
!", "Da Chu, Wan Sheng!", "Xiang Jiajun, Wan Sheng

!", "The

will to fall into battle, there is no life or death!"

The confrontation between Xiang Jiajun and the trapped camp officially began.

In the center of the battle array, it was like a meat grinder with full horsepower, and soldiers kept falling, and soldiers kept filling the gaps of their teammates.

The individual soldiers of the trapped camp have strong combat power, but the five thousand elite Xiang family troops also walked out of the sea of blood in the corpse mountain, whether it is personal combat power or combat awareness, it is not weaker than the armor of the trapped camp at all.

All the soldiers involved in the battle had only one thought left in their minds,

to knock down the enemy army! Yes, to knock down all the enemy troops who were still standing in front of them.

Whether it's with the weapons in your hands, or with your own fists and feet, or even with your own teeth.

Even if the Xiang family army has been slashed by the blade, as long as he has a breath left, he will not give up this idea in his heart.

As long as you can kill one more enemy soldier, then the hope of your allies surviving is even greater.

As long as you kill one more enemy soldier, then the chances of victory in this battle will be one more point.

Today, this is no longer a simple fight between two armies.

They carry the glory of their allies, the expectations of their allies, and all the glory of their own armies.

Yes, in this battle, the winner will become the first infantry in the world.

As for the loser, he will have nothing.

On the battle array, the shouts of the soldiers were constantly heard, the sound of the sword hitting "poof, poof" resounded throughout the battlefield, the yellow sand was all over the sky, the blood flowed like a river, and the corpses of the soldiers of the two armies on the battlefield were placed on the ground, but there was still no soldier who had the slightest timidity.

Although Xiang Jiajun's combat strength and fighting spirit were not weaker than the trapped camp, as the battle continued, it still gradually fell into disadvantage.

It's just because, on top of the small-scale cooperation, the Chu army is much weaker than the trapping camp.

You must know that at the beginning of the establishment of the trapping camp, there were only 700 people, and they fought small-scale battles, and the training of their armor also attached great importance to this.

On the other hand, although Xiang Jiajun has also been trained in this area, it is not enough compared to the trapped camp.

Tai Shi Ci, who was fighting in front of the battle array, saw that his side was gradually falling into a disadvantage, and he was immediately anxious.

You must know that in the battle of thousands of people, the life of every soldier is precious.

Every time you have one more, it means that there is one less enemy, and the difference between them will only get bigger and bigger.

Damn, you can't continue like this, a certain family must think of a way!

In a hurry, Tai Shici is not focusing on the battle in front of him, but raising his eyes to look around, hoping to find a turnaround.

And at this time, Gao Shun, who commanded the formation of the trapped camp, fell into the eyes of Tai Shici.

Capture the thief and capture the king first!

Finding Gao Shun, Tai Shici did not hesitate, clamped his legs, and the war horse under his crotch came out of the crowd, and rushed to kill Gao Shun's place.

As long as Gao Shun can be killed or repelled occasionally, then the trapped camp will be in chaos, and the disadvantage of the Xiang family army can be recovered.

As the so-called one general is the courage of the three armies.

Tai Shici is where Xiang Jiajun's courage lies.

Similarly, Gao Shun is also the soul of the trapped camp.

"Gao Shun! Death!" The

horse rushed forward, and in a few breaths, Tai Shici rushed to Gao Shun's front.

With a wave of the double whip in his hand, Tai Shici whipped it at Gao Shun, who was still commanding.


Tai Shi Ci's sudden appearance really surprised Gao Shun.

This guy did not command the armor of his own formation to meet the enemy, but instead came to fight with

a certain general? Yes, this thing must have found that the armor under his command had fallen into a disadvantage, and then planned to defeat a certain family to save the situation?

Hmph, but unfortunately, Tai Shi Ci, you underestimate a certain family too much!

Gao Shun is also a general, but because most of them are in command of the trapping camp, he rarely participates in the competition between generals, but this does not mean that his force is weaker.

Facing the oncoming Tai Shi Ci, Gao Shun was not afraid at all, with a swing of the spear in his hand, the last shot came first, relying on the advantage of the length of the weapon, and stabbed straight at the face of Tai Shi Ci.


Faced with Gao Shun's blow, Tai Shici could only withdraw the offensive and block it.

Immediately, Tai Shici, who blocked Gao Shun's blow, reflexively turned around, and the iron whip in his right hand was pumped at the back of Gao Shun's head.

Seeing Tai Shi Ci's iron whip coming, Gao Shun was taken aback.

An instinctive forward lunge dodged the fatal blow.


just these two rounds of fighting, Gao Shun thoroughly understood Tai Shici's power, and at the same time knew that his reputation was definitely brought back by the double whip in his hand.

But even so, I, Gao Shun, will not admit defeat easily.

Today, let you know that I am Gao Shun's great!

Fighting the horses, Gao Shun waved the spear in his hand, and the spear flowers were danced out by him, and he quickly stabbed at Tai Shici.

Seeing Gao Shun's blow, Tai Shici was also shocked.

I've never heard of Gao Shun actually having such a method? I'm afraid it's not much worse than that embroidery, right?


Although Tai Shi Ci was surprised by Gao Shun's strength, it didn't make him timid.

But the problem is that the current situation simply doesn't have time for Tai Shi Ci to fight this Gao Shun for dozens of rounds to decide the winner or loser.

If that's the case, I'm afraid that before the two of them can divide the winner, the Xiang family's army will be completely defeated by the trapped camp.

You must know that in just this round of charge, nearly half of the soldiers of the Xiang family army have fallen.

Although more than 2,000 people also fell in the trapped camp, the disadvantage of the Xiang family's army gradually widened in the trapped camp.

Made, fight!

A certain family had been defeated once in the hands of that embroidered hand before, how could it be defeated again now?

With a decision in his heart, Tai Shici did not dodge or dodge the spear that stabbed him onward, and let it pierce his chest.



Gaoshun was stunned.

You must know that he didn't plan to make a contribution to this blow at all, he just wanted to delay Tai Shici here, so that the sinking camp under his command could gradually expand its advantage.

never thought that this Tai Shi Ci would not dodge in the face of his own attack.


Tai Shici, who was stimulated by severe pain, opened his eyes wide, but the double whip in his hand did not stop, taking advantage of the distance to get closer, Gao Shun was surprised, and he strangled his head.


strong wind struck, and in the face of the close double whips, Gao Shun had no time to make a block.

reluctantly tilted his head to one side, and he was able to dodge Tai Shici's fatal blow.

I never thought that Tai Shi Ci was not surprised that Gao Shun could dodge his attack, and the double whip in his hand suddenly changed his move, and the momentum of the sweep instantly turned into a slash.


"General, General Gao!"

looked at Gao Shun, who was covered in blood and didn't know whether he was alive or dead, and fell into a panic.

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