"Overlord! Our army has fought many battles, and now it is exhausted.

The battleable soldiers are less than 80,000, and the cavalry is less than 10,000, if Wuheng invades the south on a large scale at this time, I am afraid that it is..."

For example, the previous 10,000 new cavalry were completely disabled when they resisted the counterattack of the trapped camp, and now there are only more than 4,000 cavalry left, even if you add the 5,000 soldiers of the Canglong Cavalry, there are less than 10,000 cavalry.

As for the other troops, there was just as much damage.

Pang Tongzhi also understood that now was really not the time for a big war.

You must know that nearly a year has passed since the army was dispatched to Qingzhou, and in this year, the Chu army has not received any rest at all, and almost all of them have spent in successive battles.

Today's Chu army has indeed reached the end of the crossbow, and if it is in the current state against the Wuheng Iron Cavalry, who is all soldiers, I am afraid that it will not be able to get any benefits.

But how did Pang Tong and the others know what Xiang Ji was thinking in his heart?

This is a foreign invasion, but it is a completely different nature from a civil war.

Even if he gave up all the Jizhou territory he occupied at this time, Xiang Ji would never let these alien races gallop on the land of the Central Plains.

"Needless to say, the lonely king is determined, this Wuheng, my Chu army will resist it!"

Seeing that because of Pang Tong's remarks, the next generals agreed one after another, Xiang Ji hurriedly spoke out to stop it.

Even if we tried our best to fight our Chu army armor in this battle, my Xiang Ji will definitely not let these alien races enter the Central Plains with one person or one horse!

This is Xiang Ji's persistence.

People always have to do something in their lives.

Since Lao Tzu and I have come to this world, we must do something for our compatriots and our own race.

Hearing Xiang Ji's order, although there were still many puzzles in the hearts of the generals, they could only be silent.

This is the position of Xiang Ji in the Chu State.

"Hahaha! Okay! He is worthy of being Cao's son-in-law! He is worthy of being the person who asked Cao to entrust all his inheritance! Cao, I am not wrong about you!"

Suddenly a burst of laughter came, which immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the hall.

When I looked up, it turned out to be Cao Cao and his subordinate Xiahou Dun, Cao Ren, Guo Jia and other teams.


Cao Cao suddenly arrived, Xiang Ji was also taken aback.

What are you doing? Isn't this old man already in the wilderness? Isn't he enjoying his life? Why did he come here so well? He is still wearing a military armor and taking all the generals with him

? Is this going to be a war or not?

Looking at Cao Cao in military uniform, Xiang Ji's heart was full of many questions.

As for why Cao Cao was able to enter the hall directly, he didn't care too much about it.

After all, this is his father-in-law, but the father-in-law who gave himself two state territories, except when Lao Tzu was sleeping, at any other time and place, he was not allowed to go all the way?

"Lord Taishan, why did you suddenly come here?"

Looking at Boss Cao's excited face, Xiang Ji really didn't know how long he had been here and how much he had listened.

However, looking at my father-in-law's view of foreign races, I agree with Lao Tzu.

Xiang Ji is still very pleased with this.

At the very least, I'm not lonely, and there are people who understand me.

"Not long after Cao Mou arrived, he happened to hear that you were going to send troops south in a round of Wuheng.

As for your opinion on the kid, I agree with Cao.

Those aliens are going to be beaten! Beat them hard! They must be beaten and scared, and only in this way can they know what kind of identity they really are! "

Well, this is also a big nationalist.

It is not surprising that this nationality has arrived, after all, people's ambition is to be "General Han Zhengxi".

It's just that, what are you doing here? This is the crux of the problem

! Lao Tzu, what I am lacking now is soldiers, not generals!

Although Xiahoudun, Cao Ren, and Dian Wei are all fierce generals, how many can you kill if you are fierce?

Just when Xiang Ji was speechless, Cao Cao spoke again.

"Xiang Ji boy, don't look helpless.

Why, you don't welcome Cao and I here? Even if you don't

welcome Cao and me, you must always welcome the 20,000 cavalry that Cao and I brought!"


heard Cao Cao's words, everyone in the hall was stunned.

How could it be!

? Didn't this Cao Cao already go into the wilderness? Where did he get

the 20,000 cavalry? Everyone was very puzzled by the sudden appearance of 20,000 cavalry.

You know, that's not 20,000 infantry.

If you have money and food, it is not difficult to make up 20,000 infantry.

But this is a cavalry!

War horses, you can't buy them with money.

A knight who can skillfully control a war horse requires a long period of training.


Lord Taishan, there is no joke in the army! You don't want to joke with the lonely king!"

Obviously, Xiang Ji also did not believe Cao Cao's words.

If the cavalry is so easy to handle, then why don't I rule the world a long time ago

?" "Who is kidding you?" Xiang Ji boy, have you forgotten that you were sent to Pengcheng to take prisoners in Hebei before!?"


Xiang Ji was shocked again.

Hearing Cao Cao's words, if Xiang Ji didn't understand what was going on, he would really be a fool.

Yes, among the prisoners of the Hebei Army, there were 20,000 cavalry!

Those were Hebei veterans with men and horses and superb riding skills.

Unexpectedly, this Cao Cao had already subdued this cavalry and brought it over?

It's just that who was so bold as to allow Cao Cao to subdue the Hebei troops without permission!!

understood the cause and effect, and Xiang Ji was furious.

It's not a question of trust.

Military power is a major matter of the country, how can it be lightly in the hands of others?

Who is it that has the courage to agree to be Cao Cao to take over this Hebei cavalry?"

This cavalry unit is what you promised to Cao, have you forgotten?"

Seeing that Xiang Ji's face suddenly changed, Cao Cao didn't know what he was thinking.

In this regard, Cao Cao was not dissatisfied, but full of gratification.

This kid is getting more and more heroic.

In this troubled era, this is the only way to level the world and sweep the world.

"Lord Taishan, do you mean that this cavalry is what I promised you?"

Hearing Cao Cao say this, Xiang Ji vaguely remembered.

It seems that when Boss Cao first came to Pengcheng, he had such an agreement with himself...

This is more embarrassing.

No matter what Ren Xiangji thought, he didn't expect that this Cao Cao would be hungry and would not let go of the army...

However, this is a good thing for Xiang Ji.

Now, for Shang Wuheng, Xiang Ji has no worries.

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