"Kill, kill all these dwarfs!" Zhou

Tai was disappointed.

What kind of barren warrior of the Japanese kingdom? Nima, I haven't contributed yet, just one knife will give you seconds

? What kind of play? When you fight, you don't stop fighting, what kind of energy do you shout? How fierce are you?

Yes, in the face of Zhou Tai, the general of the Japanese Kingdom did not have to be Sao, and experienced the thrill of being killed in seconds.

Although it holds its sword high, although its mouth shouts constantly when it charges, the momentum is amazing.

But after all, height is a hard injury.

Even before he could get close to Zhou Tai's side, his head had already been cut off by the serrated blade cut off by the splitting head.

Of course, the Japanese people are also worthy of being soldiers who beat Sun Quan out of the house.

Under the death of the main general, the Japanese did not retreat in the slightest, and even their morale was not affected in the slightest, and they shouted unexplained slogans to charge at the Chu army.

However, the difference in strength is too great, and the brave Japanese still can't escape the fate of being tortured and killed.

In the face of these little people with uneven equipment and an average height of only up to their waists, the Chu Jun Sailor has thoroughly experienced what it means to be completely abused.

Yes, it's the end of the abuse.

Although the Japanese have an advantage in numbers, after all, their equipment is not neat, and their formation is completely empty, and they are completely rushing forward in a swarm of joints and gangsters, just relying on the courage of blood and energy.

In the face of such an enemy, the Chu army sailors who had lined up their formations did not feel any pressure at all.

Even on the battlefield, it is often seen that it is often several Chu army sailors besieging a Japanese warrior.

And that's where the formation comes in.

Finally, after half of the soldiers were killed and wounded, the Japanese stopped howling and their morale began to fall wildly.

When the first soldier to flee appeared, the Japanese were in complete confusion.

"Chase! Can't let them run away! The overlord has an order, don't take prisoners, kill them all!" Zhou

Tai, who was fighting on the front line with a sawtooth blade, found that the Japanese wanted to escape, and immediately shouted loudly.

You must know that on this expedition, Xiang Ji gave a death order to Zhou Tai.

Absolutely, not an invading Japanese can be allowed to leave Yizhou alive.

After a round of killing, looking at the tens of thousands of widows who fled into the depths of the jungle, Zhou Tai could only sigh helplessly.

"Damn! These little dwarfs are wild monkeys at all! This is too flexible!" Without

cavalry, in the face of these Japanese people who are bent on fleeing, the Chu army sailors feel powerless.

Zhou Tai was helpless, and Lu Xun was surprised.

In his mind, even if the Chu army could win, it was definitely not the result in front of him.

In any case, the Japanese are also a regular army, and their will to fight is definitely not weak.

I never thought that the face of the Chu army would be so vulnerable.

Is this Chu army so strong?

You must know that what Lu Xun is looking at now is nothing more than a naval army responsible for guarding the Yangtze River.

But even this kind of second-tier water army turned out to be crushing, and the number of widows far exceeded him.

Filigree is extremely scary.

Seeing the naval army in front of him, Lu Xun finally knew why the Chu Kingdom had developed so strong in just a few years, and even became the most promising overlord.

Just when Zhou Tai's side was abusing the Japanese army in Yizhou, Xiang Ji, who was in the Japanese country, also took action.

Under the leadership of Xiahou Lan and the Canglong Cavalry to attack everywhere, he finally encountered a fishing village of the Japanese Kingdom.

What else is there to say, decisively arrest people, so that Xiang Ji finally got all the information he wanted.

It turns out that he has now arrived on the island of Kyushu in the Wakoku country, and the current location is called Saga by the Wakoku people.

As for the current king of the Wa Kingdom, it is Himiko known in that item.

Yes, it's Himiko.

As a modern person, how could Xiang Ji not know that this very famous queen of the Wa Kingdom.

And the royal castle where Queen Himiko is located is also on this Kyushu island, located hundreds of miles east of Saga.

Knowing the goal, the project is naturally not delayed.

"Order! The whole army set off, and the target was the city of Yamatai, the city of the king of Wa. "

Since you plan to destroy the Wa Kingdom, you naturally want to destroy the location of his royal city first.

Of course, along the way, the Xiang army naturally also encountered the villages and even towns of the Wa Kingdom.

And the only order Xiang Ji gave

to his soldiers was to slaughter the city! Yes, it was to slaughter the city.

Others don't know about the harm done to our descendants of Yan and Huang after the Japanese Dynasty, so how can Xiang Ji not know about it?

Since he has already come here, it is natural that he must completely solve it once and for all.

As for whether anyone would say that Xiang Ji was too brutal?

Just kidding, the war of races always ends with the destruction of the country and the extinction of the species.

Throughout the history of mankind, have there been fewer races that have been wiped out?

History books are always written by the victors.

In the face of these Japanese people with an average height of 1.5 meters, the Canglong Cavalry warriors reached the point of complete abuse against them.

You must know that at this time, there was no war horse at all.

When most of the Japanese people saw thousands of dragon cavalry warriors riding war horses and launching a charge, their reaction was to kneel on the ground and beg for mercy, even in the face of the oncoming butcher's knife, they did not dare to resist at all.

After capturing a few prisoners and asking, Xiang Jifang realized that after a long time of trouble, these Japanese people regarded the Canglong cavalry warriors riding war horses as gods.

In the face of the gods of the earth, the people of the Japanese country naturally did not have the slightest courage to fight against them.

In this regard, Xiang Ji could only sneer.

These Japanese people are really ignorant.

Of course, because of the attack on the Japanese towns along the way, it also affected the speed of the march of the Xiang army, which also made Himiko, who was far away in Yamatai, receive the news of the Chu army's attack.

"What are you talking about!?A thousand-strong army of thousands of men, clad in iron armor, riding on an unknown four-hoofed monster, is heading for my Yamatai? All the cities and villages along the way have been slaughtered!?"

A white-robed woman with a hot body and a pretty face heard the report from her command, and immediately stood up from the throne in a hurry.

Just looking at its height, it is even taller than the average widow, I am afraid that it has reached a height of almost 1.6 meters.

It's just that above his pretty face is full of sadness.

Damn, damn it!

Those natives don't know, and how can Himiko not know.


must know that in this era, there were only a small number of bantam horses in the land of the Wa Kingdom, which could not be used as cavalry war horses at all.

Now, it goes without saying that there are thousands of armies dressed in iron armor and riding war horses.

In this era, the one who can have such equipment must be the army that crossed the sea from the mainland.

Why, old lady, am I so unlucky?

In this era, there is really nothing!

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