"What kind of person!?dare to come to the good things of Lao Tzu? and the lonely king? Lonely uncle! If you are the king, Lao Tzu and I will be the Jade Emperor... King Chu!?"

was suddenly interrupted when he was excited, and Cheng Yin was furious.

After scolding and turning around, Cheng Yin was stunned.

The person in front of him was wearing silver armor, holding an overlord halberd, and a white horse with a snort.

How else could this be the King of

Chu Xiangji? No matter what Ren Chengyin thought, he would never have imagined that it would be the King of Chu Xiangji who would come to destroy his good deeds.

Shouldn't he be on the Julu Battlefield? How could he appear here?

Yes! It must have been the King of Chu who was chasing and killing Lu Bu, the King of Qin, and chased him all the way to this place.

In an instant, Cheng Yin figured out why Xiang Ji appeared here.

But with this kind of result, Cheng Yin couldn't be happy anyway.

"Do you know the Lone King?"

Seeing that this Xiliang military general knew himself, Xiang Ji smiled playfully.

This thing, Lao Tzu, why haven't I seen it in Lu Bu's military array? Looking at this dress, it looks like a special foreign general, right?

Xiang Ji doesn't know Cheng Yin, but Cheng Yin knows Xiang Ji!

This is especially the King of Chu!

You know, Cheng Yin escaped after Lu Bu's defeat, and the whole process of Lu Bu's defeat was seen by Cheng Yin.

In the face of the king of Chu, Cheng Yin couldn't resist at all.

"King Chu! The villain Cheng Yin is the general of the Xiliang Army. "

Yo! This official position is not low, is it?

Hearing Cheng Yin's self-report, Xiang Ji was really surprised.

Unexpectedly, if you run away from Na Lu Bu, you can catch a small fish.

Yes, although Cheng Yin's official position as a tiger general is okay, but in the eyes of Xiang Ji, who is the king of Chu, he is a small fish.

"Your Qin King Lu Bu has fled, and I am worried and have nowhere to vent my depression.

Say, how do you want to die?"

In the face of such miscellaneous fish, Xiang Ji simply reported an indifferent attitude.

It doesn't matter if the item is registered, Cheng Yin is very important.

How can I die? Just kidding, if I wasn't afraid of death, would I be able to escape so quickly?

Although his heart was full of opinions on Xiang Ji's words, Cheng Yin would never dare to show half of it.

"King Chu! King Chu spares his life! The villain is just a miscellaneous fish, how can he defile your treasure halberd!" Cheng

Yin kept kowtowing and begging for mercy, Xiang Ji didn't feel anything yet, but Zhen Mi on his side was stunned.

Unexpectedly, this person who suddenly appeared to save his life turned out to be Xiang Ji, the king of Chu!

You must know that Zhen Mi is not a woman who does not know the world.

Zhen Mi was the young lady of the Zhen family before, and then married Yuan Xi as his wife.

Regarding the Xiang nationality of the King of Chu, Zhen Mi has long heard many people mention it in his ears.

It's just that Zhen Mi didn't expect that when he was desperate, the hero who stepped forward to save himself turned out to be the world-famous King of Chu.

After some thought, the very smart Zhen Mi had already guessed the approximate.

Lü Bu's attack on the state was her own experience, and then Yuan Shang gave Lü Bu as a commodity to pray for an alliance.

This is also what Zhen Mi has personally experienced.

Then things are very simple.

Obviously, even without himself, Lu Bu was still invited to Jizhou and started a big battle with this Chu king Xiangji.

The outcome of the big battle is also obvious.

Through the words of the King of Chu, Zhen Mi was already able to judge that it must be Lu Bu who was defeated and fled, and the King of Chu pursued all the way, so he happened to save himself here.

In this regard, Zhen Mi had to sigh at the wonder of fate.

He ended up in such a situation, to put it bluntly, because of the attack on Hebei by King Xiang of Chu.

But now the person who saved himself is also the king of Chu.

However, Zhen Mi didn't have any resentment towards Xiang Ji, after all, according to Yuan Xi's temperament, even if he didn't have Xiang Ji, I was afraid that he couldn't tell when he would give it to others as a commodity.

To put it bluntly, in this troubled world, a man with enough strength to protect women is still needed, so that Zhen Mi can be relied on for life.

For example, the king of Chu in front of him.

Yes, after knowing the identity of Xiang Ji, Zhen Mi's mind became active.

After all the pain before, Zhen Mi will no longer be naïve to think that she can live in this troubled world by herself.

And a woman, if she wants to find a safe support, then I am afraid that there are few people in this world who can be better than this Chu Wang Xiangji.

Therefore, Zhen Mi does not intend to let go of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity in front of her.

As long as he can become the woman of this Chu king, then he will no longer have to live this kind of precarious and frightened words.

As for Zhen Mi's thoughts, Xiang Ji naturally didn't know.

Right now, the only thing Xiang Ji is interested in is how to vent his anger with Cheng Yin, who is constantly begging for mercy.

Yes, just to vent your anger.

You must know that Xiang Ji chased Lu Bu for nearly a hundred miles, but he still let him run.

This is really aggrieved for Xiang Ji, if he doesn't vent it, I'm afraid he will be suffocated to internal injuries.

Coincidentally, I met this Xiliang general Cheng Yin, so there was nothing to say.

"Don't go out there.

Lonely King, I give you two choices.

The first is to fight with the Lone King, as long as you can block the Lone King's blow, then the Lone King will spare your life.

As for the second, you choose a way to die by yourself, and I can satisfy you. "

Domineering, incomparably domineering.

has been the king of Chu for many years, and he has been influenced by Xiang Yu's personality, and Xiang Ji is still very domineering subconsciously.

It's just that he probably doesn't show it when he treats his own people.

But for this Cheng Yin, there is nothing to be polite about.


hearing Xiang Ji's words, Cheng Yin also knew that begging for mercy was definitely useless.


Cheng Yin knew that he was definitely not Xiang's opponent, if he only blocked one blow, it shouldn't be a problem!

Seeing the hope of life, Cheng Yin had all his courage, brandished the big knife in his hand, and rushed towards Xiang Ji.

Since it's a blow, then if I make the first move, as long as you block it, will it be considered a move?

But he didn't pay attention to the mockery in Xiang Ji's eyes.


This was the last sentence Cheng Yin heard in his life.

For a military general of Cheng Yin's level, Xiang Ji naturally swept it away with a wave of the overlord halberd.

Coincidentally, when Xiang Ji killed Cheng Yin, a ray of sunlight shone in from the gap in the dense forest.

Looking at Xiang Ji who was bathed in the sun like a god, Zhen Mi was intoxicated.

This is the man I need to provide me with protection and stability!

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