Jizhou, Guangzong.

"Xiang Ji! Do you dare to fight with the Lone King!?"

Yes, after the defeat of the fighting general, Lu Bu learned from the pain and decided to have a battle with Xiang Ji on the armor.

As for why he didn't go to Xiang Ji in person to fight it alone?

At present, the two countries are still in the tentative stage, and whether it is Lu Bu or Xiang Ji, they are all deterrent existences.

If the two of them go to fight head-to-head now, they will win well, but if they lose, then even if they don't have to fight this battle, their morale will fall to the bottom.

You must know that no matter whether it is Lu Bu or Xiang Ji, they are all invincible existences in their countries, but they are all gods in the minds of their soldiers.

If you see the defeat of the god clan in your mind, it will be too great a blow to these armors.

Therefore, without perfect certainty, Lu Bu will definitely not easily challenge Xiang Ji.

"Okay, if you want to fight, I'll fight!

Say, how to fight?" Xiang

Ji, who was standing at the head of the city, looked at the Xiliang army below and sneered.

Hmph, I originally said that I would directly attack you in a few days, but now I am worried about how to kill your morale, so I took the initiative to send it to the door?

Yes, Xiang Ji was still discussing with Pang Tong and others how to continue to wear down the morale of the Xiliang army.

never thought that Fang Liang was bright in the morning, and Lu Bu would be sent to the door.

The battle array is nothing more than a fight between tens of thousands of people in a family, with the existence of Canglong Cavalry and Xiang Jiajun, Xiang Ji is really not afraid of this Lu Bu.

"Okay! It is worthy of being the king of Chu

, and he is bold enough! Today, the two armies of you and me will fight in two formations, one is a cavalry fighting formation, and each side will send 3,000 cavalry, and it doesn't matter whether they are fighting each other for life or death! The other is an infantry fighting formation, with 5,000

infantry on each side, and the rules are exactly the same as those of the cavalry fighting array.

Seeing Xiang Ji's unhesitating response, Lu Bu was very excited.

Haha, Xiang Ji, now you have fallen into the trap of the lonely king.

You must know that the reason why Lu Bu knew that Chu had a dragon cavalry and took the initiative to find Xiang Ji to fight was because he also had an elite cavalry and infantry team under his command.

The words of the infantry are easy to guess, and there is no doubt that it is the trapping camp led by Gao Shun.

And its cavalry was Lu Bu's personal guard

cavalry, and the wolf cavalry of the state! Yes, the wolf cavalry of the state! This cavalry was not established after Lu Bu occupied the state.

This cavalry was an elite personal guard unit formed when Lu Bu followed Ding Yuan.

You must know that Lu Bu's hometown is in Jiuyuan in Bingzhou.

Later, the Dingyuan territory he followed was also in the state.

The cavalry unit established by Lu Bu can really be said to have gone through countless large and small battle formations, which were purely trained from blood and fire.

After that, Lu Bu voted for Dong Zhuo, and his personal guard wolf rider naturally followed all the way.

Later, he followed Lü Bu to conquer the north and fight until he established the Qin state.

Because this cavalry is too elite, the establishment has never been expanded, and it has always remained at the standard of 3,000 people.

Even Hao Meng, Hou Cheng and other generals stood out from this wolf ride.

This can know what the combat effectiveness of this wolf cavalry is.

If it is said that the Canglong cavalry of Xiang Ji is an elite cavalry team composed of 100 generals, then this wolf cavalry of Lu Bu is an elite army composed of 1,000 generals.

This is also the reason why Lu Bu asked for the same entry into the fighting array.

If it is a large-scale cavalry match, the smaller number of wolf cavalry may still suffer against the Cang Dragoon.

But if it's a battle with the same number, hum, Xiang Ji, this time I will get back all the things I lost before! Xiang Ji

, who was standing at the head of the city, heard the conditions proposed by Lu Bu, and naturally prepared to agree without thinking.

But at this moment, General Yan Xing stood up.

"Overlord! No, Overlord! I can't promise them!

This Lu Bu is setting a trap for you!" "

What should ??? play? Trap? Isn't it a fighting formation? If he dares to cheat and play tricks inside, he won't be afraid of the shame of the people of the world? Isn't he afraid that the morale of the soldiers under his command will plummet?

Hearing Yan Xing's words, Xiang Ji said that he was a little confused.

With the same number of soldiers and armor fighting arrays, where did the trap come from? Is there something wrong with this Yan Xing?

"Overlord! That Lu Bu has an elite

cavalry under his command, and the wolf riders of the state! It is Hou Cheng and the others, but they are all from his wolf cavalry!"

Seeing Xiang Ji's look of disbelief, Yan Xing was in a hurry.

You must know that whether it is the Southern Xiongnu or the Qiang people in the Western Regions, if anyone hears that the wolf cavalry is coming, they will immediately flee thousands of miles away.

All those who did not believe in evil and did not believe in the combat power of the wolf cavalry were all turned into a handful of loess.

Now that Yan Xing has voted for the Chu State, he naturally doesn't want the Chu State to be fooled and lose his troops here.

You know, in this day and age, it's understandable that you surrender once.

But if you find that the situation is not right and surrender to others after surrendering, then your reputation will be completely ruined, and basically no one will dare to hire you anymore.

"What are you talking about?wolf cavalry?The generals under Lu Bu's command are all from that wolf cavalry?"

Hearing Yan Xing's words, Xiang Ji was really shocked.

Unexpectedly, there is still such an elite existence under Lu Bu's command?

No wonder, no wonder.

Lao Tzu, I said, this person knows that Lao Tzu has a super combat power existence like the Canglong Cavalry, and he dares to take the initiative to challenge.

It turns out that the back hand is here.

Basically, at this point, Xiang Ji probably understood in his heart.

If the infantry is in the camp, Lu Bu is naturally very confident in fighting with Xiang Ji.

In this regard, Xiang Ji is not afraid of him at all, after all, after so many years of conquest, although the overall combat power is not particularly outstanding.

However, if only 5,000 people were drawn from it, it would still be possible to select an absolutely elite team.

As for the cavalry, Xiang Ji thought that Lu Bu was just afraid that Xiang Ji would not agree with the infantry battle formation and add to it.

Unexpectedly, the real trap falls here.

However, what about this

? You are not an elite wolf rider, am I afraid that you will not be able to ride the dragon horse

? If you don't fight a game, who knows who is more powerful in the end?

Xiang Ji is still very confident in the dragon rider under his command.

"Very good, Yan Xing, your loyal Lone King already knows.

Signaling to Yan Xing, who was eager, Xiang Ji turned to look at Lu Bu, who was waiting for his reply in the city.

"Lu Bu

, your conditions, I agreed to the lonely king! Say, fight the infantry first or fight the cavalry first?" "

Hmph, want to yin Lao Tzu? This time Lao

Tzu, I will let you lose your wife and fold the soldiers! I really think that you have a back hand? Cavalry vs. cavalry, Lao Tzu, I will let you know today, what is the number one horse in the world!

Yes, against the wolf cavalry, Xiang Ji is not panicked at all, and the dragon cavalry also has its own secret weapon!

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