"Gao Shun is dead, Xiang Jiajun, kill!" slashed Gao Shun

, Tai Shici waved his double whip, and shouted loudly in his mouth.

Although, the spear-pierced wound between his chest and abdomen was still bleeding.

Although, Tai Shici's eyes have begun to gradually become blurred.

Although, because of the killing of Gao Shun, the surrounding trapped camps are desperately besieging him.

But Tai Shi Ci was still holding on, still shouting loudly.

Just to be able to kill a few more enemy soldiers.

Just to be able to raise the morale and fighting spirit of the Xiang family army to the top.

The war horse under the crotch has been soaked with blood, and there is a red blood stain on the ground, I don't know if it is Tai Shici's own or the armor left by the trapped camp.

But even so, the big man with the double whip still stood on top of the war horse, standing in the center of the crowd.


!" "Da Chu, Wan Sheng!" "General Tai Shi Ci Wan Sheng!" "

As the

so-called one general is the courage of the three armies, the brave will be the strongest."

Under the leadership of Tai Shi Ci's brave fight, the remaining Xiang family army erupted with endless fighting spirit.

The wound is no longer painful, and the fatigue is long gone.

All Xiang Jiajun had only one thought in their hearts, kill, kill all the enemy troops in front of them

, and wave the weapons in their hands desperately, Xiang Jiajun did not carry out any defense, just to be able to slash the weapons into the enemy faster.

The Xiang family's army, whose weapons had been lost or broken from time to time, also did not show weakness, using their bodies, hands, and teeth, and using all the places they could attack to attack the trapped camp.

Even if they are seriously injured, as long as they have a breath left, the soldiers of the Xiang family army will drag the hostile trapped camp to their end, or help the friendly army kill them.

On the battlefield, Xiang Jiajun, who was constantly seriously injured, firmly hugged the armor of the trapped camp, and then watched with a smile as the friendly soldiers stabbed the blades in their hands into the chests of the two.

This made the soldiers of the Xiang family army even more crazy.

On the other hand, the trapped camp, because the coach Gao Shun did not know his life and death, in the face of the crazy attacking Xiang Jiajun, the trapped camp began to fall into passivity.

Morale is suppressed, and the will to fight is dissipating.

But even so, the trapped camp still maintained a complete queue, and still continued to launch counterattacks against the attack of the Xiang family's army.

The battle, once again in a stalemate.

Standing at the head of the city to watch the battle, Xiang Ji's heart was full of shock.

Unexpectedly, after the morale had been completely suppressed by the Xiang family's army, the trapped camp could still burst out with such a tenacious fighting spirit?

You must know that their main general, Gao Shun, is now unknown whether he is alive or dead.

But these trapped camp fighters seemed to be unaffected, and they could still fight back and forth with the Xiang family's army.

If it were an ordinary army, I am afraid that in the face of such a crazy Xiang family's army, when the main general was killed and morale was suppressed, it would have collapsed a long time ago, right?


, Lu Bu, who was watching the battle in the Xiliang army, was also shocked.

What is the strength of his trapped camp, Lu Bu naturally knows it.

It was unimaginable that this family army would be so tenacious, so fearless of life and death?

This was the first time that Lu Bu had seen an inextricable army that could fight with the trapped camp under the condition of equal numbers.

And what surprised Lu Bu even more was Tai Shici.


must know that Gao Shun's force Lu Bu is very clear.

If they fight normally, I am afraid that Zhang Xiu may not be his opponent, let alone Tai Shici, who was defeated by Zhang Xiu.

Even if it is because of Zhang Xiu's marksmanship that he restrained Tai Shi Ci, no matter how bad Gao Shun's force is, it is comparable to that Tai Shi Ci.

But what was the result?

In just three rounds, Gao Shun already knew whether he was alive or dead.

This is just because Tai Shici is really fighting for his life.

It is better to let Gao Shun's spear penetrate his chest and abdomen, than to hit the enemy with the weapon in his hand.

This is the real brave general.

Gao Shun was defeated by Tai Shici in three moves because of his carelessness, which also caused the originally dominant trap camp to gradually fall into disadvantage.

To say that Lu Bu is not in a hurry is false.

But in vain, the rules are set by themselves.

In front of hundreds of thousands of people in the two armies, even if Lu Bu was shameless, he would not be able to intervene in any way in the battle array.

Otherwise, I'm afraid that I, the King of Qin, will do it.

Your reputation is notorious, who still trusts you? Who dares to mess with you?

Therefore, although Lu Bu was worried about his beloved general Gao Shun and worried about the trapped camp in the battle array, he could only watch and watch the fate of the trapped camp gradually moving towards defeat.

"The soldiers of the Xiang family's army, follow me! Kill the enemy, just now! We

, let everyone know that in this world, there is a strong army, called: Xiang Jiajun!" In

the battle array, Tai Shici, who had been soaked in blood, used his double whip to knock away a trapped soldier armor, and then shouted loudly at the Xiang family army behind him.

As the so-called way of morale, one drum is vigorous, then declining, and three exhaustion.

Now, Xiang Jiajun's morale is at its peak.

If the camp is not trapped at this time to decide the winner, then after the trapped camp stabilizes the formation and exhausts the morale of the Xiang family's army, the outcome is still unknown.

The eyes are getting darker and darker, and the brain is getting heavier.

Tai Shici knew that he was afraid that he would not be able to hold on for long.

If you don't take this opportunity to lead Xiang Jiajun to determine the victory, after he passes out of a coma, I'm afraid that Tu Sheng will really change.


Kill!" "For the glory of the Xiang family's army!" "Kill, for the sake of General Tai Shi Ci!" Under the leadership of Tai Shi Ci

, the morale of the Xiang family army

, which had been slightly worn out by the trapped camp, rose again.

Boundless killing intent filled the battle array.

The fierce fighting continued, whether it was the Xiang family army or the trapped camp, the two armies had forgotten their life and death, and they were shedding the last drop of blood in their lives for their own glory.

Gradually, the shouts of killing in the battle array gradually weakened, and the armor that could stand in the center of the battlefield became less and less.

Finally, as the last soldier in the camp fell, a rare but loud cheer rang out on the battlefield.

Won, yes, Xiang Jiajun won.

Although it was only a pyrrhic victory.

Although after annihilating all the trapped camp soldiers, there were less than 100 soldiers of the Xiang family army present.

But Xiang Jiajun still won after all.

Looking at the cheering soldiers of the Xiang family's army, Tai Shi Cihu, who had already fallen to the ground with tears in his eyes.

These boys have lived up to the expectations of a certain family and the overlord!

With the victory of the Xiang family's army, the sound of cheers that shook the sky came from the head of Guangzong City.

Countless people hugged and celebrated with tears in their eyes, as if the Chu army had achieved a complete victory.

On the other hand, the Xiliang Army is quiet and silent.

Everyone couldn't believe what was happening in front of them.

That invincible trapped camp was defeated...

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