"Oh my God!

Hurry! Hide!" "Ah! There are so many boulders

! We are in ambush!" "Fire! Fire! Hurry

, put out the fire!" "Suffer, the war horse is out of control, put out the fire quickly!" The

simple Wuheng people were caught by the tripping horse rope and were still aware of it, but now that Zhang He's various "hidden weapons" fell, the Wuheng people realized that they were in an ambush.

As the rolling stones fell, a large number of unprepared Wuheng warriors were hit by the boulder and fell under their horses.

As the rolling log fell, a large number of Wuheng warriors and horses were knocked down by the rolling log, and then they were crushed under the giant tree and wailed in pain.

But this is not the most lethal.

The Chu army on both sides of the mountain road in ambush and Baishan waited for a large number of rolling logs to fall, and threw the fire oil in their hands with a cruel smile.

When the oil meets the cracked giant tree, it immediately causes a fire.

The sky is beautiful, and just at this time, a strong wind hit.

The wind fueled the fire, and the entire Baishan Mountain Road was surrounded by raging fire.

In the flames, a large number of Wuheng warriors could only let out the desperate wails before they died.

"Rush! Rush out!"

Seeing this situation, Su Muyan could no longer care about the large number of soldiers who were brought by the tripping horse in front of him.

The situation here, even a fool can judge it, if he doesn't rush out quickly, then these 50,000 Wuheng forwards are afraid that they will be buried in the fire.

It's just that Su Fuyan, who fled for his life in embarrassment, didn't realize that in the dark, a pair of eyes full of desire had been watching him for a long time...

Yes, it's Zhang He.

Of course, Zhang He's orientation is completely fine.

Zhang He's desire is because Su Fuyan represents his own future, his own future.

For example, today, the State of Chu has occupied half of the country, and I am afraid that the most promising state to unify the universe is none other than the State of Chu.

How could Zhang He not want to make more meritorious contributions before the world was peaceful, so that he could improve his status?

After the world was peaceful, it would not be so easy for a military general to be promoted.

Of course

, Zhang He did not expect to achieve the status that he once had under Yuan Shao in Hebei.

But at the very least, it should be on par with

that Gao Lan, right? You know, that Gao Lan was once in Hebei, but he was suppressed by me Zhang He in all aspects.

This is also why Zhang He exuded such a hot look when he saw Su Fuyan.

"Zhang He is here, Wuheng is barbarian, take your life!" When

he saw Su Fuyan coming to his ambush site, Zhang He shouted and jumped out.

Yes, just jumped out.

In order to facilitate the ambush, it is natural that you can't carry horses with you, otherwise what if the horses expose your traces?

But even if it is a foot battle, Zhang He is confident that he can win this Wuheng forward general.

Just kidding, I think I, Zhang He, is also a former Hebei Siting Zhu, and I am also a well-known general in the world, if I can't fight you a barbarian, then I really have to find a piece of tofu and kill me.

On the other hand, Su Fuyan was fleeing for his life in embarrassment, but he was startled by the sudden shouting.

When I looked closely, I found that it was just one person, and I was overjoyed.

Ma De was attacked as soon as he entered the Youzhou realm, and he didn't know how many soldiers he would lose next time, and Su Fuyan was already depressed in his heart.

Now, seeing this Chu army who dared to come out alone to find trouble for himself, he still didn't want to vent his life

? "Wow, Chu people, are you ambushing our Wuheng soldiers? Now you dare to appear in front of me Su Fuyan and look for death!" Su Fuyan

is a Wuheng forward general, and his skills are naturally extraordinary, although there are no Wuheng soldiers beside him, he is also not panicked in the face of Zhang He.

The big stick in his hand was picked up, and it was a sweep at Zhang He who was standing in front.

In Su Fuyan's mind, in the face of his own big stick sweep, the Chu army in front of him would inevitably be directly swept away.

I never thought that in Zhang He's opinion, this Su Muyan is just more powerful.

"It's too slow! I want to hit a certain house like this?" The

voice fell, Zhang He rushed forward quickly, dodged the big stick sideways, and the spear in his hand was like a dragon going out to sea, and he was ruthless in front of the stunned Su Fuyan's chest.


There was no surprise, Zhang He showed his demeanor as a general, and killed Wuheng pioneer Su Fuyan in seconds with just one blow.

"Brothers, the wind is tight, retreat!" killed

Su Fuyan in seconds, Zhang He turned over and rode on the war horse of this goods, and hurriedly gave instructions to the Chu army who was ambushed on the side.

Just kidding, the biggest credit has already been received, Lao Tzu and I are a few hundred people, if you don't run away, isn't that looking for death?

Yes, when they saw Su Fuyan being killed, the Wuheng cavalry who rushed out of the sea of fire were furious.

You must know that Su Muyan is their patriarch, but he is

the king of their Yuyang tribe! Now the soldiers of the Yuyang Wuheng tribe saw their king being killed in seconds, how could they not be angry?

But before the Wuheng cavalry could chase it far, the whistling sound of the cavalry brigade's war horses galloping suddenly came from in front of them.

Yes, Xiang Ji is here.

The purpose of this Baishan ambush was to undermine the morale of the Wuheng army and cut off the connection between its front army and the Chinese army.

Now that the strategic goal has been achieved, Xiang Ji naturally wants to lead his soldiers to rush to eliminate this Wuheng forward.

This is the best time to strike at the enemy's vital forces, and Xiang Ji is not a fool, how can he let go of such an opportunity?"

"The whole army, charge!" Xiang

Ji, who was at the forefront, could already see the Wuheng cavalry that was chasing Zhang He, what else is there to say, the overlord halberd in his hand swung and gave the command to charge the cavalry behind him.

"Canglong Cavalry, charge!" Similarly

, Zhao Yun, the commander of Canglong Cavalry, also brandished the gentian gun in his hand.

"Chu State cavalry, charge!" Gao

Ran is also not to be outdone, although our combat strength is not as good as your Canglong cavalry, but against the enemy, it will definitely not be soft.


!" "Rush

!" "Da Chu Wansheng! Overlord Wansheng!" The

knights shouted slogans and frantically slapped their crotch horses at the oncoming Wuheng cavalry.

This is a war against foreign races.

This is a war to defend the homeland.

This is a war to revive the majesty of China.

Those who offend me as a strong man, even if they are far away, will be punished!

This sentence is an angry roar that will always circulate in the blood of the second daughter of Huaxia.

It is only when it faces an alien invader that it can be released from its bloodline.

Only when he faced the alien invaders could he let everyone know that the roar of my Huaxia sons and daughters came from the depths of his blood!


Before the charge, he picked up the overlord halberd in his hand, and Xiang Ji swung it at the oncoming Wuheng cavalry.


"The whole army obeys the order, all the Wuheng people, not one is left, all of them are killed!"

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