Just when the Chu army fell into rectification because of Xiang Ji's anger, Yuan Shang, who was far away in Yecheng, Jizhou, finally got the news that Lu Bu's army was out of Huguan.

"Okay! Great! Immediately inform the defenders along the way that they must respect the Qin army!" Obviously

, Yuan Shang still thought that Lu Bu's army had come to attack the Chu army at the appointment.

However, Yuan Shang's good mood didn't last long, and a piece of news from the Ningjin front made his good mood disappear.

"Report! Great King! The big thing is not good, the big thing is not good!

Ningjin, Ningjin has been lost! The 400,000-strong army was completely annihilated, and the defending general Su You was killed in battle, and he was anxious and nowhere to be found. "



lost? Guwang, my 400,000 army is all gone? I don't care about Su You and Jiao Touch Yuan Shang, but the problem is, that's a special 400,000 army

, this is good, if you say no, it's gone?

For this news, Yuan Shang didn't dare to believe it anyway, didn't want to believe it.

My family knows my own business.

Hebei's so-called million-strong army was already about to be defeated by him.

Previously, the 200,000 main army of Hebei led by Zhang He fought with the Chu army to annihilate the whole army.

Now, the last 100,000 main army and the 300,000 new army guarding Ningjin have also been lost, and the entire army has also been wiped out! This is a whole 600,000 army! What is even worse is that there are still 300,000

Hebei main army left to him by his father.

Now, it's gone, it's all gone.

In the current Yecheng, although Yuan Shang can still mobilize more than 200,000 soldiers, most of these armors are also new troops, and the real combatable soldiers are probably less than 30,000.

"Come on! Hurry up! Spread Xu You, Xu Aiqing, my eldest brother Yuan Tan, and second brother Yuan Xi to come quickly!"

was completely panicked, and Yuan Shang could only find a few people he trusted the most to discuss countermeasures.

After a while, several people summoned by Yuan Shang arrived one after another.

"King, I don't know what you are looking for?"

Although they are all brothers, after all, there is a difference between monarchs and ministers, and Yuan Tan and Yuan Xi can still maintain equality with Yuan Shang in terms of identity if they are self-reliant.

But now, both of them have defected to Yuan Shang as mourning dogs, so naturally they have to pay tribute to them.

In this regard, Yuan Shang is still deeply satisfied.

You say, you two, why is this so painful? If we didn't break up with the lonely king and me back then, then how powerful would our Hebei be, and how could we get to the point where we are now?

Of course, as the lord of Hebei, Yuan Shang would not say this, after all, this is not a glorious thing for himself.

"Xu Aiqing, two brothers, Gu Wang just received news from the front.

Ning Jin, lost! The 400,000 army of the Lone King was wiped out!"

When Yuan Shang's words landed, the three people present were immediately stunned by Yuan Shang's words.

How is it possible, okay, this is lost? The army of 400,000 is all gone? Is it all paper-paste?

Hearing this, Yuan Tan and Yuan Xi were completely panicked, and a strong sense of regret struck the two of them madly.

Of course, this sense of regret is not because the two of them regret their self-reliance, but because they regret why they defected to

this Yuan Shang? Looking at the current situation, I'm afraid this Yuan Shang won't be able to be the king of Qi for a few days, right? Looking at

the remorse on the faces of the two brothers, Yuan Shang sneered again and again.

Hmph, what should I do, if I have the strength, I don't recognize my younger brother, and I didn't think of me until I can't

do it, and now I see that the lonely king is in trouble, and I immediately start to regret it? Do you really think that the lonely king and I will be finished?

Previously, when Yuan Shang heard that his 400,000 army was completely annihilated, he was indeed panicked.

But immediately, he thought, I have foreign aid for the lonely king!

Now that Lu Bu's Xiliang Iron Cavalry of the Qin State has left Huguan, I am afraid that it will arrive in Jizhou soon.

As long as I get the support of Lu Bu of the Qin State, what kind of Chu State Xiang can still be arrogant with the Lonely King?

Hmph, I'm afraid that after seeing Xiliang Tieqi, he will turn around and flee directly!"

"King, I don't know, then Qin State Lu Bu has already agreed to my country's request?"

The panic of Yuan Xi and the others, Xu You, who was the mastermind of Hebei, observed his words and found that Yuan Shang was not too nervous on his face, and immediately knew that this must have been the news from the Qin State.

"Hahaha, Xu Aiqing, you are indeed the arm of the lonely king.

Yes, the King of Qin, Lu Bu, has already agreed to the invitation of the Lone King.

Now, his Xiliang army has come out of Huguan, and I am afraid that it will arrive in Jizhou.

King Gu has already ordered all the states and counties along the way to be sure to receive the army of the King of Qin!"

Seeing that Xu You had guessed it, Yuan Shang was very excited.

Sure enough, there are still people who understand me!"

"King, then Lu Bu has already agreed to form an alliance, and his army has already come out of the pot!?"

Hearing this good news, Yuan Tan and the others, who were still regretting it, suddenly came to their senses.

Ha, it seems that this Hebei can still be saved.


must know that although Yuan Tan and Yuan Xi are now dominated by Yuan Shang, they are also Yuan Shang's brothers after all.

In front of Yuan Shang, the two of them are still low-key, but on other occasions, they are also called uncles and second masters by others.

"That's right! Lu Bu, the king of Qin, has already been invited to lead his army here!

At this time, the eldest brother and second brother should take the first credit!" You

must know that the envoy to Lu Bu is Yuan Tan's subordinate Xin Ping.

For Lu Bu's offerings, it is Yuan Xi's wife

, Zhen Mi! Now that this Lu Bu has been out of the Huguan, it must be because he is very satisfied with Zhen Mi.

Yuan Shang is convinced of this.

But how did he know that Zhen Mi had already fled from Jing County, where he had been hiding, because of the invasion of Lu Bu's

army?" "Military advisor, King Gu intends to send an envoy to meet the army of Qin King Lu Bu, who do you think is suitable?"

This is the purpose of Yuan Shang to convene Xu You and the three of them.

Now that Na Lu Bu's army has set off, wouldn't it be rude if he didn't send someone to greet him? What's

more, Yuan Shang was not very relieved about Na Lu Bu.

What should I do if I find that my Hebei is empty and suddenly turn against the water?

Therefore, it is better to arrange a messenger to guide them, so that their Xiliang army can go directly to the battlefield.

"The king, you think that the second envoy is a heavy responsibility, and it must be the two sons!"

turned his head and glanced at Yuan Tan and Yuan Xi, and Xu You spoke.

Hmph, two wastes, still pretending to be an uncle in front of Lord Xu with you?

Obviously, Xu Yu is taking revenge on Er Yuan.

You must know that these two people have never scolded him with their identities in front of Xu You.


Big brother, I'm bothering you to go on a trip in this matter!"

As for Yuan Tan's reaction, who cares.

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