Night, Pengcheng, Cai's new mansion.

After all, it is still a big family, although it is a refugee, but Cai Mao still took out the money to buy a mansion that can be used for his people to live.

"Xiao Chen brought everyone in the Cai family to thank the overlord for taking him in!"

has been appointed by Xiang Ji as the general of Lujiang, and Cai Mao is leading a group of people from the Cai family to banquet Xiang Ji.

Yes, after receiving the recruitment signal released by Xiang Ji during the day, Cai Mao chose to be loyal without hesitation.

Cai Mao is not stupid, what else does his Cai family have now? Now what is his Cai family in the eyes of the king of Chu?

The king of Chu was notoriously disgusted with clans.

If it weren't for the decline of the current Cai family, there wouldn't be many clansmen at all.

If it weren't for the fact that the younger sister Mrs. Cai had such an incense relationship with the King of Chu, I am afraid that His Royal Highness the King of Chu would not bother to pay attention to them, and still be able to solicit them?

Cai Mao knew very well that with her little sister's background, I am afraid that the King of Chu would not include her in the harem at all, let alone her identity or anything.

At most, he has become an underground lover of His Royal Highness the King of Chu.

Now Mrs. Cai is in her thirties, how many years can she be younger? I'm afraid that His Royal Highness the King of Chu will get tired of playing for two years.

If this is once they get tired of it, won't their Cai family completely lose their support?

Therefore, when Cai Mao heard Xiang Ji's solicitation to him, he chose to be loyal without hesitation.

At the very least, as long as the Cai family still has me, Cai Mao, it will not decline.

Although Cai Mao is good at commanding the naval army, Xiang Ji still arranged him to be the Taishou of Lujiang.

Without him, it was just that Xiang Ji was preparing for the attack on Jingzhou in the future.

This is the head snake of Jingzhou, and Xiang Ji naturally wants to bring him with him when he attacks Jingzhou.

And after experiencing the Jingzhou rebellion, the loyalty of the Cai family is far greater than others.

This is also the reason why Xiang Ji contained and recruited Cai Mao.

Regarding the frequent toasts of the Cai family, Xiang Ji did not refuse.

Just kidding, the alcohol content in this era is not as high as beer, and Lao Tzu is afraid of a fart?

The Cai family didn't arrive in Pengcheng for a long time, and they were properly settled to invite themselves, and their purpose was also clear.

Isn't it just that I want to continue to thank and get closer to each other, and then let Mrs. Cai, who keeps discharging herself, climb into her bed again.

In this regard, the person who came did not refuse.

After returning to Pengcheng for more than ten days, all the women in the harem have also been stained with rain and dew, and now facing this Mrs. Cai, it has brought Xiang Ji a pleasure of stealing food.

After three rounds of drinking, Cai Mao, who has a good eye, has also discovered that His Royal Highness the King of Chu is obviously not interested in eating at the banquet, but constantly interacting with his sister who is trying to discharge.

Seeing this, Cai Mao understood in seconds.

When everyone in the Cai family retreated, only the slightly drunk Xiang Ji and Mrs. Cai with spring eyes were left between the banquet.

"SAO woman, I haven't seen you for a long time.

Come here, let the lonely king and let me see if your skills have improved. "

To Mrs. Cai of this wind SAO, Xiang Ji naturally will not have any politeness.

Lao Tzu is willing to come, isn't this the purpose?

Looking at Mrs. Cai, who was crawling like a mother beast, Xiang Ji was excited.

Spring is full of color, and the items after a cloud and rain are refreshing.

This Mrs. Cai, although her skills are not as good as Himiko, but this SAO strength, there is really no one in her own women who can compare.

"Overlord ~ slave family can still satisfy you?"

After feeling comfortable, Mrs. Cai was tired of sticking up.

Looking at Mrs. Cai in front of him, Xiang Ji's previous refreshed heart suddenly disappeared.

This? What do you mean? Why did you just climb into Lao Tzu's bed and want to make a request?

Xiang Ji is not stupid, just after the cloud and rain, he asked if he was satisfied? Can this be more obvious? I'm afraid that as soon as I say that I am satisfied, all kinds of requirements will immediately follow.

For this girl, Xiang Ji is just playing with the idea of hunting wild food.

If he dares to ask for something to enter the palace, Xiang Jike will have to reconsider the disposal of the Cai family.

"What? What do you want to say?

Listening to Xiang Ji's cold voice, Mrs. Cai's heart suddenly chuckled.

It seems that he is still in a hurry.

Who is this? This is the King of Chu! Can there be fewer women around him?

Although she was confident in her appearance, Mrs. Cai also knew that with her background, there was indeed nothing that could make King Chu look at her.

"Overlord~ The slave family asked the eldest brother to invite you to come this time, but not only prepared a gift for the slave family itself~"

Now, Mrs. Cai can only try her best to remedy it.

You must know that Mrs. Cai thought about taking advantage of the situation to enter her harem after serving Xiang Ji comfortably.

Even if it's just a show girl with the lowest status.

It's just because Mrs. Cai still has something in her hand, and there is also a treasure that can allow her to get favor and even improve her status.

Yes, this thing is the heirloom jade seal that Mrs. Cai has been hiding with her.

Mrs. Cai did not dedicate it to the Cai family when the previous item was placed, just for this time.

But now, I'm afraid that if I don't give this thing, I won't be able to lie on the overlord's bed in the future.

This is something that Mrs. Cai can't tolerate.

Although she doesn't want to be one of the top women in this Chu country, she must at least get a guarantee, right?

Of course, Mrs. Cai's plans are not known.

But when Xiang Ji heard this girl say that she had prepared other things for herself, Xiang Ji's interest was raised again.

Hmph, I'm here to see what you SAO girl want to play.

Originally, he was just in a flat mood and ready to see what Mrs. Cai wanted to do, but when Xiang Ji saw what she took out, he was stunned.


This, this Nima?

Subject to the mandate of heaven, both longevity and eternal prosperity?

Looking at a square piece of jade presented in front of him, Xiang Ji could no longer be calm.

Heirloom jade seal!

it! I didn't expect this game to be on this girl!

No matter what Xiang Ji thought, he would never have imagined that this heirloom jade seal would be taken out of the palace by this Mrs. Cai.

You know, it's not without expectations in the previous paragraph.

But the Cai family came to Pengcheng for more than ten days without the slightest movement, and Xiang Ji slowly faded this thought.

Come to think of it, I am afraid that this treasure was obtained by that Liu Bei.

It's just that I never thought that this treasure had been brought by this girl all the time!

Xiang Ji also understands Mrs. Cai's plans.

This is obviously intended to be used as a step for her to advance.

If I hadn't seen my anger before, I'm afraid I wouldn't have taken it out so happily.

I don't care about this nationality, who hasn't thought about it?

But what to do in the end, doesn't it still depend on Lao Tzu?

Now, the mood of getting the jade seal of the country is still very agitated.

"Hahaha, that's good! The lonely king is very satisfied! "

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