Looking at the things presented in front of him, Xiang Ji was not calm.

Isn't this special, isn't this the Kong Ming lantern invented by Zhuge Liang's kid

? This play should be a gift from the gods? Why are you kidding me?

Although Xiang Ji was speechless when this item was called a gift from the gods, the shock in Xiang Ji's heart could not be stopped for a long time.

Others don't know, he doesn't know yet? This thing doesn't belong to this era at all.

You know, at this time, the original Zhuge Liang didn't come up with this game himself, and you were a witch of the Japanese Kingdom? In this

regard, Xiang Ji's doubts in his heart were even deeper.

No matter how you look at it, this humble meiko doesn't look like an ancient person!?

Could it really be that Teacher Cang can't do it?"

As long as you write the words you want to say to the gods on this thing, then this thing will fly into the sky with a flame and pass your words to the gods to know. "

After that, Nan Shengmi picked up the Kong Ming lantern and demonstrated for Xiang Ji that it can indeed fly into the air...

Seeing Xiang Ji's stunned expression, it was difficult to ascend to Mi's pride.

Hmph, let you use force to conquer the world, the combat power of the armor under your command is invincible, and you can see the treasure given to the queen by this god, are you not dumbfounded?

You know, this thing can fly into the sky to communicate with the high gods!

Why can a woman in Himiko become the lord of the Wa kingdom where this woman has no status at all? It is because of this Kong Ming lantern that can communicate with the gods, which makes all the Wa people believe that Himiko is the messenger of the gods, the goddess of the earth.

"Very good! Very good! The Lone King is very satisfied! The messenger will go back and tell Queen Himiko that he is very satisfied with this gift. Hearing

Xiang Ji's answer, the waist pole of the difficult rice pole stood up instantly.

Hmph, I know, how can I not be satisfied?

This, but Her Royal Highness has specially prayed for the gods' gift to you!

"Please bring a message for the Lone King.

The Lone King sincerely invited Queen Himiko to come and discuss the alliance between the two countries and the joint worship of the gods.

In addition, please accept these gifts.

This is the friendship between the Lone King and the Master of Nanshengmi. After

that, Xiang Ji beckoned his guards to come and gave him a large number of silver ornaments.

Anyway, this was all obtained when he slaughtered the city before coming to Yamatai along the road, Lao Tzu, I don't feel sorry!

And Xiang Ji also knows that these things are just for him to keep temporarily.

Hmph, sooner or later Lao Tzu will slaughter you!

Now, Xiang Ji has generally confirmed in his heart that there is definitely something wrong with this so-called Queen Himiko.

Indeed, you can cross over yourself, so why can't others cross over here

? Aren't you humble enough to shrink in the Evil Horse Terrace and not come out? Then I'll pretend to be tricked into tricking

you out! Hmph, as long as you dare to come out, then don't think about going back.

What kind of barren bullshit gods, just fool these natives.

Take a broken Kong Ming lantern to fool Lao Tzu, and you will come out with what you think.

"Overlord, please rest assured! Nansheng Mi will definitely bring back the sincerity of the overlord to Queen Himiko!"

"Nansheng Mi is overjoyed!

It seems that this terrifying "Western Chu Overlord" is also extremely respectful to the gods.

You must know that this time, it is difficult to raise rice and even report the heart of death.

Queen Himiko said before that this guy is a demon king from hell.

But what about now? It can only be said that the brilliance of Amaterasu God shines on the earth, and even the Demon King has to respect him!

Looking at the difficult rice that left with a large amount of treasure, Xiang Ji's heart felt a sense of anticipation.

I don't know if that "Teacher Cang" will fall for the scheme?

After a while, Nanshengmi returned to the city of Yamatai.

"Everything you said is true!?Did he really answer that?"

Himiko, who was anxiously waiting for the result, saw Nanshengmi returning, and hurriedly asked him about the process of this envoy to the Chu army.

When he heard Nanshengmi say that the "Overlord of Western Chu" was respectful to the gods, and his face was shocked, Himiko's heart that had been hanging finally fell.

Hahaha! The ancients were the ancients, and this kind of trick was deceived? I knew earlier, why did I bother to fight him, my mother? I sacrificed so many soldiers in vain.

Himiko has no doubts about the words of difficult rice.

After all, the Japanese people's performance of these little tricks in her has given her enough confidence.

It's just that when Himiko heard that the "Overlord of Western Chu" invited her to go, she still hesitated.

In any case, Himiko is just a woman, an actor who has never experienced any battles, and only relies on his outstanding talent to shoot some "action movies".

If you want to let her go to the enemy camp, or the terrifying "Western Chu Overlord" camp, she really doesn't have the courage.

"Your Royal Highness, the villain thinks that we can go!" Seeing

the hesitation on Himihu's face, Nan Shengmi suddenly knew that the person in front of him still couldn't trust the "Western Chu Overlord" and couldn't trust himself.


must know that the "Overlord of Western Chu" is

his good friend! How can he not be a good friend if he can give himself so many treasures so generously?

As a person who stresses righteousness, he absolutely has to contribute to his friend.

And according to the judgment of Nanshengmi, this "Western Chu Overlord" is also absolutely sincere in reconciliation and even alliance.

If they could form an alliance with them, it would be of great help

to the Wa State! Not to mention anything else, their weapon smelting skills, as well as the terrifying war horses, were all urgently needed by the Wa State.

For a man with great ambitions and a desire to revitalize the Wa Kingdom, how could he miss the opportunity for an alliance between the two countries

?" "What do you say? Do you think this king should go?"

In any case, it is always okay to hear if he is making a decision on whether he has any reason.

"Yes, Your Royal Highness, the Queen, thinks we should go, and only in this way can we show that Her Highness is a man of God.

Moreover, it is difficult to ascend to Miguan's expression of the 'Overlord of Western Chu', and his respect for the gods is absolutely unfake!"

Yes, they are ancients, so isn't the "Overlord of Western Chu" also an ancient?

How can they be disrespectful in the face of the gods? I

can't say that this time I go, this queen will still have a chance to conquer this famous man from ancient to modern times.

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