Qingzhou, Penglai.

Sailing all the way, the Xiang army finally returned from the Wa Kingdom and came to the land of Penglai under Qingzhou.

As for why you chose to stop in Qingzhou instead of returning directly to Xuzhou as previously planned?

I was also very helpless about this status, who would have thought that most of these Japanese female slaves would be seasick and dizzy?

The Dragoon warriors are physically strong and can endure even seasickness.

But these Japanese female slaves couldn't stand it, and basically except for the flagship where Xiang Ji was located, the sound of vomiting came from the other ships twenty-four hours a day.

Therefore, Xiang Ji could only order Jiang Qin to change his goal and come to the nearby Penglai landing.

handed over all the Japanese slave girls to Xiahou Lan for escort, and Xiang Ji led the Canglong cavalry to Pengcheng first.

After a few months of absence, Xiang Ji naturally returned to his heart like an arrow.

What's more, if the situation is not stable today, and after being away for so long, Xiang Ji also urgently needs to know if there have been any changes during this time.

As for Himiko? Of course, it is a strange ride with the item, and all the needs of the item are served along the way.

This woman, Xiang Ji planned to take her back to Pengcheng and imprisoned her, not allowing her to come into contact with outsiders.

After all, this woman knows too much about herself, and if she accidentally says something, it will always cause trouble, right?

As for why not just kill it?

Just kidding, are you willing to do it? Whether it's a bed matter, or it can let Xiang Ji relieve the loneliness that he can't tell people in his heart, Xiang Ji is reluctant to kill Himiko.

After running wildly for a few days, the non-stop Xiang Ji soon returned to Pengcheng.

Looking at the towering city walls and the dense flow of people, Xiang Ji's heart was full of pride.

Just as he was about to show off to Himiko, a "fellow countryman", Xiang Ji saw a person who he couldn't have imagined no matter what.

This? How could it be in Pengcheng?

Yes, what Xiang Ji saw was Mrs. Cai who fled all the way from Jingzhou.

Because of the long delay in the sea voyage, when Xiang Ji returned to Penglai, Xu Sheng and others had actually withdrawn to Yangzhou.

Now, it also happens to be the first day that Mrs. Cai came to Pengcheng.

Under the cover of Xu Sheng all the way, most of the important personnel of the Cai family have been preserved.

Because Xu Sheng needed to enter the palace to report to Jia Xu, who was in charge of guarding Pengcheng, he couldn't take care of the Cai family for the time being.

Just as Mrs. Cai and her people were amazed by the prosperity of Pengcheng, Xiang Ji returned.

Xiang Ji can see Mrs. Cai, how can Mrs. Cai not see Xiang Ji?

After all, Xiang Ji was riding a horse in Pengcheng, where horseback riding was forbidden.

This, don't be too eye-catching.

"Little woman Cai's New Year's greetings!"

"Cai Mao meets the overlord!"

"Cai He meets the overlord!"

Seeing Xiang Ji, although the Cai family had no preparations, they would not lose their manners.

Seeing that the people of Pengcheng around him also discovered themselves under Cai's worship, Xiang Ji frowned.

"Come with the lonely king."

Because of the Cai family's visit, which caused a large-scale visit, Xiang Ji could only bring these Cai family members back to the palace first.

If you have any doubts, you always have to ask.

"Tell me, what's going on, and why are you here?"

Returning to the palace, Xiang Ji ignored the visits of many ministers, and took the lead in asking the Cai family about the doubts in their hearts.

You know, this Mrs. Cai is Liu Biao's daughter-in-law! Liu Biao hangs, then his son is the new emperor of Jingzhou.

Then, if she appears in Pengcheng, it is worth thinking about.

Regarding the issue of the item's nationality, everyone in the Cai family naturally knows everything and says everything.

After some narration, Xiang Ji finally figured out the reason.

Damn it!

Unexpectedly, such a big thing has happened in the past few months since Lao Tzu left.

Liu Bei wants to seek Jingzhou, and this can be guessed without thinking about it.

But what he didn't expect was that Liu Bei's appetite would be so big.

This is not only to take Jingzhou's territory, but also to take over the entire Jingzhou completely undamaged!

Because of Xu Sheng's light advance, Yangzhou of Chu lost 70,000 horses in his headquarters, and now although he has been replenished from Pengcheng, he is no longer able to hinder Liu Bei's strategy against Jingzhou.

In this regard, Xiang Ji can only sigh in vain.

It's just that what Xiang Ji didn't expect was that Xu Sheng's stupidity was so stupid that he abandoned the army and escaped with this girl because of a friend of Lao Tzu's artillery.

Xiang Ji is also helpless.

Lao Tzu, am I particularly short of women?

This woman is just a friend! And you don't have any feelings, so you left the army?

Even if you bring back a thousand armors to Lao Tzu and me, it's more useful than bringing back such a girl, right?

Of course, this is also a thought in mind.

After all, everyone has been brought back, what else can you do?

After last year's battle of Hebei, the current Chu State has not yet recovered, and Xiang Ji can only temporarily put down his thoughts and go straight to Jingzhou.

It is the Canglong Rider, after this series of battles, it also needs to recuperate.

"Order, order Zangba to be the general of Shouchun and fill the vacancy in the ban."

Now that there is no important position in the Chu State, there is also a Tibetan tyrant, and since the traitor Yu Ban has demoted Liu Bei, Xiang Ji naturally has to arrange a new guard for the guard.

Yes, after a few days of precipitation, the spy has sent back the news.

That Yu Ban did not die, but chose to surrender because he was greedy for life and afraid of death.

Xiang Ji can't say anything about the forbidden choice, after all, it is human nature to be afraid of death.

However, since you dare to betray Lao Tzu, then you must be prepared to bear Lao Tzu's wrath!

Yes, Xiang Ji will never tolerate this kind of betrayal.

Even if he once made a great contribution to himself.

If you are defeated and captured, as long as you don't die, you will redeem it at any cost.

But since you have chosen to surrender, then you are naturally the enemy of Xiang Ji.

After arranging the affairs of Yangzhou, Xiang Ji turned his head to look at Xu Sheng, who did not dare to raise his head, and the Cai clansmen.

This Xu Sheng, it doesn't matter how to deal with it first, let's arrange this Cai family first.

Of course, Xu Shengxiang will never be spared.

If it weren't for this, it wouldn't have made the situation so bad.

As for the Cai family...

It's coming, and you can't drive people away, can you?

And this Mrs. Cai has made herself feel comfortable more or less once, thinking of the old love, and the Xiang Ji can't be funny.

What's more, this Mrs. Cai's identity, I'm afraid that she may be able to use it.

"You guys, settle down in the Chu State.

If General Cai Mao wants to go out of the Chu Kingdom, then the Lone King will not be treated lightly! "

This Cai Mao still has some ability, and Xiang Ji doesn't care about the overstaffing under his command.

The apprehensive Cai family heard Xiang Ji's placement of his family, and a hanging heart suddenly relaxed.

"Thank you to the overlord~"

Looking at the heroic Xiang Ji of the previous head, Mrs. Cai once again threw a wink at it.

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