"Overlord, my Wa Kingdom has no grievances and no enmity with your Chu State, why do you innocently invade the territory

of our Wa Kingdom, slaughter the people of our Wa Kingdom, and destroy the cities and villages of our Wa Kingdom?" A red and white robe similar to that of the witch and goddess officials of the Wa Kingdom in later generations made Himiko look like dust. (The shape can refer to the flower shrine maiden of King Glory Garo.)

Faced with Himiko standing at the head of the Yamatai Castle questioning himself, Xiang Ji was stunned.

Yes, Xiang Ji looked at the woman standing on the presentation and talking eloquently.

Of course, Xiang Ji was not shocked by his beauty and even his dusty outfit, after all, Xiang Ji is also a person who has experienced strong winds and waves, and what kind of beauty has never been seen.

It's just that the head of the city...

Nima? Isn't there a special mistake? Isn't this Nima

Teacher Cang? Looking at Teacher Cang, a male and female action art film master standing at the head of the city, his appearance and body shape are completely the same as those of the modern Japanese country, Xiang Ji is really confused.

You must know that the famous sentences and items that sing in China in modern times are vivid.

Cangshan has a well named Kong!

This, can it be a little more like?

Even when he saw the woman at the head of the city, Xiang Ji Dantian instinctively expressed some respect for her.

This is just because Xiang Ji has too many action blockbusters starring Mr. Cang in his mind.

Different from Xiang Ji's consternation, Teacher Cang, who was standing at the head of the city, no, is now the queen of the Wa Kingdom, Himiko.

When Himiko saw the silent item, his heart was even more anxious.

Damn, it looks like this battle is really inevitable.

Why am I so unlucky? I was still filming on the set, and suddenly I came to this damn place.

Even, when Himiko first came here, because of the need for filming, it was a complete vacuum even in the vital places.

This also made Himiko was discovered by the local natives and forced to carry out a human reproduction plan.

Luckily, Himiko met a powerful tribal chief.

Relying on the thousands of experiences in his previous life, Himiko easily turned this patriarch into a minister under the skirt, and then naturally he was deceived by various tricks all the way to the present.

I never thought that Himiko had just enjoyed the life of the queen and attracted such a devilish horror character.

"Overlord, if it is because of my invasion of Yishu that has caused your anger, then Himiko would like to express my sincere apologies to you.

As long as you can eliminate your anger, Himiko assures that our Wa Kingdom will make the Chu State, which has been the overlord for generations, the suzerain, worship forever, and never dare to rebel.

And even if you need it, Overlord ... The slave family can too..."

Although the Chu army under the city was less than 10,000 people, and they were all cavalry, Beimihu still did not have the confidence to be able to repel it.

Rather than putting hope on a slim repulsion, Himiko trusts face-to-face promises even more.

As long as he can coax away the army of the overlord of Western Chu, then I am afraid that he will not have the energy to trouble himself in the future.

Yes, because Himiko has always mistaken Xiang Ji for Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu, which also caused her to make wrong judgments one after another.

As for the last sentence, of course, it is the advantage of being a woman.

If you can make this feather your own minister, even if you are not only safe, but you can even deceive him with great benefits.

You must know that people are the "overlords of Western Chu", and pulling a random leg hair from the thigh is enough for a lifetime.

As for whether Xiang Yu can be turned into his own group of ministers,

Himiko is still very confident in this.

As long as he is interesting to himself, then with the thousand experiences and skills of his previous life, he is not a woman who knows nothing far beyond this era?

Looking at the humble humi on the city wall with slightly exposed thighs and flattering eyes, Xiang Ji said that it was not itchy, it was fake.

After all, this is too similar to Teacher Cang.

But at the moment, Xiang Ji doesn't have the heart to talk nonsense, after all, what he came to do still has to be figured out, if he let his army retreat thousands of miles away because of a few words from a woman, wouldn't it become a joke?"

Or, obediently open into surrender

!or, fight!"

As Xiang Ji's words landed, the spears in the hands of the six thousand dragon cavalry warriors behind him were raised one after another.


!" "Fight!"

Iron-blooded roared and soared into the sky.

Unprepared, he was startled by the sudden loud noise under the castle, and Himiko almost fell under the castle.

Looking at Xiang Ji with a look of war on his face, Himiko knew that his calculation of lust and temptation had failed.

As for the choice? It must be the second option.

Although Himiko also wanted to choose the first one, the problem was that this Chu army was the devil! Along the way, all the men in the Wa Kingdom were slaughtered by him, leaving only the women of appropriate age.


am afraid that if I want to surrender, these Japanese people under my command will not be able to agree, right?

You must know that Himiko only relies on words and tricks to deceive them, and if they are allowed to surrender and then let the Chu army cut and kill them in vain, Himiko really does not dare to guarantee that the Japanese people will believe her nonsense.

If this is not good, I will go see that bullshit Apayasu first.

"Since the overlord is aggressive, let's fight! I, the son of the Japanese country, is not weak and can be bullied!"

Since he has chosen to fight, Himiko naturally wants to show his momentum.

As an actor, Himiko is still very good at pretending.

I didn't see it, as soon as Himiko's voice fell, the morale of the Japanese soldiers guarding Yamatai was unprecedentedly high, and the ghosts screamed again and again.

Hmph, don't shed tears if you don't see the coffin!

Seeing Himiko's performance, Xiang Ji knew that this was planning to defend the city.

Although your Evil Horse Platform is built strong enough, and the Canglong Cavalry is not very good at attacking the city, Xiang Ji is still confident that he will break through the capital of this Japanese country.

But first, Xiang Ji decided to surround Yamatai first.

It's just because, judging from this humble and fearless appearance, it is obvious that he has already gone to ask for reinforcements.

This is the best news for Xiang Ji.

You must know that Xiang Ji came this time to pay attention to the destruction of the Japanese state.

You called the reinforcements, and I have a strategy

of attacking one place after another, so Xiang Ji chose to encircle the point to send reinforcements, and wiped out all the warlike soldiers of the Japanese country once and for all.

Aren't you going to rescue your queen? Then come, Lao Tzu, I see how many of you are enough to die!"

For the enemy army in Yamatai City, Xiang Ji is not afraid at all, Lao Tzu, I will besiege the city in front of your eyes, what can you do?

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