
bang, bang, woo~~~~

The abrupt cannon and the low horn sounded in the Chu army's position at the same time as the order for the general attack of Xiang Ji was issued.

Knock, knock, knock!

Immediately, the vast war drums let out a shocking roar.

As the sound of war drums fell, a large number of Chu troops under the leadership of the generals of various departments launched a charge against Yecheng.

Although the height of the Yecheng city wall has even reached the height of Chang'an and Luoyang, which is almost six or seven zhang high, it can be called the dangerous pass of the world's heroic city, but the Chu army still did not hesitate.

You must know that after defeating the Xiliang army head-on, the morale of the Chu army has already climbed to the peak.

Nowadays, in the world, there is no city that the Chu army does not dare to attack, nor is there any pass that the Chu army does not dare to cross.

How could this stop the Chu army's pace of charging?

"Kill! Break through Yecheng and destroy Yuan!" "

The soldiers of the Chu State! Break through Yecheng and dominate the north, just now

!" "Chong! Great Chu Wansheng! Overlord Wansheng!" In

the face of the morale of the Chu army, the Hebei army guarding the Yecheng city wall pass did not feel the slightest sense of security.


200,000 main army of Hebei led by General Zhang He was defeated, or even the entire army was destroyed! Then the 400,000

army of Ningjin was also defeated, and the whole army was also annihilated!

In the face of the Chu army, not to mention the same number, it was several times that of the other side, and the Hebei army could not raise the slightest fighting spirit.

"Don't be afraid! Our city walls are high, these Southern Barbarians can't come

up!" "Shoot the arrows

!" "Roll the wood, Quick, hit them with the rolling wood!" "

Fire oil, fire oil ready, if the South Barbarians dare to go up the ladder, they will burn them fiercely!"

Fortunately, although the Hebei soldiers are cowardly, after all, there are still some veteran generals who are constantly commanding.

With the command of the Hebei Army General Zuo, the Hebei Army on the city wall gradually restored some order.

"Archer, aim, release arrows!" After

seeing the Chu army rushing to the range of the bow and arrow, the general defending the city hurriedly ordered the Hebei army to release arrows.

"Whoosh!whoosh!" The

sparse rain of arrows fell, and the Chu army that was charging towards it floated over.

Yes, just float past.

Lacking training and even more cowardly, how could the Hebei army shoot powerful arrows?

"Hahaha! Brothers, rush! These ladies of the Hebei army have already softened!"

The sudden rain of arrows struck, and Xiahou Lan, who was charging ahead, was startled.

You know, because he was at the front, but there were several arrows that shot straight at him.

Originally, they were ready to be injured, but they never thought that after this rain of arrows hit their bodies, let alone pierce the armor, they didn't even leave a trace.

What else is there to say about this, knowing that the Hebei Army is simply a group of sissies who can't hold weapons, Xiahoulan's morale is greatly boosted.


must know that because of the record of leading the Canglong Cavalry, Xiahou Lan has been promoted to the rank of general of the five officials, which makes Xiahou Lan rush in even more completely.

You must know that the generals with five senses are already middle-level generals.

As Zhao Yun's deputy general, being able to rise to this level can already be regarded as the great grace of the King of Chu, so what reason does Xiahoulan have not to fight bravely to be the first? Unlike Xiahoulan's

excitement, Gao Ran and Zhang He, who also led the troops to charge forward, sighed in their hearts.

How powerful was Hebei in the past? Dominating the north and proud of the world.

But now, just a few years have passed, and even the armor guarding the royal capital is so powerful, which is really regrettable.

Since the glory of Hebei is no longer there, let a certain family bury you completely!

"The whole army, I will rush with this general!"

Letting go of the thoughts in his heart, he swung his spear from the newly strengthened Gao Ran's hand and took the lead in climbing a set up ladder.

"Quick! Put fire oil, don't let these southern barbarians rush up!" The

city wall of six or seven zhang high, but it is more than ten meters high, but in front of the siege ladder specially prepared by the Chu army, it is still not enough.

In a few arrow steps, Gao Ran had already rushed several meters.

Seeing that the Chu army began to storm the city, the Hebei defenders were even more panicked.

Following the order of the guards, the fire oil for defending the city was transported to this section of the city head of Gaolan Chong Castle.

But just as the defenders were about to pour fire oil on the ladder, a loud shout was heard.

"I'm Gao Ran! Brothers at the head of the city, don't be stubborn, you can't hold it!" Yes

, when I found that the Hebei army was going to pour fire oil, Gao Ran said that it was not panicked, it was false.

Just kidding, this Nima is the kind of township city wall that is several meters high.

As for why I fell down? Just

kidding, the hot oil was poured on your head and face, and you tried to resist it?

In ancient times, most siege cities responded to this kind of fire oil by jumping off the ladder to avoid it when it was dumped.

But now, at a height of more than ten meters, Gao Ran really didn't have the courage to jump down.

If he becomes the first general to jump off the ladder and fall to his death, it will really become a joke, and I am afraid that I will laugh for 10,000 years.

"General Gao Lan!?" "Ah! It's really General Gao Lan!"

"Oh my God! It turned out to be General Gao Ran who came to attack

the city!?"

Gao Ran's reputation is still very useful in the Hebei army, after all, it is also the former Siting Pillar, isn't it?

Knowing that General Gao Ran was on the cloud ladder in person, the Hebei army defending the city hesitated.

In the face of such a strong Chu army, the Hebei army did not have half of self-confidence in its heart.

Previously, it was because the generals in the army kept emphasizing that everyone would be slaughtered by the Chu army after the city was broken, which made the Hebei army muster up the courage to fight.

But now, looking at General Gao Ran on the ladder, the Hebei army was confused.

Didn't you say that the Chu army was going to kill all of us Hebei people

? Didn't you say that General Gao Lan, General Zhang He, and other generals had already sacrificed their lives for the country? Didn't

you say that all the 400,000 troops in Ningjin were buried alive by this demonic item?

Why did General Gao Ran appear here?

Yes, because of the hostile concern with the Chu State, because of the fear that the recruits would not dare to fight against the Chu army, among the high-ranking members of the Hebei Army, the Chu Army had already been infinitely demonized to use it to deceive ordinary Hebei soldiers.

However, with the emergence of Gao Lan, the rumors of the Chu army in the top brass of the Hebei army were self-defeating.

After all, no one is stupid.

Now that General Gao Ran has appeared, what about the other Hebei soldiers? Were they really buried alive by the Chu King Xiang Ji? or...

The Hebei army hesitated, but Gao Ran would not hesitate.

Taking advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, he took a few arrow steps and finally jumped onto the wall of Yecheng.

"Surrender and don't kill!"

With Gao Lan's pace, a large number of Chu troops successfully rushed to the Yecheng wall.

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