"Overlord! The enemy army has been slaughtered, and only a few have fled into the dense forest and cannot be pursued. "

After half a bloody battle, all the Japanese soldiers who dared to charge the Canglong Cavalry fell.

Looking at the blood-soaked earth, Xiang Ji couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

It is worthy of being a Japanese man who caused a lot of trouble to China in the future, not to mention the others, just this momentum of seeing death as home, ordinary people are really incomparable.

Yes, none of the soldiers in this battle chose to surrender, which couldn't help but make Xiang Ji not suspicious.

If these Japanese soldiers could be effectively trained and well-equipped, I am afraid that even the Canglong Cavalry would not be able to defeat them so easily, right?

In their minds, death is not terrible at all, it is just a return to the arms of the great god.

"Order! Retreat ten miles, find a dry place, and rest the whole army. "

After a fierce battle, although the Canglong Cavalry did not lose much, the physical consumption was definitely not small.

What's more, the corpses of tens of thousands of people in front of him are placed here in rows, and Xiang Ji is not in the mood to rest here.

As for whether the corpses of these tens of thousands of people will cause any diseases after their decay if they are not collected?

Anyway, it's not Lao Tzu's people, it's not Lao Tzu's compatriots, and it's not Lao Tzu's land.

In terms of the technology of the current era, it is not ordinarily difficult to completely occupy and even dominate the territory of the Wa Kingdom.

This, no matter who is in charge of this place, is afraid that it will make him an independent regime that is not controlled by the central government.

After all, if nothing else, this liaison is a big problem.

Even if this person has no two hearts, who can guarantee his descendants?

Therefore, Xiang Ji did not come here with any intention of occupying and conquering, and his purpose was completely to destroy and plunder.

Even if we can't kill all the Japanese people, we must at least strike at their vital forces to the greatest extent, and at least set back the course of their historical development by several hundred years.

This is the real purpose of the project.

Just as Xiang's army retreated to rest, Himiko, who had fled into Yamatai City, was not idle.

After a great dance, Himiko spoke.

"Quick! Send a messenger to the tribes to inform the tribes that the devil from hell has come to earth and that this queen has received the will of God.

Our great Amaterasu is currently fighting the Demon King, so there is no way to come to help us.

Now, we have to rely on our own strength.

Inform the tribes that those demons who have been born into the world have been suppressed by Amaterasu, and we, as ordinary people, can defeat them!"

At the very least, although these brainwashed widows are sorry for their combat strength, they have the strength to not be afraid of death.

I don't believe it, no matter how powerful the cavalry of your Chu army is, can you still kill my hundreds of thousands of Japanese soldiers in one go?

Yes, Himiko plans to assemble all the Japanese tribes and fight a decisive battle with the so-called "Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu."

I don't want to be able to destroy him in one battle, but as long as I can defeat him and let him know that our country is not a soft persimmon, then it is enough.

In Himiko's thoughts, if it was the era of Chu and Han fighting for hegemony on the continent now, then I'm afraid that this "Xiang Yu" wouldn't have much energy to pay attention to himself, right

? And as long as he persists for a few years, when "Liu Bang" wins, he will be safe, isn't it? It's

just that how does the unlucky Himiko know, all this is just her own wishful thinking.

And just as the Japanese envoys quickly rushed to various ethnic groups to inform the "oracle", Zhou Tai, who was far away in Yizhou, finally faced the main force of the Japanese people besieging Sun Quan.

"The whole army is in formation!" Looking

at the Japanese army waiting not far away, Zhou Tai cruelly licked the blade of the jagged blade in his hand.

Hmph, these little dwarfs even dare to have a decisive battle with Lao Tzu in the wilderness?

You know, Zhou Tai's army marched all the way before, and it was disgusted enough by this widow.

It's just that because of its short stature, it's really hard to find it hiding in the bushes.

As a result, along the way, I will always be attacked by these dwarfs in inadvertent places.

Although the loss is not big, you can't stand him always disgusting you, right?

In this regard, Zhou Tai is also faintly worried in his heart.

If these little dwarfs are ready to play ambush warfare with Lao Tzu's army, it will be troublesome, and I am afraid that they will not be able to finish this battle in a year.

Fortunately, these Japanese dwarfs were full of self-confidence, and they actually gave up the jungle ambush battle that was suitable for them, and instead came out to fight with Lao Tzu's army in a field battle.

There's no need to be polite.

"I am Zhou Tai, the governor of the Chu State, a thief of the Japanese State, dare to fight!"

Before the war, it was definitely refreshing to come to a fighting general who abused vegetables.

Although Zhou Tai also knew that these Japanese people would not lose their morale because of the defeat of their generals.

But killing a few of him can also affect the command of his battle formation, isn't it?"

"Wow, the ugly ghost is arrogant, and I am the general under the account of Queen Himiko. "

As the general of the main force of this Japanese people, the appearance of this famous party is not bad.

At the very least, his height has reached more than 1.6 meters, and he really stands out from the crowd in this Japanese army.

However, when the giant among the Japanese came to Zhou Tai, he could only look up at him.

You must know that Zhou Tai is an eight-foot-tall man, and he is also a height of more than 1.90 meters when he puts it first.

It is conceivable that a big man with a height of more than 1.90 meters stands in front of a person who is more than 60 meters tall, and this brings a sense of oppression...

"Wow yes! Shoot me!" Obviously

, the self-confident Japanese did not feel this sense of oppression, and seeing Zhou Tai walking towards him with a big grin, Jianyu Mingfang stabbed out the spear in his hand.

Looking at this imposing, soft spear stabbing at him, Zhou Tai's ugly face showed a hideous smile.

Is Lao Tzu and I too strong? Or are these Japanese people too weak? Is

this the player? Can Nima become the general of this army of nearly 100,000 people? This Nima

, I'm afraid that you may not be able to beat Lao Tzu if he calls a big soldier, right?"

"The frog at the bottom of the well, today Lao Tzu, I will let you see, what is the real fierce general!".

After that, Zhou Tai raised the sawtooth blade in his hand, twisted his waist, avoided the spear, thought forward with his two feet, and slashed the sawtooth blade at the unresponsive Japanese general Jianyu Mingfang

! "It's too weak! It's too weak! It's not enough to kill Lao Tzu!"

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