"Help! No, don't come here! I'm from the Zhen family!" The

river was turbulent, and in the depths of the dense forest, a girl full of horror suddenly came out.

This also attracted the attention of Xiang Ji, who was preparing to return to the Giant Deer Battlefield.

What are you doing? In this very dense forest, why did a woman's cry for help come from

? Wait!

What did the woman say just now? The Zhen family?

If it was anything else, such as a folk woman or something, Xiang Ji would just be curious.

After all, now that we are leading an army to fight, how can we have the kung fu or the leisure to pay attention to these things?

This kind of thing is not uncommon in ancient and modern times, both in China and abroad.

Xiang Ji thinks that he is not a righteous hero, let alone a hero who acts bravely.

If there is nothing to do, then maybe Xiang Ji can go and take a look out of curiosity, and then look at the woman's appearance to make a decision.

Yes, Xiang Ji is such a vulgar man.

But just as Xiang Ji was about to turn around and leave, he suddenly realized that this woman was shouting the

Zhen family! You must know that this Zhen family is already a minister under his command.

Xiang Ji's tens of thousands of war horses and millions of stone grains were all supported by others.

No matter what the purpose is, after all, the Zhen family is also bold, and Xiang Ji is also very satisfied with this.

Now that the Zhen family has been killed, it is necessary to take care of it.

Striking the horse forward, the shield searched for the source of the sound, and Xiang Ji soon came to the left of the person who asked for help.

"Please, let me go! I'm from

the Zhen family in Hebei!" Facing the strong man in front of him, the only thing Zhen Mi can protect himself is the identity of the Zhen family.

Although, at this time, I am afraid that the Zhen family may not recognize her.

Yes, the person who asked for help was Zhen Mi.

Previously, it was used as a bargaining chip for Lu Bu, but Zhen Mi was sad about his ill-fated fate, but he was unfortunately rescued by Zhao Yun.

After being rescued by Zhao Yun, Zhen Mi lived in seclusion in Jing County.

Originally, after being betrayed by her own man, Zhen Mi, who couldn't return to the family, just wanted to spend the rest of her life quietly.

However, he was born beautiful, and although he was careful to cover up, he was inevitably harassed by some prodigal sons.

This also made Zhen Mi completely understand.

In this troubled world, a woman who is powerless, especially a woman with a beautiful face and a moon appearance, cannot survive independently at all.

Finding an opportunity, Zhen Mi escaped from Jing County, which also happened to avoid the time when Lu Bu's army came out of Huguan.

Zhen Mi, who hid all the way and didn't dare to appear in any state or county at all, really suffered a lot.

This also made him regret it.

Why didn't that Zhang Gongzi in Jing County just obey him when he wanted me? At the very least, in this troubled world, a woman really needs someone to rely on.

It's just that because of Yuan Xi's matter, it seems that Zhen Mi doesn't have any confidence in ordinary men.

After all, the feeling of being betrayed, betrayed, and being given away as a commodity is really uncomfortable.

Now, the homeless Zhen Mi happened to come to this dense forest.

I wanted to come to the river to get some water to drink, but I never expected that here, I would encounter the defeated soldiers of Xiliang.

Yes, it is the defeated army of Xiliang.

Of course, it is not ordinary armor, after all, ordinary armor did not escape at the beginning, so it is too late to run so far in time.

"Quack, what Zhen family Wang, I haven't heard of your Uncle Cheng Yin! Little beauty, don't resist, hurry up and make your Uncle Cheng comfortable, and then Uncle Cheng has to hurry!"

You must know that Cheng Yin was originally a general of Han Sui.

After Han Sui was destroyed by Lu Bu, he surrendered Lu Bu along with Yan Xing and others.

When the Chu army launched a general offensive, this goods, like Ma Chao and others, slipped away directly when they saw that the situation was not good.

Unfortunately, Cheng Yin, who came to the dense forest, also wanted to get some water to quench his thirst, but found Zhen Mi by the river.

was frightened on the battlefield, and then fled frantically all the way, Cheng Yin's anger was nowhere to vent, and now seeing this stunning beauty alone in this dense forest, what else is there to say, just let Uncle

Cheng Yin vent it! Facing Cheng Yin, who was like a beast, Zhen Mi was desperate and wanted to die.

Although, although she does want to find someone to rely on, she wants to find a man who can protect herself.

But it was definitely not the beast in front of you.

Cheng Yin, as a general from the Xiliang Qiang tribe, is naturally a fierce dress of a barbarian.

This is indeed too much for Zhen Mi.

Moreover, Zhen Mi, who was very smart, also heard from Cheng Yin's self-talk that this product was obviously running for his life.

In this case, it is even more unlikely that you will delay too long for yourself.

You must know that what Zhen Mi wants is a long-term reliance, not the kind of overnight joy to vent.

What's more, looking at the rude appearance of this savage-like Cheng Yin, who knows if he will be a pervert.

It's okay if it's just satisfying the flesh desire, after all, Zhen Mi, who was once married, is not a child, and she can endure it in order to survive.

But on the other hand, what if this thing is violent to himself, what if he abuses him, and even kills himself directly after venting?

These are not impossible.

Therefore, in the face of Cheng Yin, Zhen Mi could only keep resisting and begging for mercy, hoping that Cheng Yin would let himself go because of the tight time to escape.

Obviously, Zhen Mi ignored the attraction of her beauty to Cheng Yin.

If it was before she didn't drink water, then Zhen Mi, who was dressed as a village girl, might still be able to fool her.

But now, because she covets the freshness of the river, Zhen Mi washes her pretty face covered with mud.

This also makes Cheng Yin, who sees the hunting heart, definitely not give up this piece of beautiful meat to his mouth.

"Quack, beauty, obedient, it's over soon.

Seeing that because he didn't know what the Zhen family was, Cheng Yin was even more excited when he saw that the beautiful meat in front of him gave up resistance.

Such a beauty is rare to see in Xiliang.

If it weren't for Lao Tzu's rush to flee for his life, he really wanted to take it away and enjoy it later.

It's a pity, it's a pity.

Seeing the beastly Cheng Yin begin to drag off his armor, Zhen Mi knew that it would be difficult for him to escape today.

Now, the only thing I want is to save my life.

Just as Zhen Mi closed her eyes in despair and prepared to withstand the storm, a loud shout suddenly came.

"You big man, bullying a little girl, why are you so embarrassed?

If you have the ability, I'll come to the lonely king!"

Yes, at this time, Xiang Ji appeared.

Although I haven't seen Zhen Mi's face yet, it is the Zhen family after all.

Since he encountered it, Xiang Ji naturally wanted to save it.

What's more, this product is still dressed up by Xiliang Army.

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