"Xiang Ji! You are worthy of being the king's greatest opponent.

This time, you won!

But the next time, you will never win.

At this time, the Lone King will lead his army to wait for you in the giant deer wilderness twenty miles away!"

Therefore, Lu Bu chose to find a family tomorrow to fight in the array.

As for why in the wilderness?

Joke, can the cavalry fight be the same as the

infantry, though 3,000 cavalry is less than 5,000 infantry.

However, counting the space for the war horse to gallop, the place that needs to be much larger.

"Okay! Lu Bu, the name is called Gu Wang Zi will lead the army to arrive on time!" Xiang

Ji was very excited after winning the first battle, and naturally he had no opinion on Lu Bu's proposal.

Hmph, I can abuse you once, and I can abuse you a second time.

After your cavalry is also defeated, I think you will fight with Lao Tzu and me?

When the time comes, when the morale of your army falls into a trough, Lao Tzu, I will not play these games with you anymore.

Yes, Xiang Ji's plan was to lead the army to launch a general attack on Lü Bu after the victory of the second formation.

"Whole army, retreat!" Seeing

Xiang Ji's answer, Lu Bu didn't say a word, waved his hand, and slowly withdrew Guangzong with the demoralized Xiliang army.

Damn it, Ming, you don't want to rely on the superiority of the generals to achieve victory.

Yes, through this battle, Lu Bu can be regarded as having understood.

In today's war, the defeat of the camp that can be trapped is completely a crime of non-war.

The root cause is that Tai Shi Ci.

If he hadn't risked his life to rush to kill Gao Shun, the trapped camp would not have been defeated.

The root of all this is just from the generals.

For the combat effectiveness of the wolf riders under his command, Lu Bu has full confidence.

However, for the combat effectiveness of the generals, Lu Bu did not have so much confidence.

You must know that the previous fighting generals, but the Xiliang army was defeated.

If it weren't for his own arrow, I am afraid that Zhang Xiu would be captured by Zhao Yun.

At present, the more prominent combat power under Lu Bu is only Ma Chao and Zhang Xiu.

But what about that subordinate to Zhao Yun, there is no need to say much.

In its formation, there is also a general who can defeat Zhang He.

Others can't see it, but Lu Bu can still see it.

Although Gao Lan's strength is a few points weaker than Zhang Xiu, it can be combined with Zhao Yun, which is definitely stronger than the combination of Ma Chao and Zhang Xiu.

What's more, today at the head of the city, Lu Bu also saw Yan Xing's damn traitor.

The force of that thing is not weak.

Therefore, Lu Bu was shocked and made a plan, and the battle formation must be stipulated that both sides are not allowed to send generals of the rank of general or above to fight.

If it only relies on the competition between the arms, Lu Bu is confident that the Canglong Cavalry of that nationality is definitely not the opponent of the Wolf Cavalry of the United States.

As long as this battle is won, then the lost morale will naturally be recovered.

Today's Lu Bu has been forced into a duke by the gradually unfavorable battle situation, and he is always looking forward to the next game to be turned over.

It's just that he didn't know that for the battle of Ming Yue, Xiang Ji had already prepared a big gift for him.

Guangzong, Xiang Ji, who was standing at the head of the city, saw that Lu Bu's army gradually left after recovering the corpses of the fallen soldiers in the camp, and immediately ran down the city wall quickly.

You must know that the biggest hero of this battle, Tai Shici, is also on the verge of life and death now.

This is the second time Tai Shi Ci has experienced such an injury.

In this regard, Xiang Ji can only be silently remembered in his heart.

"Someone! Send an order, immediately send the best military doctor, no matter what the method, no matter what the cost!

I must give Tai Shi Ci to the lonely king and I will save him!" When

he came to the city, Xiang Ji saw that Tai Shi Ci was already unconscious, and he was immediately in a hurry.

You must know that the place where Tai Shici was injured before had been bleeding all the time.

In the absence of medical means in ancient times, there were not many ways to deal with this excessive blood loss, and more of them only relied on personal physique to resist it.

If it is an ordinary soldier or even a general, Xiang Ji can only do his best to obey the destiny of heaven, expecting him to resist the past.

But for Tai Shici, Xiang Ji absolutely couldn't just watch him leave him.

You must know that Tai Shi Ci can be the first general to follow him.

He is also the first general who has no complaints and works hard to guard the rear.

After several years of fighting, if there was no Tai Shi Ci to guard the rear for him, then Xuzhou would not know how many times it had been lost, how could Xiang Ji talk about the establishment of today's Great Chu hegemony?

Looking at Tai Shici, who was pale and unconscious, the past was presented in Xiang Ji's heart one by one.

The first encounter in the Beihai blacksmith shop, and then the follow-up all the way, the helplessness of being willing to be his own sparring partner, and so on too much, too much...

"Overlord! General Tai Shici has lost too much blood, and the military doctor has tried his best, but..."

But when I really heard this, I was still in a trance at Xiang Ji.

Could it be that Lao Tzu and I are really going to lose this general, this brother, here?

Although I am anxious, looking at the military doctor who has done my best, Xiang Ji also knows that in terms of the medical level of this era, I am afraid that I have really tried my best.

Damn! Why didn't I learn these simple medical methods back then?

In his previous life, he was a standard street gangster, and pain was inevitable.

But there is no way, all kinds of medical facilities in modern society are complete, and this thing really hasn't learned any rescue and survival skills at all.

"Overlord... Villain, maybe there is a way..."

!! suddenly

a voice came, and Xiang Ji immediately looked in the direction of the voice.

I saw a young man in a Taoist robe standing in the crowd with a timid face, and the words came from his mouth.

"Who are you? Do you have a way? Can you take it seriously?"

For Xiang Ji, it doesn't matter if this person is a Taoist priest or a monk, as long as he can really save Tai Shici.

It's just that this guy is too young, right? He is in his early twenties, which makes Xiang Ji not have much confidence in him.

"Overlord, the villain is a Taoist priest with the army, Wu Yue.

The tutor is none other than Master Yu Ji. "

Yu Ji? This guy is Yu Ji's apprentice?

Hearing Wu Yue's self-report, Xiang Ji suddenly saw hope.

You must know that Tai Shi Ci's injury last time was even more serious than now, and it was saved by the old Taoist priest Yu Jina!

As for the fact that he said that he was a Taoist priest with the army, there was no doubt about it.

After all, in this era, most soldiers believe in ghosts and gods, and it is normal to take Taoist priests to accompany the army or something.

"Okay! As long as you can save Tai Shici's life, no matter what the conditions, I will promise you the Lone King!"

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