"The Lone King is going to return to Julu, I don't know where you want to go in the future?"

This Zhen Mi is indeed a poor person.

The good end suffered from this unjustified disaster, and became a homeless unlucky egg.

Now, Xiang Ji does have plans to accept this Zhen Mi.

After all, this is a historical celebrity, and it is a great beauty who has captivated the country and the city, so wouldn't it be a pity to miss it?

But today's Xiang Ji is no longer the gangster who just crossed over back then.

No matter how bad it is, it won't pounce on a beautiful woman when you see it.

Migrate qi and nourish the body.

After being the king of Chu for so many years, Xiang Ji still has this calmness.

Therefore, Xiang Ji also planned to ask about Zhen Mi's plans.

If you are willing to go with yourself, then naturally you don't say that a new member is about to be added to the palace of King Chu.

But what if people want to live this kind of free life? What if Yuan Xi is hurt and doesn't dare to trust a man?

That kind of nationality is not going to be strong.

After all, there are enough beauties around the next item, and this one is not bad.

"If it weren't for the overlord's rescue this time, the people's daughter would have been poisoned by that Cheng Yin.

If the overlord does not give up, the people are willing to follow the overlord as a slave and a maidservant, in order to repay the overlord's rescue. This

is Zhen Mi's cleverness.

Zhen Mi is too clear about her current situation.

Although Zhen Mi thinks that her appearance is not inferior to anyone, he is the king of Chu after all, and he has seen too many beauties, so he will not pounce on him like the beast Cheng Yin when he sees him.

Didn't you see it, people were just curious about themselves and didn't do anything else?

This also made Zhen Mi dare not directly propose to Xiang Ji that he wanted to be his woman and let Xiang Ji become his dependence.

After all, if it becomes good, but if it makes King Xiang Ji of Chu feel frivolous and profligate, then his previous efforts will be wasted.

Now that he can meet Xiang Ji, it is already God's mercy on him, and Zhen Mi will never let go of this only opportunity.

Now, as long as you can follow this King of Chu, you will naturally have the opportunity to get along slowly.

As for the queen, Zhen Mi still has absolute confidence in her appearance.

Just looking at the look of surprise on the face of Xiang Ji, the king of Chu, after seeing him, Zhen Mi knew that he was still very attractive to him.

"Hahaha, okay, then you can follow me for the time being!" Hearing

Zhen Mi's answer, after seeing Zhen Mi's spring face and silky eyes, Xiang Ji would really be a fool if he didn't know what she thought in her heart.

This girl obviously wants to hook up with Lao Tzu and then take the big ship of Lao Tzu.

It's really sleepy when I met the pillow.

You must know that Xiang Ji is also full of "sexual" interest in Zhen Mi.

Although she is now dressed as a folk girl, and her body is tightly wrapped up and down, her delicate figure can still be seen at a glance.

"People's Girl Xie Bawang!"

was agreed, and Zhen Mi was very excited.

As long as you can firmly hold this huge thick thigh, which is one of the best in the world, then you will never have to be afraid of this kind of fear in the future.

Set off again, there was one more person on Bailong's horseback, and it was Zhen Mi who was undoubtedly it.

Only by holding this woman in his arms can Xiang Ji really feel the flesh feeling coming from her.

This is undoubtedly the biggest stimulation for men.

Nima, don't twist it in particular, Lao Tzu, I'm not a barren willow Hui!

Yes, since sitting in Xiang Ji's arms, this Zhen Mi is writhing as if there is nothing.

Of course, this is also what Zhen Mi did on purpose.

She clearly felt that the King of Chu was very interested in her.

This gave Zhen Mi the greatest encouragement.

For the future, Zhen Mi didn't have the luxury of getting a high status, after all, his background was here.

But at the very least, you have to become the woman of the King of Chu, right? At the very least

, you also want to make him satisfied with himself, so that he can be included in the harem

, right? Only in this way can safety be guaranteed, right?"

Overlord ~ You let the white dragon slow down, it is bumpy like this, and the slave and maid are very uncomfortable. And the saddle of the white dragon, look at it, is it not placed somewhere? Why does the slave always feel a little awkward!

When he got on the horse, Zhen Mi's deliberately torn clothes made the fragrant shoulders slightly leak, and Xiang Ji already had a normal biological reaction.

After all, this kind of plausible temptation is more lethal than the simple and crude one in many cases.

After that, the girls kept writhing and rubbing themselves, which made the desire in Xiang Ji's heart even more vigorous.

Now, after hearing this girl's snort-like murmuring, as well as the provocative and teasing rhetoric, if Xiang Ji can endure it, he will not be a man.

You must know that since he went to Qingzhou, Xiang Ji has never touched any woman, which is really a long-term savings.

"The Lone King warns you, don't play with fire!"

the only remaining reason told Xiang Ji, who was on horseback at the moment, returning to the Giant Deer Battlefield.

But it's okay not to say this, but when you say it, it gives the woman in her arms more courage.

This overlord has obviously been tempted by himself, and he has already reacted.

Although this progress is a bit faster than Zhen Mi expected, Zhen Mi does not plan to let go of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

You must know that you are saying that you are a slave and a maid to repay the king of Chu.

If this really becomes a slave, it will be even more difficult to get this kind of opportunity.

At this time, he was still fighting! How could the king of Chu have so much spare time to let himself come into contact?

And if he returned to Pengcheng, he was still a slave and maid, and he would have no chance.

Therefore, Zhen Mi decided to finish his work.

At this moment, I, Zhen Mi, am going to become the woman of your Chu

Overlord!"Overlord~What kind of fire are you playing?Are you hot, Overlord?, will the slave help you take off your armor?"

As she spoke, Zhen Mi's pair of jade hands began to wander around Xiang Ji.

! This is not XXOO you, Lao Tzu, I am not a man!

Looking at Zhen Mi with spring in his eyes, he felt the pair of jade hands walking around him, and Xiang Ji couldn't hold it.

Without half a word of nonsense, he directly pressed Zhen Mi on the horse's back, and Xiang Ji decisively withdrew his lower body armor.

With a force on his hand, the wrapping pants of the woman in his arms were directly torn apart.

Xiang Ji went straight to the point...

Nima, there is a car earthquake in modern times, Lao Tzu, I am going to try an ancient horse earthquake today!

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