"General Gao, our army has won a great victory in this battle! A total of more than 4,000 enemies were killed and 1,000 were captured.

Our army lost more than a thousand soldiers killed and more than 2,000 wounded, of which 300 will say goodbye to the battlefield forever.

With the defeat of the Xixi Liang Iron Cavalry, Gao Ran also learned the final result of this encounter.

This is indeed a big victory.

You know, this is the same number, that is, the hedge of 20,000 cavalry.

The Chu army was able to kill nearly half of the Xiliang Iron Cavalry in this short period of time, and even captured more than 1,000 people, which can be described as a brilliant result.

As for the Chu army, more than 1,000 people were also killed? This is inevitable, after all, they are all the same troops and equipment, and they can achieve such results, and Gao Ran is no longer satisfied.

"Brothers, from now on, everyone will remember that we in the Chu State! Not only the cavalry of the Canglong Cavalry, but also us!

The Great Chu Iron Cavalry!" "The Great Chu

Iron Cavalry!" "The Great Chu Iron Cavalry!" As Gao Ran's words fell, the cavalry of the Chu army around him raised their weapons one after another and shouted loudly.

This is a battle in which the cavalry of the Chu State proved themselves.

In this battle, the cavalry of the State of Chu will announce to the people of the whole world that the State of Chu not only has the Canglong Cavalry, but also them.

"Overlord! Qi Qi Overlord! General Gao Lan's vanguard army encountered the Xiliang Iron Cavalry of the Qin State near the left of Guangzong.

General Gao Ran led the cavalry to attack it, and the battle was a great victory, annihilating more than 4,000 enemy troops, capturing more than 1,000 people, and 500 war horses!"

When Xiang Ji heard that the striker of Gao Lan's department had encountered Lu Bu's Xiliang Iron Cavalry here, he was also surprised.

What is the situation with this Nima?

This Lu Bu is fighting so fast? This has already been fought all the way from Huguan to

Guangzong? You must know that this Guangzong is already in the central part of Jizhou.

Could it be that this Lu Bu was like Lao Tzu along the way, and he didn't encounter resistance

at all? Isn't this Yuan Shang stupid? Why do you still want us two tigers to fight, and you are profiting from it?

But the question is, even if one of Lao Tzu and I loses with Lu Bu, you will be able to fight the spicy chicken

Yuan Shang? Xiang Ji deeply despises Yuan Shang's behavior of not guarding the country at all.

Everyone is fighting for every inch of land, and it is good to get to you Yuan Shang here, and it is completely convenient for you.

Yes, you have concentrated all your forces in Yecheng, but that makes sense? If you lose all the land of Jizhou and even Youzhou, your Yecheng will be defended?

I'm afraid that if I don't attack Lao Tzu, I can besiege you if I send troops to besiege you.

Different from Xiang Ji's consternation, the generals of the Chu army celebrated after hearing about Gao Lan's victory.

"Congratulations to the overlord! My Great Chu has another strong army!" Everyone

understood that the significance of Gao Ran's battle was not simply to repel the vanguard army of Lu Bu of the Qin State.

The real significance of this battle is that it will completely break the undefeated record of the Xiliang Iron Cavalry in the face of the same number of cavalry.

This will inject a strong confidence into the Chu army, so that it will no longer be afraid of the mighty Xiliang Iron Cavalry

!"Hahaha! Order the whole army, you can reorganize, let's go to Guangzong!"

Letting go of the doubts in his heart, Xiang Ji gave instructions to the army under his command.

Now that your Lu Bu's vanguard army has reached Guangzong, it is not far from thinking that you will come to the Chinese army.

For the rematch with Lu Bu, Xiang Ji is full of expectations.

You must know that since the Tiger Prison was closed, Xiang Ji has never met an opponent who can make him use his best!

Presumably, Lu Bu will also be like Lao Tzu, and he is also full of expectations about this, right?

At this moment, Lu Bu, who is worried about Xiang Ji, is in a thunderous rage.

"Waste! It's all waste! In the face of the same number of Chu cavalry, you actually rolled back so many people?"

Looking at Yan Xing, who was embarrassed next, Lu Bu really wanted to go up and give him a halberd to hack this thing to death.

One waste, not to mention the loss of soldiers, but also the morale of our Xiliang army.

"Order, the army will be reorganized immediately, and we

will go to Guangzong!" Hmph, presumably that book will definitely go to Guangzong, right?

Then, King Lone, I'll let you see who is the real number one general in the world! Obviously,

the shame of the defeat of the Tiger Prison has always been buried in Lu Bu's heart.

Now it's time for reckoning.

Seeing that Lu Bu only scolded himself without blaming him more, Yan Xing suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

It's just that how did he know that in Lu Bu's heart, he had already been completely blacklisted by him.

The first choice for the next cannon fodder must be Yan Xing.

The 100,000 Xiliang army moved, and its destination was the place where the two armies had fought before, Guangzong.

At the same time, more than 100,000 Chu troops also moved, and their destination was the same as that of the Xiliang army, which was also Guangzong.

The two armies traveled a torrent that stretched for miles and headed straight towards the source, Guangzong.

And at this moment, Yuan Shang, who was in Yecheng, finally got the news he was looking forward to.

However, the news was not as rosy as he had imagined.

"What!??Lu Bu's Xiliang army killed my eldest brother and all the members of the envoys under his command?How is it possible?Didn't my eldest brother identify themselves to them

?And what about the Xin Ping? Didn't he tell Lu Bu?"

When Yuan Shang heard that his eldest brother and all the soldiers under his command had been killed by Lu Bu, he was stunned.

What is the situation? Aren't we allies? Why do you want to kill my eldest brother and them? And what about Xin

Ping? You know, Yuan Tan is his lord, could he just watch his lord being killed by

Lu Bu and be indifferent? Obviously, at this time, Yuan Shang still thought that Lu Bu was his ally, and he came to his aid at the invitation of Xin Ping.

Although Yuan Shang's IQ is a little sorry, after all, there are still smart people in Hebei.

Through the behavior of Lu Bu's army, Xu You, who was beside Yuan Shang, had already guessed the approximate situation.

I'm afraid that Lu Bu didn't agree to form an alliance with the King of Qi at all! This is clearly to invade Jizhou! It's ridiculous that we even thought he was an ally, and gave him the green light all the way.

I'm afraid that the prefectures and counties that he occupied along the way don't know that they have changed their banners and become the territory and subjects of the Qin State?

This Lu Bu is so ruthless! What a trick to deceive us all.

Due to the lack of intelligence, Xu You only guessed Lu Bu's intentions, but he didn't know that Lu Bu had never seen your envoy of Qi at all...

But even so, Xu You couldn't control his whole body and trembled.

My Qi State does not have the strength to fight a battle now, and now the invaders have an additional Qin State, which is not weaker than the Chu State, I am afraid that my Hebei Great Qi is really going to die!

Looking at Xu You, who was constantly trembling, Yuan Shang was stunned.

"Aiqing, what's wrong with you?".

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