Wuheng, at the foot of the White Wolf Mountain, is alone in the royal court.

"Da Danyu, all the warriors of my Wuheng have been assembled!" After

more than a month of assembly, all the warriors of Wuheng finally gathered at the foot of the White Wolf Mountain.

As for why it took so long?

This is also the helplessness of the nomadic tribes.

After all, the clansmen are scattered and nomadic in their own ways, and it is not a simple matter to gather them.

For being able to assemble 150,000 soldiers so quickly, Bunton was already deeply satisfied.


I swear in front of the wolf god: I, the lord of Dawuheng, will lead my brothers to repel the Chu army

, occupy the land of the state, and use it for our reproduction! Soldiers, let those Chu people see the bravery of our Dawuheng warriors!".

Obviously, the relatively simple Wuheng people still attach great importance to their promises, at least at the moment, their goal is only to repel the Chu army and occupy the land of the state.

Of course, this is also because Bunton doesn't know the current situation of Qi yet, otherwise he wouldn't just want to occupy a state.

As Badun's order was issued, the leaders of Wuheng's various departments let out an excited roar.

Immediately, the Wuheng tribes began their journey south.

And the target of its southward movement was Quang Ninh, which Xiang Ji led his troops to defend.

The scout reported that dust and smoke were billowing ten miles away, and it was caused by a large number of horses galloping. "


large number of horses? At this juncture, there is only one possibility for a large number of galloping horses.

Wuheng people, here!

For this idea in his heart, Xiang Ji is extremely confirmed.

You must know that there are only three ways for this Wuheng to go south.

One is the horse city defended by Boss Cao, and the other is the Ma Yi city located in Yanmen County, Bingzhou.

As for the last one, that is Quang Ninh, where Xiang Ji is stationed.

It is unrealistic to go to the city of Mayi in Bingzhou, after all, the fundamental purpose of Wuheng's southern invasion is to attack the Chu army, and it

is obvious that the route of its troops can only be Machengjian or Guangning.

"Tell Zhao Yun and Gao Ran's department to get ready, and attack as soon as the Wuheng people are in the sheath.

Another person rushed to Macheng and told General Cao that he should immediately divide his troops to help!"

In order to deal with the southern invasion of the Wuheng people, Xiang Ji had already prepared a big gift for him in Guangning.

You must know that from the land of Wuheng to Quang Ninh, if a large number of cavalry troops march, there is only one way to go, and that is Baishan.

And Xiang Ji had already done all kinds of defensive measures on both sides of the mountain road in Baishan, and now he was waiting for the Wuheng people to enter the sheath.

As for why you want to ask Boss Cao for help?

Just kidding, it was hundreds of thousands of Wuheng cavalry.

Even if Xiang Ji was confident that he would be repelled with this defensive measure and his 10,000 cavalry, it would be unrealistic to kill a large number of them.

But if Cao Cao's tiger and leopard cavalry arrived, it would be able to deal a greater blow to the living forces of the Wuheng people.

What Xiang Ji wants is not just to beat the Wuheng people away.

What Xiang Ji wanted, that is, to beat the Wuheng people to hurt, fear, and break his backbone!

"Boom!" the

earth-shattering sound of horses' hooves came from afar.

Zhang He, who was in charge of the ambush, licked the corners of his chapped mouth excitedly.

How long have I waited? Finally, I have waited for the opportunity for Zhang He to make meritorious contributions

! This time, I, Zhang He, must prove to the overlord that I am not a waste material! I am a well-deserved Hebei Siting Zhu! Yes, Zhang He

has been depressed in his heart for a long time.

I didn't know why Xiang Ji despised him so much, but after Zhang He returned to the Chu State, he inquired and learned the cause and effect.

In this regard, Zhang He could only have two lines of tears.

What can you say? Is it all because

of the trial? Just kidding, the trial has cut yourself down, and there is no proof of death, so saying this can only make people think that you are shirking responsibility for the dead.

In desperation, Zhang He can only compete for the first place and seize all the opportunities that can be performed.

Only in this way can you prove yourself to the overlord ... Lao Tzu, I really am not a waste!!

now, the opportunity I have been waiting for has finally come, how can Zhang He not be excited?"

"Brothers, get ready, when that Wuheng barbarian comes, pull me hard! Rolling stones smash me hard!"

Although Zhang He only brought 300 soldiers, he had no fear in the face of the 150,000 Wuheng army.

Hmph, tripping horses, rolling stones, rolling wood, fire oil, Lao Tzu has prepared everything for you.

As long as you dare to come, and don't leave one or two hundred thousand people behind, my Zhang He's name will be written upside down!

" "Boom!"

The sound of horses' hooves gradually increased, and Zhang He knew that the Wuheng cavalry would arrive at any time.

"The whole army listens to the order, prepares, trips the rope, pulls!" Zhang

He, who was holding a tripping rope at one end, loudly issued the order to pull up the tripping rope while exerting his strength.

With Zhang He's order issued, the entire more than ten layers of stumbling ropes were pulled up by the Chu army one after another.

Yes, Zhang He was afraid that the stumbling horse would not be able to stop the charging momentum of the Wuheng barbarians, so he simply dispatched a full hundred people to pull the stumbling horse.

I don't believe it, I don't believe it, you still rush over with ten layers of tripping horses!

" "Hiss!"

As the first tripped war horse screamed, a large number of unprepared Wuheng cavalry behind him were attacked.

When the Wuheng cavalry in the front was tripped by the tripping horse, the Wuheng cavalry behind the charge couldn't stop the momentum and crashed headlong into the Wuheng cavalry who fell in the front.

In a matter of moments, the forward troops of the Wuheng cavalry had already been taken to a large area by the tripping horses.

The so-called people turn on their backs is talking about the current situation of Wuheng's cavalry.

"Damn! hateful Chu people!" As

the general of Wuheng's forward, Su Fuyan was not stupid, and immediately judged that this must be an ambush by the Chu army.

Although it was not clear why the Chu army knew about the movements of the Wuheng army, there was no time for him to think about it at the moment.

"Stop the charge! The whole army is arrayed! Clear the barricades in front and see how the brothers who were recruited in front are injured?"

After pulling up the tripwire, Zhang He had already led the Chu army into the dark to watch.

Now when I saw this Wuheng man commanding on a high-headed horse riding a divine horse, I immediately knew that this must be the forward general of Wuheng.

"Standard-bearer, immediately tell the brothers on the mountain, rolling stones, rolling wood, and fire oil, all beckoning!" Now

that the momentum of the Wuheng army has been blocked, it is the best time to throw all kinds of "hidden weapons".

After giving the order, Zhang He picked up his spear.

This Wuheng general who is commanding, but his own merits!

Zhang He knows that whether he can get the attention of the overlord depends on whether he can win this Wuheng forward general!

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