"The last general Gao Ran greets the overlord!" After

running for more than a month, Xiang Ji and Canglong rode once again to the land of Liaodong.

Looking at Gao Ran, who had a weathered face, Xiang Ji sighed.

It's not easy.

It's only been a few months, and it's been made so much? This special beard, the whole savage.

It's just that how does Xiang Ji know that Gao Ran has been in Youzhou for nearly half a year, it is really beautiful.

Gao Ran's old mother naturally stayed in his mansion in Pengcheng, but his wife Qinglian had already come to Youzhou a few months ago.

It can be said that he is newlywed after a long absence, and now Gao Lan, he is really reluctant to let him leave here.

Of course, in the past six months in Youzhou, Gao Ran has not been completely immersed in the gentle township.

Gongsun Kang of Liaodong has now been subdued by him and sworn to be incorporated into the state of Chu.

Xiang Ji was naturally very satisfied with this, and at the same time promised Gongsun Kang to let his clan forever shock Liaodong.

After all, the Gongsun family has been in Liaodong for hundreds of years, and their influence on the surrounding countries is not ordinary, and this Liaodong is a bitter cold land in this era, if you really want to send someone to govern it, I am afraid that it is no different from exile.

As for whether the Gongsun Kang clan will betray as it did in history,

they are not worried about Xiang Ji.

At that time, the Wei State, whose national strength had declined, could easily exterminate the betrayed Gongsun clan, not to mention the Chu State that was now thriving, such as Zhongtian?

Under the leadership of Gao Lan, Xiang Ji finally met the legendary descendants of Xu Fu.

When Xiang Ji found that he was no different from ordinary people, and even saw that he didn't even dare to speak, he suddenly lost interest.

It's just an ordinary person in the name of his ancestors.

"You are very good, when the lonely king returns from the Eastern Expedition, he will definitely be rewarded. Lost

interest, Xiang Ji casually made a promise to him and sent away this Xu Fu descendant.

After some rest, Xiang Ji led 6,000 dragon horsemen to board the special building ship that came all the way from Jiangdong.

As for why it is a trait?

This is a personal expedition of Xiang Ji, if it is the mainland, then it is fine, after all, everyone is used to it, and Xiang Ji is always in the front.

But now, it's a long trip to the sea.

As the king of Chu, Xiang Ji personally boarded the ship to the east, who can rest assured? Who dares to rest assured?

Therefore, after some special reinforcement, the building boat that Xiang Ji took this time can be regarded as reaching the technological apex of this era.

In this regard, Xiang Zhizhi is not too worried.

After all, it is only more than a thousand miles from the Liaodong Peninsula to the Wa Kingdom, and if you really encounter any wind and waves, you can return immediately.

It's true that he wants to solve the puzzle, but Xiang Ji will never risk his life.

Just kidding, Xiang Ji's current identity is also the king of Chu, the overlord of the East and the overlord of Hebei, occupying half of the country, and even more unifying the universe is to be treated, if this is a rash trip to sea, and then encountering a shipwreck or something, it is really a loss of face for the army of traversers.

Thankfully, we didn't encounter any strong winds and waves along the way.

After several days of sailing, Xiang Ji's fleet finally saw land.

"Overlord! In front of you is the territory of the Wa Kingdom marked on the bamboo slips!" With

Jiang Qin's report, the entire fleet heard cheers, as if they had won a battle.

As the commander of the fleet, Jiang Qin was also excited.

I can't imagine that Lao Tzu and I will conquer the sea one day?

This is really different from the feeling in the inland rivers.

It's just that Jiang Qin didn't pay attention, and it was just them sailors who were excited.

As for the dragon rider, then there is really no good face.

If it weren't for the short time, the Canglong Cavalry warriors relied on willpower to insist, and I am afraid that they would have vomited a long time ago.

Now, having finally seen the long-lost land, how could the Canglong Cavalry warriors not be excited?

"Very good! Jiang Qin, send orders to the fleet, find a suitable place to land, and we will land!"

Similarly, seeing the long-lost land, Xiang Ji was also very excited.

Nima, I can't see the land in Tema, I'm going to vomit.

You know, as a modern person, Xiang Ji has taken a sea boat.

In his mind, it should feel like taking a boat on this building.

But who would have thought, this Nima is completely two experiences.

In modern times, the most slight rocking of the boat you are on can help you sleep comfortably.

But what about this boat? Nima, any wave can make you feel like you're floating in the sky, who can stand this?

I swear, I don't go to sea in this life.


After a few loud bangs, Xiang Ji's fleet finally crossed the ocean and came to the land of the Wa Kingdom.

"Order, the army rests here.

Xiahoulan, you immediately take someone to survey the surrounding terrain, and if you can see the natives, you will arrest them immediately. "

Yes, Xiang Ji plans to find out where he has arrived in the Wa Kingdom, as well as the general situation of the Wa Kingdom.

This, naturally, it is necessary to arrest the nearby natives to inquire.

Just when Xiang Ji had already docked to rest, far away in the land of Yizhou in the south, Zhou Tai finally saw the so-called Japanese people.

"Mr. Lu Xun, is this the Japanese man who beat Sun Quan and asked for help from my overlord?"

Looking at the loose formation in front of him, he was holding ... Okay, there are swords, and there are spears, but the question is, what the hell are these big people with bamboo sticks and sticks? The refugees are not as downcast as you, right?

Regarding Zhou Tai's question, Lu Xun could only bow his head in deep shame and remain silent.

Indeed, losing to these widows with an average height of one and a half meters, almost no armor, and uneven weapons, Lu Xun also felt ashamed for Sun Quan.

But there is no choice, who makes people have more families?

At present, the Japanese people in front of Zhou Taishui Master are afraid that there are no less than 50,000 people.

And this is just a partial division among the Japanese who invaded Yizhou.

You must know that there are more than 100,000 Japanese people besieging Yizhou.

Sun Quan only has 10,000 soldiers in his hands who are not strong in battle, how can he resist this?"

"I am the general under the command of Queen Himiko, and I will go to the land occupied by my Japanese people, and I will quickly retreat with unrelated personnel!"

Looking at the man in front of him who was wearing half-body armor and was at most one and a half meters tall, Zhou Taile was happy.


, after all, this is the first time to represent the state of Chu to fight with foreign clans, and Zhou Tai decided to deal with this general himself.

"I am Zhou Tai, the governor of the Chu State Navy, what kind of Zuo Nan, can you dare to fight?"

Looking at Zhou Tai, who was holding a sawtooth blade, with a hideous face, and his height made him only look up, he didn't need to be fearless.

"Fight is a war!" I, a warrior of the Japanese country, have never been afraid of anyone!".

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