"Aiqing, what are you talking about?, are we sending troops at this time?"

Looking at Xu Yu with a serious face, Yuan Shang almost doubted that this thing had not woken up.

What are you doing? Previously, he also told King Gu to hold on to Yecheng and wait for the battle between Qin and Chu to pick up the bargain.

But now that it's only been a few days, I've changed my mind

? And is this army so good

? Who to fight? Fight Qin or Chu? Or do you want to fight both sides

together? Just kidding, even when Hebei is completely victorious, he doesn't dare to say that he will start a war with Qin and Chu at the same time, not to mention that the current Qi State is already so weak that everyone can bully it?

"Great King, yes, we should send troops!"

Since I, Xu You, have already decided to change the court, then I naturally want to bring some gifts for the new master, right?

And the best gift now is to make some trouble for the army of the Qin State.

As for the way to find trouble, it is naturally for Yuan Shang to provoke Lu Bu.

Xu You's thoughts Yuan Shang naturally didn't know, otherwise...

"Aiqing, didn't you say before that we were going to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight? Now the two countries are afraid that they have just fought and are only in the tentative stage, right? We will send troops at this time? Who will we fight? How to fight?"

Obviously, Yuan Shang is not a puppet at the mercy of Xu You, and his basic IQ is still online.


now, the two kingdoms of Qin and Chu are facing each other in the area of Guangzong, which is close to Julu.


our army sent troops to attack Nahu Pass at this time, Lu Bu of Qin would definitely not take precautions.

As long as our army succeeds in recapturing Huguan, then the state will be in my hands.

Then, our country hoarded heavy troops on Huguan, and Lu Bu, who was not good at attacking the city, would definitely not risk being attacked by the Chu State behind his back to retake Huguan.

Then, Lu Bu, who had no way out, had no choice but to fight hard with the Chu State. Since

he decided to fool Yuan Shang into sending troops, Xu You naturally had some words to deal with his questions.

Just kidding, Xu You and I are one of the best resourcefuls in the world, and it's not easy to fool you into a stinky child

? As for why Xu You did this? That's too simple.

Since he has decided to serve the Chu State, Xu You will naturally have to do his part for his new master in this battle for hegemony in Hebei, so that his power will be heavier in the future, right?

As long as the Hebei Army successfully cuts off the retreat route of Lu Bu's grain route, then the Qin State will not be far from defeat.

As Xu You said, Huguan is dangerous and easy to defend and difficult to attack, as long as it is successfully occupied by the Hebei army, then Lu Bu will definitely not be able to fight back in a short time.

When the time comes, under the pressure brought to him by the Chu army, Lu Bu is afraid that he can only choose to fight with the Chu army.

On the other hand, the Chu army, as long as the Chu king Xiang is not stupid, will inevitably choose to avoid the battle and then firmly drag the Qin army to death.

Yes, just drag to death.

You have no way to retreat, and the Qin State is far away on the land of Hebei without logistics, how long can you hold out?

As long as its grain and grass are exhausted, I am afraid that the so-called 100,000 Xiliang army will be self-defeating.

At that time, the Chu army, which has not lost its troops, will surely sweep across the entire land of Hebei with the attitude of sweeping away the leaves in the autumn wind, and then become the overlord of the north.

At that time, I, Xu You, will also become a meritorious hero of the Chu State and a celebrity in front of the King of Chu!

As for whether it will be difficult for the Chu army to conquer after the Hebei army occupies and annexes the state? Just kidding, I, Xu You, am also the prime minister of the Qi State now, and there is no such way? Just arrange for some cronies to guard the pass, and when the Chu army arrives, will it be possible to solve the Hebei army with one internal and external combination?

Even if all of the above are assumptions, in the end, the Hebei army is still unable to conquer Huguan, and Xu Yu is not panicking.

If you take the dangerous pass, if you can't take it in a short time, then how can Lu Bu not return to the army to attack you? If

so, won't it also create an opportunity for the Chu State?

"Hahaha! Okay! Aiqing is worthy of being the humerus of the lonely king! This plan is clever, this plan is clever! I am afraid that in this case, our country should be able to recapture and merge the state without any pressure!"

Sure enough, when Yuan Shang heard Xu You's plan, he was immediately excited.

This is really a man of God!

I'm afraid that my Hebei army occupies Huguan, so Lu Bu can only stare dryly, right?

Hmph, when the time comes, I will let the Hebei army recapture the entire territory of Bingzhou.

Then I will be able to take the initiative.

You must know that after occupying Huguan, Yuan Shangna can completely attack and retreat.

As long as it firmly guards the pass, then Lu Bu will definitely not be able to conquer it in a short time.

When the time comes, the desperate Lu Bu will inevitably have to fight desperately with the Chu State for survival space.

This is the real "mountain" to watch the tiger fight!

With this plan, I will really have time for new development.

As long as he drags on for a year and a half, when the training of Gu Wang and my new army is completed, all of them will be given to Gu Wang and me to die!

Obviously, Yuan Shang himself knows what he urgently needs at the moment.

That's right, it's time.

Although the money and grain in Hebei are not sufficient, after all, he is not less Huo Huo, but the money and grain in Yecheng can support his army of two or three hundred thousand without effort.

As long as there is enough time to retrain these two or three hundred thousand troops into combatable soldiers, then Yuan Shang is really not afraid of anyone.

After all, you Qin and Chu families have to fight hard first, right?

No matter who loses or wins, I'm afraid that you will also lose your troops, right?

And when you are done with your hard work, my army can also fight.

When the time comes, don't say that you want to drive away these two invaders, even if you directly counterattack their country, it's not hopeless!

"Come on! Spread the two generals Zhang Nan and Gao Gan, and I want to drive the royal expedition this time!" Yuan

Shang, who was excited, couldn't sit still anymore.

You must know that since he inherited the inheritance of his father Yuan Shao, it has been a day of grievance.

First, the two elder brothers broke away from the Qi State one after another to stand on their own, and then they were attacked by the Xiang Ji of the Chu State.

Under the repeated battles, Yuan Shang was completely beaten by Xiang Ji and lost his temper.

Originally, he planned to send a large army to defend Ningjin, and he would forget about being the lord of the city.

I never thought that Lu Bu would come to take advantage.

His second brother's annexation was lost, and then Ningjin collapsed on all fronts, and the 400,000 army was wiped out.

At this time, Yuan Shang was completely in despair.

Now, after Xu You's planning, Yuan Shang once again saw the dawn and saw the hope of subduing Hebei, how could he not be excited? It's

just that Yuan Shang didn't know the meaning of the sneer on the corner of Xu You's mouth.

Idiot, you go and be cannon fodder to attract firepower.

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