Xiang's fleet set sail and drove straight to the coast of Xuzhou.

As for why he didn't go to

Liaodong when he came? Just kidding, it was because he was not familiar with the route, and Xiang Ji had no place psychologically, so he could only choose the nearest place, after all, it was safer, wasn't it?

Now, Xiang Ji already knew that his building ship could carry out this kind of offshore navigation, so naturally he would not choose any bullshit Liaodong.

Just kidding, with tens of thousands of female slaves, if you want to walk back from Liaodong, how long will it take to walk back all the way?

This is why it is better to float him on the sea for a few more days and return to Xuzhou directly.

For the results of this expedition, Xiang Ji is still very satisfied.

Once and for all, the matter of the Wa Kingdom was completely solved, and even Xiang Ji allowed his race to die out naturally, which is the most proud of Xiang Ji.

Moreover, he also got back more than 80,000 female slaves of the Japanese Kingdom, which is also a lot of wealth.

In this era, what is most lacking? Isn't it the population

? With these extremely obedient female slaves of the Japanese State, how many soldiers can be rewarded by the Xiang Nationality? How much can the labor force be added to the country?

You must know that these female slaves of the Japanese are also good at fishing in the sea or in the fields to do farm work! As for whether these Japanese female slaves

will change their ethnic lineage after entering the Chu State?

This is not worrying.

When these Japanese female slaves came to the Chu State, they naturally had to be assimilated by the Chu State, and all their habits of eating, using, wearing, drinking, and all their living habits had to be changed.

Even if she still retains the characteristics of the Japanese people in this generation, I am afraid that after two generations at most, she will slowly become a subject of the Chu State completely.

As for the issue of height, this item can only believe that our racial bloodline is strong enough.

No matter how you say it, it's better to have than not to have.

In today's world, the population is never too large.

Of course, this was only limited to Japanese slave girls.

The male slaves of the Japanese people, all of them had to stay in the Japanese kingdom to dig silver until they died, and then go to meet their bullshit Apoyasu.

These are just the receipts that Xiang Ji brought to the Chu State.

Naturally, it also has a rich receipt.

Not to mention how much treasure was plundered by the Japanese country this time, even the woman, even the woman Himiko, Xiang Ji is also extremely satisfied.

In terms of satisfying the needs of Xiang Ji, first of all, Himiko has done what no other woman can do, after all, this is a professional who has been through a hundred battles, how can ordinary women compare?

More importantly, this little girl, that is also from the same era as Xiang Ji, can let Xiang Ji relieve the loneliness that has been suppressed in his heart for a long time.

Yes, after all, Xiang Ji also has more than 20 years of modern memories no matter how he says, and many things can naturally only be buried in his heart and no one tells him.

And with Himiko, the little girl, then Xiang Ji can naturally say something to her that she can't say to others.

Of course, even so, Xiang Ji will not have any improvement in the identity of the little girl.

After all, this girl is a widow, and she is only worthy of being a private slave of the Xiang family.

Himiko is also very conscious of this, and there is no dissatisfaction or rebellion at all, but he enjoys it very much.

This, so that Xiang Ji is also very speechless about this.

The servility of the Japanese people is indeed innate...

And just when Xiang Ji was very satisfied with the harvest of this expedition and led the army back, Xu Sheng and Yu Ban, who were far away in Yangzhou, also set out to fight.

"Wen Ze, now that we have all arrived in Suixian, why have the soldiers of the prefectures and counties along the way not moved? Don't they know that Xiangyang is under siege now?

Moreover, we have entered the country so boldly, and we have not encountered any interrogation and obstruction, isn't it too strange?"

Along the way, he didn't encounter any Jingzhou soldiers, and Xu Sheng couldn't help but be surprised by this.

"It's really not right, so let's be careful.

This Jingzhou, it's so strange, let's evacuate quickly after we get to Xiangyang and force the second Guan to retreat. It

was not only Xu Sheng who felt strange about this, but also Yu Ban, who was relatively calm, and felt that something was wrong.

But the credit of the jade seal of the country is waiting for him there, and in this situation, Yu Ban will not leave without doing anything anyway.

Come to think of it, maybe these Jingzhou soldiers are still entangled inside, so they don't take any action, right?

In this regard, Yu Ban can only comfort himself like this.

It's just that he didn't know that when the Chu army entered the territory of Jingzhou, it was immediately learned by Gan Ning, who was guarding Jiangxia County.

However, because of Liu Bei's envoy's words, Gan Ning chose to let him go.

Yes, it was because of the existence of Liu Bei's envoy that the army of Chu was able to go all the way to Suixian without hindrance.

It's just because, when the Chu army entered Jingzhou, Guan Yu, who was in Xiangyang, also got the news.

Originally, Guan Yu planned to order the envoys of various prefectures and counties to exert force, prompting the troops of Jingzhou to block this Chu army at the border, so as not to hinder his conquest of Xiangyang.

However, this news also reached the ears of Guan Yu's military advisers.

When he heard the news, he immediately stopped Guan Yu's plan, and then quickly offered a plan before Guan Yu got angry, a plan that could keep all the Chu troops in Jingzhou.

The name of this scheme is called, please enter the urn.

Yes, even if the states and counties in Jingzhou do not completely fall to Liu Bei, most of them will choose neutrality.

So as long as this Chu army, which dared to enter Jingzhou, came to Xiangyang, Guan Yu could naturally launch a head-on attack on it.

At the same time, the prefectures and counties that fell to Liu Bei will also send troops to respond and eat this Chu army that has penetrated deep into the enemy's territory in one bite.

Come to think of it, without this army, Chu's defense of Yangzhou will definitely fall into a weak stage.

When the time comes, Guan Yu can enter the land of Yangzhou in Chu State, and retreat to Xiangyang, and slowly digest the entire Jingzhou without hindrance.

Guan Yu, who had been stopped because of his own order, suddenly lit up when he heard such a clever plan.

That's Guan Yu's eternal pain.

Since fighting with that membership, Liu Bei's brother has basically never taken advantage.

Now that it is rare to have this opportunity to strike at the Chu army, Guan Yu will naturally not let it go.


long as this Chu army can be eaten, then Liu Bei's strength in the south will completely overwhelm the Chu state.

At the same time, it is precisely because of this clever plan that Guan Yu began to pay attention to this military advisor who took the initiative to vote after he came to Jingzhou.

This product, I'm afraid that its ability is not as good as Zhuge Liang's, and it's not far behind, right?

You know, this guy is known as Ma Liang, who is known as Ma's Five Constants and has the best white eyebrows!

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