Yuan Shang panicked, Yuan Shang was at a loss, and Yuan Shang almost collapsed.

The reason for this is just that Xu Yu told him what he was thinking.

How could it be? That Lu Bu didn't even have the slightest intention of forming an alliance with the Lonely King and I? Was he just an intruder?

Although he didn't want to believe it, Yuan Shang also had to face this cruel reality.

Yes, if that Lu Bu really had the heart to form an alliance, how could it be that not a single envoy had ever sent an envoy to our Qi State?

Previously, Yuan Shang thought that it was Lu Bu, the king of Qin, who was arrogant, and disdained to send an envoy to pay attention to himself.

Looking at it now, this is completely because people regard themselves as fat sheep and are ready to slaughter themselves!

Just ask, who would send an envoy to their own food?

Moreover, it can be seen from the fact that Lu Bu did not hesitate to kill Yuan Tan's envoy group, and this is simply not leaving any room for maneuver.

"Military Division, Military Division, What should King Lone do now? Military Division, save me!" In

a panic, Yuan Shang didn't care about the majesty of the king, and looked at Xu Yu at the bottom, as if he had seen a life-saving straw.

For Yuan Shang, nothing matters now, as long as he can save his life and his throne, then everything else can be abandoned.

As for Yuan Tan's death, this is just a warning for Yuan Shang, who might go to Lu Bu for revenge for him?"

"Great King, according to my opinion, the only way for our country to do this is to stick to Yecheng and sit on the mountain to watch the tiger fight!"

Yes, in Xu You's view, the current situation is that the three countries are all stationed troops on this land of Hebei.

At present, although Qi is the host, its strength is the weakest of the three kingdoms.

That being the case, then simply Qi gave up all states and counties, and just held the national capital Yecheng.

Then, whether you are Lu Bu of the Qin State or the Xiang of the Chu State.

Don't you want to come and fight for my Jizhou? Don't you want to come and occupy my

Hebei? Very good, then come on, since both of you have the heart to annex Hebei, then you must have to divide the winner and lose, right?

According to Xu You, Lu Bu of Qin will definitely not reconcile with Chu and then carve up Jizhou.

For this, Xu You, who is good at perceiving people's hearts, is still very confident.

As long as these two countries go to war on the land of Hebei, there will inevitably be a loser on one side.

But even if the winning side is afraid that it will also lose its troops and lose a lot of money, right

? After all, if these two tigers fight, there will definitely be an injury!"

"Aiqing, Xu Aiqing, do you mean that we will give up all the land and hold on to Yecheng?

Will Lu Bu and Xiang Ji really fight?"

Yuan Shang was not a real fool after all, and when he heard Xu Yu's words, he immediately understood a general idea in his heart.

The problem was that Yuan Shangke didn't have the confidence that Xu Yu would be able to ensure that the two invaders would fight each other.

"The king can rest assured that the two of them will have a conflict in the land north of the river because of me, and even start a full-scale war.

The reason for this? Don't you forget, in the battle of Tiger Prison Pass back then, who pushed Na Lu Bu off the altar with one hand!" "

Yes, just this reason, Xu You can completely ensure that even if Xiang Ji doesn't want to pay attention to Lu Bu, I'm afraid that Lu Bu will be like a hungry wolf crazy to grab Chu Jun and grab Xiang Ji to bite."

The ancients valued the most fame, and Lu Bu's title as the world's first fierce general was taken away by Xiang Ji, and then Xiang Ji occupied the huge Xuzhou with this fame, thus single-handedly establishing today's eastern overlord, Chu State.

In this regard, if Lu Bu wants to say in his heart that there is no hatred, it is pure nonsense.

"Hahaha, okay! According to Aiqing's words, let's guard the national capital and let those two vicious dogs bite each other.

Hmph, as long as they decide the winner, the Lone King will personally lead a large army to drive out all these invaders!"

Knowing that he was safe and worry-free, Yuan Shang's lost soul was recovered again, and he even made bold statements.

Seeing Yuan Shang behaving like this, Xu You could only sneer secretly.

Hmph, just you? You personally led the army to the expedition? And drove out the invaders

? As for Yuan Shang, Xu You sincerely looked down on him, but who let the family be the king of Qi and the people occupy the name of carelessness

? If you don't rely on this Yuan Shang, I'm afraid you won't be able to accumulate the net worth of this rich and rival country, right?

You know, it was because of Yuan Shang's favor that Xu You was crazy about accumulating money in just a few years after Yuan Shao's death.

Now, Xu You, who is quite wealthy, no longer sees any future in Qi State.

Even if Fang Cai's plan for Yuan Shang was just a lasting, it was just a matter of lingering.

Even if these two vicious dogs were killed and wounded, so what

? Relying on the new army of Qi State, which has no combat effectiveness to speak of, can you drive him away

? Even if they are driven away, will they not come again?

When the next time, whether it is Chu or even Qin, I am afraid that it will attack Hebei again, the strength of the army will only be stronger than it is now.

At that time, what can you use to resist it?

At present, Xu You is just hoping to delay the war for a while longer, and let the Qi State delay for a while longer.

As for why

? Just kidding, I Xu You don't need time to find a

family? Whether it's Lu Bu of the Qin State, or the Xiang nationality of the Chu State, or even the two emperors surnamed Liu in the south, it always takes time for me Xu You to contact them, right?

You know, the treatment of taking the initiative to serve and choosing to serve after the country is broken and the family is captured and then chooses to serve is absolutely different.

What's more, Uncle Xu You, I have collected so much money, even if it is transferred, it will take time, isn't it?

If this Qi country is destroyed now, and Xu You and I lose the protection of this big tree, how can I safely transfer my property?

Now, the big tree of Qi is already in a stormy situation.

Xu You doesn't see the slightest hope that the rain will pass the sun, and even so, it is true that he still thinks about his future.

Leaving the main hall of the King of Qi's palace, Xu You, who had a plan in his heart, hurried back home.

After writing at the desk, Xu Yu summoned his cronies.

"You two are my confidants.

Now, the official has an important matter for you and the two to handle.

These two letters, you and the two sent them to the hands of Lu Bu, the king of Qin, and Xiang Ji, the king of Chu.

According to the speculation of the place where Yuan Tan was attacked before, this official thinks that the army of Lu Bu, the king of Qin, should be near Julu now, and I believe that it should not be difficult to find after you go.

As for where the army of the Chu State is... According to the distance, I am afraid that it has also reached the left of Qinghe County. "

In the end, he is still one of the best resourceful men in Hebei, and Xu You can accurately guess the location of the armies of Qin and Chu with only limited confidence.

However, his wisdom was used for self-preservation.

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