"Bold Lu Xun! Who gave you the guts! How dare you make your own decisions?"

rushed to kill, and the Japanese who fled in advance when they saw the opportunity appeared, and the rest of the Japanese who invaded Yizhou all turned into cold corpses.

Returning to Yizhou, Sun Quan finally met Lu Xun, who had made great contributions to him.

It's just that before he could celebrate, he received the news from Lu Xun that he had surrendered on behalf of the people.

Shocked to hear that Lu Xun had surrendered on his behalf, Sun Quan was immediately furious.

Is this too arrogant? Do you still see me, the king of Wu, in your eyes? You dare to make a decision privately?

Just as Sun Quan was about to explode to show his authority as the monarch of the state of Wu, Lu Xun, who had been silent, spoke.

"Great King, do you know that the sailor division outside my city is only a partial division of the Chu State? It is a second-line army?

Now, the Chu State has occupied Xuzhou, Yangzhou, Yanzhou, Sizhou, Qingzhou, and the entire land of Hebei.

Now, the state of Chu has become a well-deserved overlord in the universe, and I am afraid that it is possible to dominate the world. After

introducing the situation of the Chu State, Lu Xun fell silent again.

He believed that Sun Quan was not a fool and would definitely recognize the situation in front of him.

If the current state of Chu is still in the state when the state of Wu was destroyed, then Sun Quan, the Yizhou regime, still has a chance to struggle.

Unfortunately, there is no such thing as an if in reality.

In the face of the behemoth-like Chu State, Sun Quan is now afraid that he is just an ant in the eyes of others.

If it weren't for the purpose of killing this widow, I'm afraid that Xiang Ji, the king of Chu, might not have sent troops to this Yizhou to take care of Sun Quan's affairs.

Previously, I didn't expose it, so it's all good to say.

But now that Yizhou has been exposed because of the invasion of the Japanese people, and even the army of Chu has come to Yizhou, then the rest is over.

Sure enough, when Sun Quan heard Lu Xun's words, the anger immediately dissipated, and what remained was just endless decadence.

Unexpectedly, in just a few years, this Chu State actually destroyed Liu Bei, Cao Cao, and even Yuan Shao of Hebei

? God! How is this possible?

Sun Quan could not believe the general situation of Chu State described by Lu Xun.

But Sun Quan knew that Lu Xun would not make up lies on this to deceive himself.

After all, he is a clan, but the king of Chu is the most disgusted clan origin, not to mention that his family and relatives are still in this Yizhou.

Lu Xun has no reason to deceive himself at all.

Then, it is obvious that all this is true.

Today's Chu State has become an existence that Sun Quan can only look up to.

Not to mention revenge and restoration, whether or not you can survive depends on the mood of the king of Chu.

"Bo Yan, do you know what to do with Liu Bei, Cao Cao, and Yuan Shao after that book was destroyed?"

Sun Quan was a realistic person, so he quickly faced the reality.

At present, Sun Quan's main concern is how Xiang Ji disposes of the princes and kings he defeated.

If they are all killed, then there is no need to say, Sun Quan will inevitably choose to resist to the end.

But if there is a resettlement that is not bad...

"Great King! Xun was in Pengcheng for a short time, and he didn't find out too much about what happened.

However, Xun had heard that Liu Bei of Qingzhou fled all the way to the south after losing Qingzhou, and now it should be under the account of the two southern emperors.

Cao Cao's Yanzhou was not seized by the king of Chu, but the marriage of the two of them, and the king of Chu became Cao Cao's son-in-law.

It's just that why Yanzhou and Sizhou became the territory of Chu in the end is not too clear.

As for Yuan Shao, Hebei....

Yuan Shao had already been beheaded by the general of Chu State, Lü Meng, and his son Yuan Shang was the one who later returned to Chu.

I heard that it was sealed as a plain by the Chu State, and it was hereditary and replaced. !!

hearing Lu Xun break so much fierce news, Sun Quan only felt a dizziness in his head.

It was not surprising that Liu Bei was defeated and fled, after all, what Liu Bei was best at was running for his life.

It's just that what Sun Quan didn't expect was that the two families of Xiang Ji and Cao Cao, who had been fighting constantly, actually formed an in-law, and Chu State got all the chassis of Cao Cao.

This made Sun Quan feel incredulous.

However, when he heard about Xiang Ji's placement of Yuan Shang, most of the worries in his heart suddenly fell.

Come to think of it, the identity of the lonely king and I is also the same as that Yuan Shang, if Juzhou surrenders, I am afraid that he can also be named a hereditary marquis by him?

If this is the case, it is not unacceptable.

After all, the current contrast in strength is too obvious, and Sun Quan has no hope of winning at all.

"Bo Yan! Previously, you told the king of Chu that the king of Gu intended to submit to obedience, how did the king of Chu answer?"

This is the last question, and it is also the most relevant question of Sun Quan.

If the King of Chu agrees, then Sun Quan will simply let go of everything and enjoy life as a happy marquis with peace of mind.

But if the king of Chu disagrees and looks down on himself, then he can't say it, I'm afraid that a new round of the Age of Exploration will be launched.

"Great King, the king of Chu did not make any statement at this time.

However, in Yixun's opinion, let's go directly to General Zhou Tai outside the city to surrender.

As long as General Zhou Tai accepts our surrender, he will not refuse to come to the King of Chu. "

Previously, Xiang Ji had always been worried about why the Japanese people in this era had the ability to navigate, so they didn't pay much attention to Lu Xun's surrender on behalf of Sun Quan.

This also made Lu Xunxin along the way only put the hope of surrender on Zhou Tai.

After getting along all the way, Lu Xun knew that Zhou Tai was a heroic martial artist, and he owed no attention to politics.

Come to think of it, if Wu Wang Sun Quan asks him to surrender, this goods should not refuse.

Hearing Lu Xun's words, Sun Quan, who had no other choice, could only choose to accept it.

"Hahaha!Okay!Sun Quan, even if you have vision and know how to surrender, otherwise Lao Tzu is going to directly knock down your bullshit Yizhou City!"

This is a bit bragging, after all, Xiang Ji didn't give such an order to Zhou Tai when he set off.

However, in Zhou Tai's mind, this Sun Quan is just a dead monarch who has survived, and there is no need to be polite to him.

It's just that Zhou Tai didn't expect that it was because of his words that Sun Quan's determination to surrender was strengthened.

This, if Nima doesn't surrender quickly, I'm afraid that he won't be able to save his life.

And just when Zhou Tai subdued Yizhou, Xiang's army also came to the city of Yamatai.

When he looked at the architectural style in front of him, which was obviously different from other Japanese cities, Xiang Ji was even more puzzled.

What is the situation? Why did the Japanese people of this time and space have the ability to sail far and still be able to build such a strong city?

This city, no matter how Lao Tzu looks at it, looks like the Japanese city in those Taige games!

You know, it was a special thing in the Ming Dynasty.

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