And the state, Huguan.

Just when Xiang Ji completely occupied Yecheng, Yuan Shang also successfully captured Huguan.

After all, the reason why Huguan is difficult to overcome is because it is easy to defend and difficult to attack with the help of terrain.

But since the gate of your Huguan has been opened, in the face of dozens of times the Hebei army, the Xiliang armor guarding the pass is really not enough.

As for Lu Bu and Yuan Shangcai, who escaped, they didn't bother to pay attention to it, as long as they didn't come to trouble the Lonely King.

Of course, it's not that Yuan Shang doesn't want to chase it.

But how can you chase it? The army is pursuing, and you can't catch up at all.

Send a small number of generals and cavalry to pursue? Is Fang Tian's halberd painted by Lu Bu sending a few halberds to the dead soul?

Besides, it is not that Lu Bu who is fleeing the pass now.

Soon after, the fleeing generals of the Xiliang Army were led by Ma Chao and staged a big drama again.

It just so happened that at that time, Yuan Shang's Hebei army was busy capturing Huguan, and he rushed away without any reaction to the dozen or so Xiliang generals who suddenly appeared.

At this point, Yuan Shang can be regarded as completely confirming that this Lu Bu must be defeated, or defeated and the whole army will be annihilated.

Otherwise, how could it be that only a few people escaped?

But this news was not good news for Yuan Shang.

You must know that before that, he could fight to occupy Huguan, and then recover the state, and then go to pick peaches after waiting for the two countries of Qin and Chu to fight and lose.

But now, this Qin State was actually defeated? The defeat was so simple, so thorough, why did so many generals rush through the pass

? What about Lu Bu's Xiliang armor? What about the iron cavalry?

Why is it gone? Thinking about it carefully, Yuan Shang is completely afraid that Yuan Shang at this moment has completely lost the vigor that he had just captured Huguan.

Damn, damn it!

Why is this Lu Bu so wasteful? Aren't you the Xiliang Iron Cavalry dominating the world? How did you get wiped out so quickly by the whole army beaten by the

Chu army? Although Yuan Shang was often beaten by the Chu army until the whole army was wiped out, this time it was the most unacceptable to him.

Lu Bu's defeat can be regarded as a complete mess up of Yuan Shang's plan.

Now let alone recovering and merging the state, even Jizhou is afraid that it will be difficult to defend.

Could it be that I will be the king and hegemon on this pot in the future

? Obviously, this is impossible, not to mention anything else, even grain and grass cannot be supplied?

Yuan Shang was flustered, but Xu You was overjoyed.

This time, my Xu someone's next choice is really reliable!

You must know that Xu Youke planned to drag Yuan Shang's army to make trouble for Lu Bu to the death, so as to create a chance for the Chu State to win.

But I never thought that it had just moved a kettle gate, and it would be over there?

Yuan Shang could see it, and Xu You could naturally see it.

This Lu Bu was definitely wiped out by the Chu army.

It's just that in this way, Xu You's series of plans for the Battle of Hebei after that were all in vain.

Originally, Xu You also planned to let Yuan Shang attack Bingzhou, and he personally led the army to guard Huguan and wait for the arrival of the Chu army.

But now, it's obviously not needed.

This Chu army destroyed the Xiliang Iron Cavalry of Lu Bu of the Qin State, so it would naturally be able to sweep the entire territory of Jizhou and even the Northern Expedition to Youzhou without any pressure.

This pot is not so urgent and important.

Yes, the Chu army can completely ignore the pot pass, anyway, Yuan Shang's Hebei army does not dare to go out of the pass to fight with the Chu army in the field.

After the Hebei is completely occupied, this pot pass will not be fought as much as it wants

? However, in this way, won't the credit of Xu Xu be greatly reduced?

This is unacceptable to Xu You.

However, Xu You also knows that in the current situation, whether it is to persuade Yuan Shang to return to the army and the city or to enter the army and merge the state, this timid guy is afraid that he will not have the courage.

After all, no one knows where the current Chu army is, and if he encounters the Chu army on the way back to Yecheng, won't Yuan Shang cry to death?

Lu Bu was not there, and Yuan Shang dared to disturb one or two.

Now Lu Bu is back.

Although he was only riding a horse, Yuan Shang didn't have the courage to tease Lu Bu's tiger whiskers.

It's just that in this way, the situation of the Hebei army is very embarrassing.

It's really not going forward, it's not going back.

Worked hard to occupy a kettle, and it turned out to be chicken ribs.

"Strategist, Strategist, what should our army do now?"

Seeing Xu Yu pondering, Yuan Shang seemed to have grasped the only light in the darkness.

Xu You's impression on Yuan Shang has always been that he is resourceful, as long as Xu You is pondering, then there must be a way!

But how does Yuan Shang know that what Xu You is thinking about now is not the future of his Hebei Army.

"Ah, there is no way out, surrender!"

was suddenly asked by Yuan Shang, Xu You said what he was thinking in his heart without thinking.


Xu You's voice fell, and the two monarchs and ministers present were all stunned.

Yuan Shang was stunned because he didn't expect that Xu You would have no way to break this situation.

This really made Yuan Shang completely fall into despair.

As for Xu You's astonishment, it was because he didn't choose what to say.

Damn, how can you just say that?

You know, Xu Yu has been thinking about how to sell this Yuan Shang for a good price.

But now, it's completely in vain.

His plans have already been said, how can he betray

Yuan Shang? Only now, Xu You can only pull Yuan Shang to surrender together.

After all, no matter how you say it, Xu You is just a minister and strategist, and he has absolutely no military power.

As far as his own henchmen are concerned, it is okay to secretly open the city gate, but it is simply unrealistic to rebel.

Therefore, Xu You completely gave up his plan to betray Yuan Shang.

It's easy to betray Yuan Shang, but people already know that you want to surrender, so can you still be defenseless? If this is not good, don't King Chu see it, and Yuan Shang cut down the sacrificial flag first, then it will be lively.

Although betraying Yuan Shang can be exchanged for higher interests, no matter how high the interests are, how

can it be important to save his own life? As a person who cherishes his life, this account can still be calculated.

"Yes, my lord, let us surrender.

Only now, Lu Bu of the Qin State has been defeated, and no one in the world can stop the Chu King Xiang Ji from sweeping Hebei.

Our army's current strength..."

Xu You is still embarrassed to say too bluntly, the combat effectiveness of the Hebei Army is second to none in the entire Huanyu today, I am afraid it is second to none.

"Damn! Surrender? No! I'm not reconciled to the Lone King! Military advisor, you have no other way?

You must have a way, isn't it? There must be another way!" Obviously,

Yuan Shang still couldn't accept Xu You's persuasion to surrender.

His father was killed by that register, and his territory was also invaded by that territory.

Do you want to surrender to him now?

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