"Little girl Zhen Mi, thank you for the rescue of Overlord Chu!" Cheng

Yin was stunned by a halberd, and the anger that Xiang Ji had accumulated in his chest was dissipated.

Have you ever thought that this woman who was rescued by yourself turned out

to be Zhen Mi? Lao Tzu, I heard me right? Zhen Mi!?

Just kidding, as a person who travels through the country, although he can't make glass and can't make guns, he must be familiar with this basic historical figure.

Zhen Mi! This is the Empress of Wei

! This is what made Boss Cao almost turn against his son, and this is Zhen Mi who made Cao Zhi come to Luo Shenfu!

If you want to talk about the most famous women in the Three Kingdoms era, then this Zhen Mi is definitely among the best.

But as far as Xiang Ji knows, shouldn't this woman be Yuan Xi's wife? Why did she run away to this wilderness in a good manner? She still looked like a refugee?

You know, Xiang Ji originally planned to study and study what happened to this Zhen Mi after killing the Yuan brothers.

If it was really as rumored that the country was overwhelmed, that book didn't mind picking up his broken shoes.

After all, in this era when women get married at twelve or thirteen, it is really not so easy to find a perfect match.

I can see this book, and I have to cultivate it from an early age in modern times, not to mention the Three Kingdoms era, which didn't pay attention to women's chastity.

You must know that real women began to pay attention to the issue of chastity, and that was after the Song Dynasty.

In this regard, Xiang Ji doesn't have to worry about it, Nima still has seven or eight hundred years, and Lao Tzu and I are not in the world of cultivating immortals.

came to interest, Xiang Ji gave up his plan to turn over and get on the horse.

Previously, he planned to save people and leave.

Although this is a woman, and she is also a woman from the Zhen family, but this unkempt face is like a refugee, Xiang Ji doesn't plan to come hungry and eat.

never thought that the person who was so embarrassed would be that Zhen Mi.

However, it is still necessary to confirm whether the name is the same.

"You don't have to worry about it.

Are you a woman from the Zhen family, why are you here? Why?"

After all, it is indeed difficult to ask a woman why she is so embarrassed.

"Back to the overlord, the folk girl is indeed a member of the Zhen family.

The people's daughter's real name is Zhen Mi, and she is the wife of Yuan Xi, the pastor of Bingzhou, but..."


Is it really Zhen Mi? Hearing Zhen Mi's answer, Xiang Ji has confirmed it in his heart.

This didn't run, it's definitely Zhen Mi.

But what the hell is this "just..."? There is still a secret in it?

I don't plan to return in a hurry when I am interested.

After all, even a fool on the battlefield can see that the Chu army will win, and it will definitely be a big victory.

You must know that the morale of the Xiliang army has fallen to the freezing point.

Their king, Lu Bu, was also beaten away by himself.

This is even worse for the Xiliang Army.

Now that I am looking at this Cheng Yin, I am even more confident in my heart.

Just kidding, the king ran away, and the generals ran away, and this is a fart.

Even if you go back to the left and right, at most, you will clean up the mess, and it will not be a moment and a half.

With confidence in his heart, Xiang Ji focused on the woman in front of him.

After all, Zhen Mi's fame is too great, and she is not weaker than Cai Wenji's daughters at all, which makes Xiang Ji full of interest in her.

Of course, it's just pure curiosity, and the "sex" is so interesting that it won't be produced, after all, this shape is really...

Even if Xiang Ji goes out on the expedition, no matter how depressed he is, he will not be hungry and choose to eat, right?

When Zhen Mi saw that Xiang Ji, the king of Chu, was attracted by his words, he was immediately overjoyed.

It seems that the first step has been successful, and it has successfully aroused the interest of this King of Chu.

Yes, Fang Cai Zhen Mi said that on purpose, and his purpose was naturally to make Xiang Ji curious.

Otherwise, if the people pat the horse and leave directly, where will Zhen Mi go to see this King of Chu again?

As for jumping up directly and throwing herself into her arms?

Just kidding, she won't dare to borrow Zhen Mi's guts.

Who is this? This is the Xiang of the King of Chu.

People sit on half of the country, and there are no beauties in the harem?

Although Zhen Mi is very confident in her appearance, she doesn't have the courage to pounce directly.

Moreover, even if you pounce on it and succeed, I am afraid that the queen will be a lowly woman with no status in the hearts of the king of Chu.

This is not what Zhen Mi wants.

At this time, Zhen Mi couldn't help but rejoice.

Fortunately, I washed my face when I drank water before, otherwise this first impression would be completely wasted.

With his head raised lightly and his mouth slightly opened, Zhen Mi presented his best side in front of Xiang Ji.

Needless to say, there is no need to talk about clothing or something, but at least the appearance must be seen by this Chu King Xiangji.

As long as King Xiang Ji of Chu can be a little moved and amazed, then Zhen Mi will have confidence in the next plan.

Of course, Zhen Mi's careful thinking about Xiang Ji was not clear, but the moment he looked up, Xiang Ji was indeed amazed.

This is worthy of the existence that made several people in the old Cao family jealous in history, and it is really stunning!

When Zhen Mi saw the surprise that flashed in Xiang Ji's eyes, his heart was suddenly overjoyed.

It seems that his appearance can still enter the eyes of the king of Chu.

Then it's easy to do next.

Therefore, pretending to be miserable, Zhen Mi described everything he had experienced to Xiang Ji in detail.

And this also allowed Xiang Ji to completely understand all the troop deployment when Lu Bu attacked the state, as well as the little calculation between the Yuan brothers.

Unexpectedly, why does this Lu Bute still have 100,000 troops in Bingzhou?

It seems that this must be the Ding Feng that Zhao Yun said is defending the party, causing Lu Bu to divide his troops to besiege him, so he only brought 100,000 soldiers out of Huguan and attacked Jizhou.

But this is cheaper.

If all of Lu Bu's 200,000 troops arrived, then I am afraid that this battle would not be so easy to win.

You must know that it is because the strength of the Chu army is superior to that of the Xiliang army that Lu Bu does not dare to directly fight a decisive battle, but constantly wants to demolish the morale of the Chu army.

Of course, the result of demoralizing was not so easy for Lu Bu to accept.

This defeat of the Xiliang Army illustrates everything very well.

As for Yuan Shang, Xiang Ji knew that this product was planning to form an alliance with Lu Bu, after all, those rangers in Jizhou were not given for nothing.

It's just that what Xiang Ji couldn't predict was that the price paid for this product turned out to be Zhen Mi

! This Nima, this is your second brother's daughter-in-law! Why can you also do

it? And the most unacceptable thing for Xiang Ji is that this Nima Yuan Xi agreed

? Why do you let your own daughter-in-law be a bargaining chip for peace? You are still not a man? This is even more shameful than marrying a girl and a relative!

Now, the item is also known.

This Zhen Mi is really homeless, so it's no wonder that she is embarrassed like this.

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