The head fell westward, and the Chu army, which had been fighting for a day, responded again.

This is already the ninth day that Xiang Ji led the Canglong Cavalry to besiege Yamatai.

In these nine days, Xiang Ji led the Canglong Cavalry to annihilate five Japanese troops to reinforce Yamatai.

The small number of these troops is only a few thousand, and the number is only more than 10,000, which does not cause the slightest trouble for Xiang Ji and Canglong Cavalry.

And through these wars, Xiang Ji discovered the benefits of those Japanese female slaves.

Yes, it is a Japanese slave girl.

You must know that the previous Xiang Ji attacked all the way, but more than 10,000 Japanese female slaves were captured.

Originally, they were just regarded as labor, and they could also be used for the proper release of the dragon riders under their command.

It's just that I never thought that these female slaves would be obedient.

Because these battles took place around the city of Yamatai, and Xiang Ji could not keep retreating because of these corpses, Xiang Ji could only order these female slaves to carry the corpses of the Japanese people.

Originally, I thought about it, even if these Japanese female slaves could do it, I was afraid that they would be able to deal with it casually.

I never thought that these Japanese female slaves would completely obey their orders, and even their work was meticulous.

The battlefield they cleaned up, if you didn't know that there was a war here, you wouldn't even see any traces.

This made Xiang Ji once again refresh his cognition of these Japanese female slaves.

It's just how to know about the item.

In this era, the status of ordinary women among the Japanese people was even as low as cattle and sheep.

It was only after Himiko became queen that the situation improved slightly, but the servility buried in the bone marrow of women among the Japanese people could not disappear in such a short period of time.

Now, since these Japanese female slaves were captured by Xiang Ji, and Xiang Ji also provided them with enough food and safety, this is naturally the only order to obey Xiang Ji.

As for being reduced to a tool

for the dragon riders to vent, it's better than having one person to serve the Japanese people, right?

What's more, these dragon rider warriors are just venting on them, but they won't make any messy abuse, which is better than those too many people.

At this moment, many female slaves will not leave even if you drive her away, and her loyalty to Xiang Ji and the Chu State is even far greater than that of many Chu civilians.

Xiang Ji was satisfied, but Himiko, who was guarding the city, was very dissatisfied.

You must know that in the past few days, she has seen the battle of Xiang Ji leading the Chu army to suppress reinforcements on the outskirts of the city.

However, there are only tens of thousands of defenders in his city, and for Xiang Ji's terrifying cavalry combat power, Himiko really doesn't have the courage to go out of the city to fight against the enemy.

Since he didn't dare to go out of the city, he could only watch the army of King Qinqin all the way to be wiped out by Xiang Ji, and it was false for Himi to say that he was not in a hurry.

Himiko made it clear that if this goes on for a long time, I am afraid that it will not be long before all the warlike soldiers in the country of the Japanese people will be wiped out by this "overlord of Western Chu".

Damn it! Damn it, I just sent people to attack Yizhou, and I didn't harass you along the coast, so don't you


You know, in Himiko's view, the Japanese people of this era are just inferior people.

As a noble and superior person, how could she have too deep contact with

these inferior people? Even the piece of these inferior people could not make her feel any satisfaction, it was like a toothpick, and it was tasteless.

No, I have to think of a way, if I go on like this, I'm afraid I'm really going to be trapped here by this demon.

After some thought, Himiko finally made a decision.

Come to think of it, your "Overlord of Western Chu" is just an ancient man with superior martial arts, and I have come up with some modern tricks that should be able to make him satisfied and withdraw from the army, right?

Yes, this is the method that Himiko thought of.

In fact, she also knows that compared to getting those unreliable, it is far less effective than sending them to the door to show some means.

Although the "Western Chu Overlord" had previously refused to be tempted by himself, Himiko was still very confident, and as long as he could get in touch with the "Western Chu Overlord", he would definitely be able to confuse him.

It's just that it's too risky to send it to the door by yourself, and Himiko really doesn't have the courage.

Night, the Chu army camp.

It was late at night, and Xiang Ji was just about to sleep peacefully, when he was asked to see the messenger of Yamatai who reported to him.

Hearing that someone from Yamatai was coming, Xiang Ji suddenly became interested.

You know, these numbers have made the item book miserable.

The Canglong Rider under his command can take turns in a group of 500 people to find the Japanese slave girl to be released, but he can't.

You know, they are just some Japanese slave girls with an average height of more than one meter and four meters and dark skin, and Xiang Ji has no interest in them at all.

But the problem is that every night I can hear the delicate panting and soft moaning, which can torture Xiang Ji.

Even Xiang Ji planned to issue an order to prohibit the dragon riders from harassing those female slaves again.

But considering that these warriors have been fighting for themselves for many years, and many of them have not even made a home, and now they have finally tasted the taste of women, it is indeed too cruel to forbid them like this.

Therefore, the helpless Xiang Ji could only endure silently.

Now that I heard that the Evil Horse Terrace was coming, I finally found a place for recreation, and I was naturally happy.

Nima, it can be regarded as finding something for me to do.

It's best if Queen Na Himiko comes in person, and I can release her.

I'm not interested in these ordinary Japanese female slave items, but the humble meja who is exactly the same as Teacher Cang's head is still very sexually interested.

"Respected overlord, it is difficult for villains to ascend to rice, which only means that His Royal Highness King Himiko expresses his highest respect to you.

Looking at the next head of the difficult rice who bowed to himself, Xiang Ji was full of disappointment.

Nima, don't be so special! I want to see Teacher Cang!

" "Anyway, what do you mean by that Himiko Queen? Are you going to surrender? If you surrender, let her come to King Gu and me in person!"

Originally, Xiang Ji didn't have such a great desire.

But you can't stand the dragon riders and those female slaves singing night and night.

This is bombarded by the sound of coquettish panting every day, and there are ghosts who can be controlled.

"Dear Overlord, this time I am not here to represent the surrender of our king to your army, but to offer a gift from the gods for the overlord.

I, the king, hope that the overlord will look at the face of the gods and spare the lowly widows.

From now on, we will be the lord of the overlord and will never give up!"

Seeing the thing in front of him, Xiang Ji almost jumped up directly.

This, this Nima!?

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