Wa Kingdom, Yamatai.

Just when Xu Sheng and Yu Ban were preparing to send troops, Xiang Ji, who was far away in the Wa Kingdom, finally waited for the last Wa migration team.

"That's all, don't you have a lot of Japanese troops?Why is the population so small?"

Xiang Ji frowned as he saw the arrival of the last Japanese migration team.

How many men and women are here? Counting all men, women, and children, I'm afraid it's less than a million people

, right? Isn't this special Japanese army all 100,000 troops? Can this ratio be right?

Xiang Ji didn't suspect that Himiko was deceiving himself, after all, this woman was not stupid, and now life and death were controlled by Xiang Ji, and there was no benefit in deceiving him.

And Xiang Ji can also see that this girl lacks the slightest sense of national honor, so it is impossible to sacrifice herself for the sake of these indigenous people.

In this regard, Xiang Ji can only wonder if this girl is bragging to herself, in fact, she does not have such a strong appeal in the Japanese country at all, and she cannot command all the Japanese people at all.

"Master, this is really all the widows.

Even if there are any omissions, they are only a very small number of widows who live in the countryside and are sparsely populated and cannot be inquired about by inconvenient transportation. Seeing

Xiang Ji's suspicions, Himi was anxious.

Just kidding, if Xiang Ji became suspicious of her or even lost interest in her because of these despicable widows, then Himiko would cry to death.

Even if she hadn't experienced the cruelty of this world, after seeing Xiang Ji order the slaughter of all the old people and children without hesitation, she knew that her master was simply an executioner, and he was simply a demon who didn't treat the Japanese people as human beings.

As a Japanese person, how could Himiko not be frightened.

In order to be able to save his life, in order to be able to obtain a superior life, Himiko will never disobey any of the orders of the Item.

Now, seeing that Xiang Ji actually doubted the number of Japanese people, how could Himiko not be in a hurry.

"Then let me ask you, why is the army of your Japanese people even more than 100,000 when it is dispatched?

With the current population ratio, isn't it?"

I also believe in Himiko's explanation, but I can't rest assured if I don't solve the doubts in my heart.

If this is not completely resolved, he will be born again in the next spring breeze in a few hundred years, it will become a joke.

"Master, you don't know, because of the hard life of the Japanese people, most of the children are not like male babies for the rest of the time, so they will not receive enough care and food at all, which makes the ratio of men and women in the Japanese people seriously imbalanced, and most of the people in a family share a Japanese woman.

As for the army you mentioned, that's all the forces that the Japanese can mobilize.

As you can see from the Japanese army that came to support Yamatai in the future, the Japanese have no soldiers to fight. Hearing

Himiko's explanation, Xiang Ji completely understood.

No wonder, no wonder there are so many prime-age armor in such a small population.

After a long time, half of the old people and children in Nima didn't need Lao Tzu to wield a butcher's knife, so they starved themselves to death first.

At the same time, Xiang Ji also admired the degree of perversion of this Japanese people.

Nima, a family of males sharing a widow female? No wonder you are stunted one by one.

And this completely relieved Xiang Ji's doubts, why those Japanese female slaves were so obedient after being captured, and even expressed a warm welcome to the care of the dragon riders.

First of all, the difference in this body model is very obvious, and the comfort level cannot be compared.

Besides, it's better to serve just one person than to serve a large family at the same time, right?"

Xiahou Lan, immediately reorganize this last horse, send those who should be used as slaves to mine, and the female slaves who should be left and transported back to China are also separated, and you can dispose of the rest. Now

that he knows the reason, Xiang Ji is too lazy to think about it.

As long as these last group of Japanese people are disposed of, then the matter in this Japanese country will be over.

After that, as long as the fleet was arranged to transport the silver mines dug by these Japanese slaves on time, it would be fine.

Of course, it is not that they are left to fend for themselves without making some arrangements.

After all, the efficiency will inevitably be extremely low, and when the fleet arrives, it will not be possible to go to the mines in person to collect them.

Today's lord of the Wa kingdom is the most clever one selected by Himiko recommended by Himiko, and his name is the Great Owner.

Xiang Ji also made a promise to the big owner, as long as he is satisfied with his performance, then after ten years, he will let the big owner go to the Central Plains to see the real prosperous world.

Of course, this cannot be said so explicitly, but after being embellished by Himiko, as long as the great owner does his best to supervise these Japanese slaves for ten years, then a messenger from Amaterasu will take him to the kingdom of God.

Even, the army of iron cavalry of Xiang Ji, after being modified by Himiko, has become a punishment from Amaterasu for the laziness of the Japanese people.

In the face of these warriors from the "divine realm", the Japanese people were even more afraid, and did not dare to resist at all.

Of course, nothing is absolute.

After learning that the Canglong Cavalry was a warrior from the "God Realm", in the face of the care of the Canglong Cavalry Warriors, those Japanese female slaves showed far more enthusiasm than before.

This made Xiang Ji more speechless.

Half a month later, Xiang Ji landed in the land of Wakoku, Saga Port.

"Jiang Qin, there are about 80,000 Japanese female slaves here, can our fleet load them down and transport them away at one time?"

This Nima, except for the fact that this little girl can satisfy Lao Tzu and me, there is nothing that can satisfy people in this country.

What should I do, eat fish every day, and the taste of birds fades out of my mouth.

As for why he asked Jiang Qin if he could take away the Japanese slave girls at one time? This is obvious.

Now these more than 80,000 Japanese female slaves are the best Japanese female slaves carefully selected by Xiang Ji's order Xiahou Lan, regardless of their age, appearance and body type, they are the best among the Japanese people, and Xiang Ji must of course take them all away.

If the fleet can't take them all at once, the book can only put to death the Japanese slave girls who can't be taken away.

You know, Xiang Ji doesn't intend to leave any female existence for this country to reproduce.

"Overlord! Yes, you can take them all away, just let them squeeze it!Besides

, can the last general have two female slaves?"

Looking at Jiang Qin with a smile on his face, Xiang Ji laughed heartily.

This is the purpose of Lao Tzu and I to take these female slaves!

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