Jizhou, Yecheng.

After two days of amendment, Xiang Ji left 30,000 troops and all the Hebei troops to stay in Julu to guard the Xiliang prisoners.

Then, Xiang Ji, who personally led an army of 50,000, came to the left side of Yecheng.

Yes, the current strength of the Chu State in Jizhou, if you don't count the surrender of troops from all sides, there are only 80,000 left.

For hundreds of thousands of descending troops, it may be that the number of these soldiers of the Chu State can no longer achieve an overwhelming advantage.

But I am not worried about this status.

Although there are a large number of surrendered troops, most of them are Ningjin Hebei surrendered troops, whether it is combat effectiveness or willpower, these surrendered troops are almost no different from ordinary civilians.

If it weren't for the tens of thousands of newly descended Xiliang troops, I'm afraid that Xiang Ji wouldn't even want to leave 30,000 people.

Those Hebei Xiang are really obedient, let them go east, that is definitely not to the west.

Now, Xiang Ji, who has a deep affection for the Hebei army, has come to Jizhou's governance office, under Yecheng.

Looking at the majestic Yecheng, Xiang Ji couldn't help but sigh, it is worthy of being the place where Cao Cao built the Tongque Terrace in history, and in terms of its scale alone, I am afraid that it has surpassed Pengcheng.

However, this majestic northern town is about to be inserted into the great power of our Chu State!

Xiang Ji has full confidence in this.

"Summons, inform the Yecheng guards, immediately open the surrender, otherwise when the city is broken, there will be no armor left!" Yes,

the Xiang Ji who came to Yecheng has been confirmed from the double news of the spy and the ranger.

Although Xiang Ji didn't know why Yuan Shang got his courage and self-confidence, this was the best news for him.

No wonder, no wonder that Lu Bu was so eager when he was in the giant deer, and even fought hard with Lao Tzu and me.

It's been a mess for a long time because his retreat is unstable, and this thing is panicked.

You must know that if it is a normal competition, even if Lu Bu is not as good as Xiang Ji, I am afraid that there will be absolutely no problem if he has a hundred rounds.

But because Lu Bu's state of mind has been affected, he is even more eager to win the item, so he has been using his weakness to deal with the strength of the enemy's item.

It is because of this that Lu Bu was defeated so quickly and so ugly.

After thoroughly figuring out the cause and effect, Xiang Ji will naturally not be polite.

Then Lu Bu ran away, anyway, if he ran again, he would just run back to Chang'an, and Lao Tzu would be able to meet him for a while sooner or later.

But in this Yecheng in front of him, Xiang Ji does not plan to let go.

Although Yuan Shang's kid has helped Lao Tzu a lot, this doesn't mean that Lao Tzu and I are your ally, right?

Just kidding, Hebei has been at war with Chu for many years, and now that he has the opportunity to finish his work, if Xiang Ji gives up the attack because of some bullshit morality, he will be a pure fool.

With the order of the king of Chu, the envoy of the Chu army entered Yecheng.

As for security, the messenger said he had never been worried.

The army of the king of Chu besieged the city, although the strength of this Yecheng was equal to that of the Chu army, but this combat effectiveness? Hehe, he dared to move a certain family's cold hair? Don't die? "It's

over, it's over, it's all over!" King Qi led a large army to attack the pot pass, and there are only 50,000 defenders in our city, how can we resist the iron hooves of the Chu army?"

Yuan Xi, who was the defender of Yecheng, panicked.

Yes, the guard is Yuan Xi, how to say it, he is also Yuan Shang's own brother, and it is better to hand over this Yuan Xi than outsiders to reassure Yuan Shang.

It's just that this Yuan Xi's cowardice even surpasses that of Yuan Shang.

Faced with a considerable number of Chu troops besieging the city, Yuan Xi had lost his square inch completely.

"Second son, the Chu army outside the city is only the same number as my army, and my Ye city wall is high and deep, as long as I guard the gate wall, the Chu army will definitely not be able to easily break the city!"

The once heyday Hebei Strategist Regiment has basically disappeared, and only Xu You and Feng Ji are also taken away by Yuan Shang.

Now, the person who accompanies Yuan Xi to assist him in defending the city is none other than Cheng Yu, the former strategist under Boss Cao.

Yes, that's right, it's Cheng Yu, who is eight feet tall.

In the more than a year of confrontation between Boss Cao and Yuan Shaoguandu, before receiving the assistance of the Chu army, Boss Cao had gradually fallen into disadvantage.

The generals withered, the troops were exhausted, and the follow-up was weak.

As a resourceful man, how could Cheng Yu not see that Boss Cao's demise was imminent?

For the sake of his family's life, this product decisively abandoned Boss Cao, and then he has been working under Yuan Shao's account.

However, because Hebei was full of talents at that time, there was not much more Cheng Yu than him, and there was a lot less Cheng Yu, so Yuan Shao didn't care too much about it, and even directly threw it to Yecheng in the rear after it was put into service to be responsible for coordinating logistics.

Now, with the collapse of the Hebei Strategist Group, Cheng Yu has been given another chance.

It's just that Cheng Yu really doesn't want this kind of opportunity.

Who would have thought that? The state of Chu, which had always had friction with Boss Cao, would actually send troops to aid Cao Cao? The two families even got married?

And after the state of Chu sent troops, the army of Hebei was defeated in succession, and even the head of Yuan Shao, the king of Qi, was used to achieve the prestige of Lu Meng.

This really made Cheng Yu unexpected.

It's a pity that there is everything in this world, but there is no regret medicine.

made a betrayal of the master, Cheng Yu's reputation has been damaged, and now he can't switch to his family again no matter what.

Of course, even if Cheng Yu still has this thought, I'm afraid no one will accept him.

This is sad for Cheng Yu.

Being in Hebei, he is not yet reused, and Yuan Shang, the king of Qi, listens to Xu Yu no matter what, and Cheng Yu doesn't even have room to interject.

Now, in the face of the siege of Xiang Ji's army, the most resolute resistance in his heart is none other than this Cheng Yu.

Just kidding, I betrayed Boss Cao.

Now, your Chu overlord Xiang Ji has become Boss Cao's son-in-law, and Boss Cao has even given his own territory to Chu as a girl's dowry, and this relationship is afraid that it should not be intimate.

Cheng Yu knew that if Yecheng was conquered and he was caught by Xiang Ji, the end would be extremely miserable.

Anyway, it's all death, and Cheng Yu will never be tied down.

Persistence, there is still hope.

You must know that after many battles in this Chu State, I am afraid that the physical strength and combat power of the armor will be lost.

As long as you can hold Yecheng tightly, and wait for Yuan Shang's army to come back to help, it is not impossible to eat the 50,000 Chu army.

It is a pity that Cheng Yu underestimated the fighting spirit and combat power of the Chu army, and also overestimated the resistance of the Hebei army.

Although Yuan Xi was successfully persuaded by him, he had ordered martial law to prepare for the Chu army to attack the city.

But looking at those Yecheng defenders who were pale and trembling all around, they really couldn't see the slightest hope of being able to defend against the attack of the Chu army.

"Order! The whole army will attack!" Knowing

that Yecheng would not surrender, Xiang Ji did not hesitate to launch an order to siege the city.

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