Youzhou, Dai County.

After several days of marching, Xiang Ji had personally led a large army to Daijun.

I came here to deal with Wuheng, who was about to go south.

Although Xiang Ji only brought 30,000 cavalry on this trip, he was also completely fearless of that Wuheng Xiang Ji.

Just kidding, these 30,000 cavalry can be described as the elite of the elite.

Not to mention the five thousand dragon cavalry for the time being, it is the other five thousand high reading department, after a series of battles, they were also promoted to elite cavalry.

You must know that it is the elite who has been stored after a series of vicious battles with the Xiliang Iron Cavalry and the trapped camp, and its combat power naturally does not need to be mentioned.

Then there are the 20,000 original Hebei cavalry brought by Boss Cao.

This is also an elite division.

It's just that they haven't met good generals before, and their combat power has been buried.

And now, this cavalry has become Boss Cao's exclusive troops, and under the personal training of Cao's generals Xiahoudun and Cao Ren, it is far better than before.

Yes, this cavalry is Boss Cao's exclusive troops.

You must know that in Pengcheng back then, this was indeed what Xiang Ji personally promised Cao Cao to help him establish a cavalry unit, help him fulfill his dream, and gallop outside.

And when the 20,000 Hebei cavalry were escorted to Pengcheng, Boss Cao couldn't sit still.

Wait for the kid to form himself? That doesn't know the year of the monkey.

After this village, there is no reason for this shop, can Boss Cao still not understand?

Take out the identity of Xiang's father-in-law, show the kindness of sending you two states, and then rely on the old and sell the old, Jia Xu, Lu Su and other important ministers of the Chu State compromised in the face of the scoundrel Boss Cao.

No way, who let this be promised by their own overlord himself?

After that, things are very simple.

In the face of Boss Cao, who had just surrendered and was terrified, the Hebei cavalry decisively threw himself into Cao Cao's warm embrace.

After more than half a year of reorganization and training, the Hebei Iron Cavalry, whose combat strength has been improved again, set off under the personal leadership of Boss Cao.

Yes, after this cavalry unit became Boss Cao's exclusive unit, its name was naturally decided, that is, Tiger and Leopard Cavalry!

Obviously, because the cavalry unit that he had finally formed back then made Xiang Ji fall apart, which Boss Cao had never forgotten in his heart.

Having an elite cavalry of his own has even become an obsession in his heart.

Now, the tiger and leopard ride is beginning to take shape, and Boss Cao naturally wants to pull them out to show off, and even see if there is still a battle to fight.

I don't want to, I happened to catch up with this Wuheng to go south.

This, however, is right for Boss Cao's appetite.

Fighting the civil war, Boss Cao is still a little distressed about the loss of the tiger and leopard rider under his command, but if it is an external enemy, there is absolutely no second word, even if the tiger and leopard ride is exhausted, Boss Cao does not frown.

Now, Cao Cao's tiger and leopard riders have all been replaced with bilateral stirrups prepared for him, and his combat power has increased greatly, which makes Cao Cao full of confidence in this fight against Wuheng to the south.

As for why Xiang Ji dared to equip bilateral stirrups on a large scale?

Just kidding, Lu Bu's Xiliang Iron Cavalry was beaten and almost lost its formation, and now that Hebei has been fully under its control, there will only be more and more war horses and cavalry in the future.

"Xiang Ji'er, why don't we just go out of the fortress and go to the foot of the White Wolf Mountain to destroy Wuheng, but instead defend here?

How do you know that Wuheng will definitely invade the south from here?"

Cao Cao was very incomprehensible about Xiang Ji's decision to let the army ambush in Daijun.

It's just that how did Cao Cao know that Xiang Ji had Xu You, the best spy fighter?

After Xu You's endless transmission of news, Xiang Ji already knew exactly when the Wuheng Heng army was heading south, and also knew all kinds of changes in the Wuheng tribe because of this southward movement.

Unexpectedly, because of Yuan Shang's piece of cake, there was a power dumping within Wuheng.

Badun killed his adoptive father Qiu Liju and became the leader of the three tribes of Wuheng in a new generation, Da Shan Yu.

After that, he frequently contacted Yuan Shang's envoys, and finally decided that 150,000 Wuheng iron horsemen would go south, and the starting place would be Zhuojun.

Now, the Wuheng Iron Cavalry, which is ready to go, will invade south at any time, and Xiang Ji naturally led the army to Zhuojun to fortify early.

"Lord Taishan, how can it be a child's play on military affairs? If I am not completely sure of the lonely king, I will definitely not lead the army to wait here. For

his father-in-law, Xiang Ji is still full of respect.

Among so many old men, Boss Cao has the most appetite for himself.

What else did he have to do but 20,000 horsemen? Did he use his prestige to do anything inappropriate? No, not at all.

This old man is the real hero, the national hero!

" In this case, then you can arrange it, Cao Mou and my tiger and leopard ride must fight on the front line!"

Yes, Cao Cao will not do anything to preserve his strength.

Just kidding, I don't want to stand on my own feet or anything, so who

can I do to preserve my strength? Now, it is rare to be able to fight against foreign clans and achieve my long-cherished wishes, but Cao Cao still can't be excited

? As for fighting as the main force, the number of troops is getting smaller and smaller? Who is my uncle? Can he still let Cao and I have no soldiers?

Obviously, Cao Cao is very clear about this account.

That is, you sent troops, and Cao Mou and I will guard you outside the fortress.

In this way, you can conquer the country with peace of mind, and Cao and I can also achieve our long-cherished wishes.

"Tarzan-sama, rest assured, this is nature.

After the calculation of Mr. Guo Jia and Pang Tongjun, the most likely place to enter the customs of Wuheng was Macheng and Guangning.

The lone king thought that Lord Taishan, your tiger and leopard ride, should go directly to Macheng to fortify, and the lone king would personally lead the army to defend Quang Ninh.

As long as the Wuheng Heng army is found, inform each other, in this battle, it is necessary to beat the Wuheng people forever and dare not violate our border pass!"

It's better to be able to extinguish Wu Heng directly, even if you can't extinguish it, they will still be beaten, and they tremble when they see my pass.

When dealing with invaders, Xiang Ji will never be soft.

Now that Lu Bu has just been defeated, Hebei has not been completely occupied, otherwise Lao Tzu will have to directly send troops to White Wolf Mountain and dig up the ancestral graves of your Wuheng people.

But there was no way, Yuan Shang's fly was still above the kettle, and Xiang Ji could only let Tai Shici, who had not yet healed from his injuries, go into battle to lead his infantry to closely monitor Yuan Shang.

Otherwise, who knows when this thing will come out and disgust itself?

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