The smoke of gunpowder was filled, and the sound of killing was everywhere.

After Zhou Tai killed the Japanese general Jianyu Mingfang in seconds, the general offensive between the water division of Chu and the Japanese people was also in full swing.

Although the Lord was killed in an instant, the self-confident Japanese people did not lose any of their popularity, but instead took the lead in charging the Chu army with unknown howls in their mouths.

Looking at the unformed and swarming Japanese people, Zhou Tai sneered again and again.

Such an army, such a combat force, such a command.

Don't say you're an army of 100,000, what if you're a million?

"Shieldmen, array, spearmen, prepare to attack!Archers, throw!"

The best way to deal with this charge is to use the large shield soldiers as the front row to resist the momentum of the enemy's charge, and then the spearmen can attack the enemy in the gaps.

As for having the archers do the projectiles? It's too simple.

Faced with a tight lineup of nearly 100,000 Japanese people, the archers did not need to take any aim at all.

As long as you can shoot an arrow into the air, you will be rewarded when it falls.

This also makes almost everyone in the Chu army's sailors who are already good at shooting become archers, which is called an arrow without missing a shot.


When has the Japanese people, who have always lived on the island, endured such a dense and devastating rain of arrows?

You must know that the bows and arrows of the Japanese people are simply sharpened bamboo, and their lethality is naturally incomparable with the arrows embedded with steel arrows of the Chu army.

It was Sun Quan, who fled in embarrassment and did not bring much armaments and materials, and the equipment and combat power under his command were not much stronger than those of this Japanese people, which led to Sun Quan being defeated and retreating again and again in the face of the siege of the Japanese people, so that in the end he could only be trapped in Yizhou Zhisu to ask for help.

If it weren't for the fact that this Japanese man really lacked experience in attacking the city, I am afraid that Sun Quan would have insisted that the Chu army would have been unable to come to help.

"Hahaha! Shoot, keep shooting! Shoot all these dwarfs to death!" Zhou

Tai was even more excited when he saw that these Japanese people didn't know how to dodge the rain of arrows coming from the air.

Made, I knew that Lao Tzu would not let his soldiers fight with them before.


effective means of defense and not having enough experience in dealing with them, the morale of the Japanese army fell wildly at a speed visible to the naked eye under the blow of the Chu army's rain of arrows.

After all, even if you are martial arts and fearless, in the face of this situation where you can only be beaten and cannot fight back, I am afraid that you will not last long and will collapse.

"The whole army, attack! Annihilate the Japanese people, just fight here!" Seeing

that the morale of the Japanese people began to decline, Zhou Tai waved his hand, and the Chu army, which had been on the defensive, dropped his shield and charged against the chaotic Japanese army with his blade in hand.

As a veteran of the battlefield, how could Zhou Tai not see that if he shot for a while, these would-be wouldn't be able to start a large-scale escape again.

This short monkey-like guy is really hard to chase when he escapes, and Zhou Tai is not in the mood to accompany them to play his pursuit battle in this dense forest for ten days and half a month.

Although the attack of the whole army will also speed up the time for the collapse of the Japanese army, after all, the soldiers under your command rush up, and the damage caused to the Japanese is better than those random rain of arrows, right?

What's more, after getting close, it is not so easy for these Japanese to escape on a large scale.

"Can't stop it! These Chu people are too powerful, retreat!"

"Run! Brothers, they won't be able to catch up if they run into the dense forest."

"The one in the back, don't be the road, run quickly!" As

the Chu army launched a general attack, the Japanese army suddenly fell into collapse.

The previous bravery is completely gone, and all that remains is panic.

After all, this is not a heavyweight opponent at all.

Whether it is equipment, size, or even individual combat effectiveness, it is as if an adult is fighting a child.

The collapsed Japanese army was ready to retreat.

But at this moment, a large number of soldiers and armor suddenly came out of the rear of the Japanese army.

"Wu Guo Pan Zhang is here!" "Wu Guo Zhu Ran is here!" "

Wu State soldiers, the whole army attack, don't let these Japanese escape!" Sun


who was riding a black horse, held a long sword and led his generals to pour out, just to cut off the retreat of the Japanese people.

Yes, Sun Quan struck.

You must know that the place where Zhou Tai fought with the Japanese people was not far from the Yizhou Zhisho, so Sun Quan would naturally know about the battle between the two armies.

Previously, because the battle situation was unknown, Sun Quan did not dare to attack the Japanese with the Chu army easily.

But now, this is obviously an opportunity to beat the water dogs, how can Sun Quan continue to cower in the governance center and remain indifferent?

You know, this Chu army has come to relieve himself from the siege.

In the past, the two countries fought a war, and the king was defeated and defeated, and Sun Quan also understood this.

Now, he has been reduced to the point where he will be bullied as the king of the island, so what else can't he let go?

Previously, Sun Quan asked Lu Xun to send an envoy to the Chu State, and he also reported the mentality of trying it out.

The first is to see that if the state of Chu is still only a land of two states as before, then try to try to form an alliance with it to fight against this Japanese people.

In any case, the struggle between oneself and the same nationality is just a civil war, but in the face of this Japanese people, it is a war between nations.

Although Sun Ce died because of Xiang Ji, and Wu State was also destroyed by Xiang Ji, you must know that it was Wu State who took the initiative to declare war on Chu State at that time.

For this, Sun Quan can still see it completely.

After all, the past is always in the past, so how can one's own net worth and life be important?

As a qualified politician, Sun Quan still sees this very clearly.

It's just that what he didn't expect was that the combat power of the soldiers of the Chu State was so outstanding.

You must know that Sun Quan is not a person without vision, he can guess just by looking at this Chu army, this is just a sailor.

But with these 30,000 sailors, the Japanese who killed nearly 100,000 troops could not resist at all.

In this comparison, Sun Quan suddenly found that his strength was so weak that he was not qualified to negotiate with the Chu State.

Not to mention anything else, just the Chu Army Sailor in front of him, I'm afraid that it won't be difficult to destroy himself if he wants to.

In this regard, Sun Quan suddenly felt regretful.

Knowing this, it was better to continue to confront this widow...

But there is no way, it will be done, Sun Quan can only try his best to behave, at least he must act like an ally, right?

Otherwise, if Zhou Tai catches the handle and says that he is only watching from the wall and taking the opportunity to declare war on Yizhou, then everything will be over.

It's just that Sun Quan didn't know that the current Lu Xunke had already declared his submission to the Chu State on his behalf...

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