"Minister, Lu Su plays! I implore the overlord to ascend the throne and become emperor! "

Minister, step reconsideration!"

"Minister, Zhang Zhao reconsiders!"

"Minister, Mi Zhu reconsiders!"

It is said that the early dynasty is in the hall of the Chu State.

The title of the jade seal of the country is naturally to show off.

I never thought that the old men and family heads at the bottom of the group were all light-hearted and calm.

When he saw the heirloom jade seal in Xiang Ji's hand, he immediately exploded, and all of them lost their former calmness.

This, this is a national jade seal!

This is a symbol of the Mandate of Heaven and the supreme position of this nation!

In this era, the ancients were still very superstitious about the so-called destiny.

Now that they see the heirloom jade seal in Xiang Ji's hand, which represents the mandate of heaven, how can they be calm?

The ministers at the head of the head are all the core high-level leaders of the Chu State, but they are all tied to the Chu State.

The state of Chu is strong, and they are naturally honored.

Now, seeing the jade seal of the country, these ministers are even more excited.

As long as there is this play, then the state of Chu can justifiably go one step further and become a real empire.

Their overlord can really ascend the throne and become the supreme figure.

The status of the state of Chu has been improved, and the status of the overlord has been improved.

Then, as important ministers of the Chu State, their status will naturally be upgraded.

As for the fact that it has not yet been settled?

Does it matter? Just kidding, now the state of Chu occupies half of the entire world!

Then what Liu Bei and his ilk, only two states, the emperor is still a good thing, what did the Chu State send him?

For the excitement of the next minister, Xiang Ji didn't feel so deeply.

In his opinion, this thing, by any means, is a symbolic thing.

When you don't have it, it's natural to want it, but when you really get it, that's it.

For Xiang Ji, whether he is the emperor or not has nothing to do with whether he has a jade seal or not.

said a thousand things and ten thousand, in the end, it doesn't depend on how hard your own strength is?

If your own strength is not good, then it will be like Yuan Shu and the like.

What about being the emperor? Isn't it a minute for me to destroy me?

However, the more curious thing in the next item is Jia Xu who is standing aside.

The other old men are already so excited that their beards are up, why are you so calm?

"Jia Aiqing, what do you think about the matter of becoming the emperor?"

The next excited old man didn't agree when he heard that Xiang Ji was symmetrical to the emperor, but instead asked Jia Xu, who was silent, and suddenly felt a sigh in his heart.

This, I'm afraid that the overlord has not yet ascended the throne?

Everyone present is all human-like characters, and it is a necessary skill to observe words and looks.

Seeing that Xiang Ji was not enthusiastic about their proposal, everyone understood in their hearts, I am afraid that the overlord of the family did not care at all, so they themselves and their subordinates were excited.

"The overlord has already made up his mind in his heart, so why bother asking."

As the earliest person to follow Xiang Ji and the person who knows Xiang Ji best, how did Jia Xu not know what he was thinking?

The so-called jade seal, Xiang Ji is afraid that he is possessive of things, rather than relying on it to be the emperor.

With the current strength of the Chu State, even if there is no jade seal, who would dare to come and talk crookedly as the emperor?

Regarding Jia Xu's answer, Xiang Ji was still helpless.

This old poison really has nothing to do with himself, and he doesn't like to say a word.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this matter is not under discussion, and the Lone King does not intend to be the emperor now.

It doesn't matter whether you are the emperor or not, my Dachu is now in this world, what if you are not called the emperor?

Now it's late autumn, you guys cooperate with the military department, and in the spring of next year, I want to recruit Liu Bei in person! That's

what the book is for.

The matter of being called the emperor is not in a hurry, and taking out the jade seal is just to tell the subordinate Wenwu, you follow Lao Tzu, you have a future.

After all, this thing is still very significant to the ancients, and they are also clear about this book.

With this thing, the entire centripetal force of the Chu State can be increased by several levels, so why not do it?

Now that winter is about to begin, it is naturally not a good time to fight, and the state of Chu also needs to recuperate, so Xiang Ji can only endure it.

I took out this thing today, just to encourage these civil and military forces and let them work hard.

As long as this winter passes, the recovered Chu State will naturally have the ability to conquer the Quartet.

For that big-eared thief, Xiang Ji didn't plan to let him continue to be chic.

This guy ran all the way from Qingzhou to Jingzhou, and then to Xichuan.

Lao Tzu, I'm going to see where you can run after you get rid of Xichuan.

Now there are only three overlord-level existences left in the world, that is, it has become a situation of confrontation between the three kingdoms.

Xiang Ji also knew that Liu Bei and Lu Bu would inevitably unite.

Lu Bu has a dangerous Tongguan, and it is really not easy for Xiang Ji to attack.

As for the expedition from the land of the Huns outside the Saiwai?

Seeing Lu Bu's fate, Xiang Ji didn't plan to try it that way.

When the time comes, this guy will be dumbfounded when he plays a strong wall.

Moreover, compared with Lu Bu, Liu Bei attaches more importance to Xiang Ji.

This product is a small and strong one, and the more it fights, the stronger it gets.

And with Zhuge Liang's help, this product occupies Xichuan and Jingzhou, and it already has the capital to break wrists with the same nationality.

Xiang Ji didn't plan to let him continue to grow bigger.

If it is really like history, maintaining the state of confrontation between the three kingdoms for decades, I am afraid that Lao Tzu will become a shame among the traversers.

With the issuance of Xiang Ji's order, the morale-boosting civil and military forces of the Chu State took action one after another.

Although the current Xiang Ji is not called the emperor, but after seeing the jade seal, they know that in the near future, this world will definitely belong to their own lord, the overlord!

It's just that what Xiang Ji didn't know was that what he thought of as the confrontation pattern of the Three Kingdoms was just a flash in the pan.

Yongzhou, Chang'an Imperial Palace.

"What!? Damn, that Ma Chao dared to betray the Lone King!? Since

the defeat of Hebei, Lu Bu has lost his spirit.

He has no thoughts about competing for hegemony in the world, and now all he thinks about is to close the country and enjoy his imperial life.

But unfortunately, the tree wants to be quiet and the wind does not stop.

He wanted to stop enjoying life as the king of Qin, and Liu Bei, who occupied Hanzhong, didn't want to.

Through Zhuge Liang's strategy, after spreading rumors all over Chang'an, this Lu Bu really believed Ma Chao's betrayal of him.

The angry Lu Bu couldn't catch Ma Chao who was far away in Wuwei, and couldn't he catch Ma Teng and his younger brothers Ma Tie and Ma Xiu in Chang'an?

What else is there to say, just go to you!

Yes, Lu Bu, who was furious, didn't investigate the truth of this matter at all, and directly cut down all of Ma Teng's family.

Ma Dai, who was on business at that time, was not in the house and escaped a catastrophe.

And this also completely reversed Ma Chao.

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