"Great King! Wei Chen Fengji has a way to help the Great King resist the attack of the Chu State Nationality!" "

Now, Xu You has completely lost the mind to continue to play with Yuan Shang, so it is naturally impossible to pay any attention to him.

Unexpectedly, Xu Yu didn't speak, and Feng Ji, who had always been an invisible person, stood up.

"Aiqing! Feng Aiqing, what are your clever plans? Come quickly!" Yuan

Shang is now like a drowning man, as long as he can grasp a straw, whether it is strong or not, he will see the hope of life again.

"Great King, we are not without allies! That Qiu Liju of Wuheng is Shan Yu, but he was once canonized by my previous king, and that is our natural ally!"

Because when Yuan Shao was conquest of Gongsun Zhan, Qiu Liju led troops to assist, so Yuan Shao was falsely preaching the holy decree and canonized it.

Now after mentioning this Feng Ji, Yuan Shang suddenly remembered.

As long as they are willing to send iron cavalry southward, then it will be no problem to deal with

the Chu State! "Hahaha! Okay! Feng Aiqing, wonderful plan

! Wonderful plan! Come, send an envoy to Wuheng immediately, ask for help from Qiu Liju Shan Yu!

Tell them that as long as he can assist the Lone King in repelling this Chu King Xiang, then the Lone King will give them the entire state of Wuheng as his horse farm!"

Faced with a desperate situation, Yuan Shang was rarely generous.

Of course, this is also a blank check.

The current merger state, except for Huguan is still in the hands of Yuan Shang, other places are not surnamed Yuan.

However, Yuan Shang was not distressed at all about this.

It's not a good place.

Didn't you see that Yuan Xi occupied the state before, and then was directly detoured by the Xiongnu by Na Lu Bu to copy the back road for him?

Moreover, Bingzhou is also adjacent to the three major foreign forces of Wuheng, Xianbei, and Xiongnu, and Yuan Shang has no strength to defend them.

It's just that the excited Yuan Shang didn't notice that under him, Xu You's look of surprise.

Damn! This Yuan Shang still has a chance to turn over?

As a scribe in Hebei, Xu You naturally knows a lot about these foreign tribes.

After Qiu Liju's development in the past few years, Wu Heng's strength is indeed extremely strong, if it weren't for Wu Heng's disagreement with Xianbei to the north, I am afraid that he would have invaded south long ago.

If this Wu Heng really agreed to Yuan Shang's invitation...

Damn, this Wu Heng will definitely agree.

You must know that the conditions given by Yuan Shang are enough to merge the state! Unless the

people of Wuheng are crazy, how can they let go of this fat meat that has reached their mouths

? Damn, damn it! Seeing that I, Xu You, am about to return to the palace Chu State, how can I make more trouble at this juncture? Yes, Xu You

now has completely regarded himself as a native of Chu State.

Just kidding, the king of Chu promised to allow me the position of the third duke.

Although I am the prime minister of your Qi country, but you still have a future

in the Qi country? Now the Chu country is really like Zhongtian, as long as you occupy Hebei, it will completely occupy half of the world.

With the current momentum of the Chu State, I am afraid that it will not be a few years before the Ninth Five-Year Plan

will be crowned and the world will be dominated! If you don't hug this thigh, will it be impossible for Uncle Xu You and me to play with you here?

However, Xu You also knows that according to this plan, I am afraid that if the Chu State wants to occupy Hebei, it will have many twists and turns.

Even, thinking about it badly, maybe the army of the King of Chu in Hebei was directly defeated by that Wuheng.

Then, it's even more troublesome.

However, Xu You also knew that because of his previous remarks advocating surrender, he was afraid that he would lose a lot of impression points from Yuan Shang, and he might even be monitored by him.

If you want to get out, you don't have a chance.

Now, I can only think of a way to pass on this news to King Xiang of Chu.

Of course, Yuan Shang didn't know all these mental activities, otherwise he would have directly picked up the sword and cut him.

And just as Yuan Shang was preparing for the envoy to go to Wuheng, Lu Bu, Ma Chao and other Xiliang monarchs and ministers who had successfully escaped finally returned to the Xiliang army besieging Shangdang.

"Order! The whole army will be reorganized immediately, and we will return to Chang'an!"

Even if the wall of the Shangdang is already crumbling, even if the defenders in the Shangdang City are less than 20,000 capable fighters, Lu Bu is not interested in it at all.

Who knows when that clan will catch up

? The 100,000 elites have all been defeated and wiped out, and only relying on these tens of thousands of remnants to defeat the generals? Lu Bu does not have the slightest confidence that he can block the attack of the item.

What's more, now the kettle has been lost.

Regarding the combat effectiveness of the Hebei Army, Lu Bu can only reply.

I am afraid that the army of Chu will come and wait for the Xiang nationality to arrive, and the time that the Hebei army can resist must be calculated in terms of hours rather than days.

With Lu Bu's order, the Xiliang army began a rapid reorganization.

Such a big movement naturally alarmed the Shangdang defenders.

"General Ding, General Zhou! The Xiliang Army under the city has moved!"

Today's Shangdang guards are naturally Ding Feng.

As for General Zhou, it was naturally Zhou Cang, who had been abused by Ma Chao before.

After a period of recuperation in Shangdang City, Zhou Cang, who has tenacious vitality, can also be regarded as able to go into battle from the new leather armor.

In the face of the onslaught of the Xiliang army, as long as there were not seriously injured and inactive soldiers in Shangdang City, all of them were concentrated on the city wall, so what reason did Zhou Cang have to recuperate in the rear?"


being besieged for more than a month, if the Xiliang army really gave up besieging Shangdang, it would really be able to defend the clouds and see the moon.

"General Zhou, inform the whole army and be on guard.

As long as this Xiliang army does not withdraw for a day, then we must not relax for a day!" Ding

Fengke firmly remembered that he had promised Zhao Yun that he must defend the party.

Now, although the actions of the Xiliang army are clearly to retreat, Ding Feng still does not dare to be careless.

Vertical said.

When the sky was slightly bright, Ding Feng eagerly came to the city.

You know, last night, Ding Fengke didn't sleep well.

In his heart, he hoped that the Xiliang army was really gone, but he couldn't feel at ease.


Dangding stood at the head of the city and found that the Xiliang military camp outside the city had long been an empty camp.

The sparse camps had been discarded haphazardly, with only a few broken tents remaining, proving that a large army had been stationed again.

"Victory! We are victorious! The people of Xiliang have withdrawn!" All

the Shangdang Chu troops cheered.

General Zhao Yun! Ding Feng's promise to you has been fulfilled!

Looking at the empty camp, Ding Feng's eyes were full of tears.

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