the Chu army was blocked by the Ningjin defenders for more than two months, it was that everyone's hearts were full of resentment.


the Hebei army is a regular army with combat effectiveness, then the Chu army will not be able to achieve such results under any circumstances.

But the problem is that most of the Hebei army were peasants who had just taken up arms.

Even if they resisted the Chu army in Ningjin for two months, they still lacked the training of the battle formation.

Relying on the city wall to throw away the sasswood may still be possible, but if it is a face-to-face fight, then there is really no power to resist.

Therefore, most of the Hebei army was slaughtered after the city gate was broken and a large number of Chu troops entered the city.

Yes, it's a massacre.

In the face of these Hebei troops who had no power to resist, the soldiers of the Chu army, who had been suppressed for two months, brandished the butcher knives in their hands and desperately killed all the enemy troops who were still standing in front of them.

After some inquiry, Xiang Ji understood the cause and effect here, and immediately sighed.

These will also be Lao Tzu and my people

in the future! Made, in the future, we must set military rules, and in the face of this kind of enemy army that has no power to resist, we must not slaughter them casually.

This Nima, in just one morning, killed more than 100,000 people.

How many 100,000 people can there be in the country today?

As a modern person, Xiang Ji naturally knows what it meant in ancient times.

"Strategist, immediately inform the generals of the various departments and let them convey it to the whole army.

If there is such a situation in the future, whether you are to vent your anger or for military merit, and then there is a massacre of people who are powerless to resist, no matter how big or small the official position is, you will be beheaded together!"

If you kill the enemy on the frontal battlefield, you will kill more than that, and that is called heroic.

But this slaughter of serfs who have no power to resist is completely cutting the flesh of Lao Tzu!

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