"Second brother, this Han army is about to break the city, what should we do? Did you surrender to the Han army? "

When I woke up, everything that I planned yesterday had changed, and Sima Lang was very confused.

Why, is it so coincidental? We are also planning to sacrifice the city to Liu Bei! Can't you wait a few days before attacking the city?

You must know that Chang'an at this moment was attacked by the Han army, and after the city was broken, the Sima family naturally had no credit at all, and the previous letter was just a joke.

This is a difficult choice for the Sima family.

If you lose the credit of surrendering, then if you surrender, you will not be able to be reused by Liu Bei, and even if you can't say it, it will be divided up by his old forces to divide the property of the Sima family.

This is unacceptable.

"Big brother, let's escape, while Chang'an is not lost, we will leave the city immediately!

Go to Luoyang, let's go to vote for the Chu State Nationality! In

Sima Yi's opinion, instead of surrendering to Liu Bei after being defeated and captured, it is better to take the initiative to surrender to the Chu State.

At the very least, if you take the initiative to act, how can you be taken seriously, right?

"No! Second brother, if we leave Chang'an, won't the power that our family has developed for so long again be discarded in vain?

For Sima Yi's attention this time, the head of the family, Sima Lang, refused.

Although the current situation is indeed better to serve the Chu State than to surrender to the Han army after being defeated and captured, what about your own family? The family has developed its power for so long, the family industry, and the family has so many people, what should I do?

Will they all follow you to the Chu State and start anew?

This is unacceptable for the clan as a last resort.

"In this way, the eldest brother will take our Sima family to stay in Chang'an."

His eldest brother's decision, Sima Yi also understood.

However, for the sake of his personal future, Sima Yi will never tolerate himself becoming a subordinate.

With his own strategy, Sima Yi is confident that even if he arrives in Chu State, he can still get ahead and become one of the top people in Chu State.

It's just that he didn't know that the State of Chu was not as beautiful as he imagined, and the attitude of King Xiang Ji of Chu towards him was definitely not what he thought was a corporal of courtesy and a thirst for talent.

With Sima Yi's departure, the Sima clan chose to surrender to the besieging Han army.

Chang'an, the century-old capital of the Han Dynasty, finally fell into the hands of Liu Bei, the emperor of the Shu Han Dynasty.

At the same time, Guanzhong Wudu.

"Lu Bu! I will give you a way to live, as long as you obediently dismount and surrender, then I can guarantee that you will not lose the throne of King Qin! "

Just after the capture of Wudu, the Xiliang army led by Lu Bu has already arrived.

Looking at Lu Bu, whose face was crooked under the city, Liu Bei had never felt so high-spirited.

This stupid hat Lu Bu really went out of the city?

After careful investigation, Liu Bei already knew the defensive strength in Chang'an City.

Now seeing the army led by Lu Bu behind him, Liu Bei almost laughed out loud.

I'm afraid there are sixty or seventy thousand people, right?

With you pouring out, how many people can defend Chang'an? I'm afraid that at this time, Zhang Rendu has already conquered the strong city of Chang'an?

"Fuck your stinking fart! Liu Bei! You treacherous villain, this king trusts you so much, you actually sneak attack this king!? Hearing

that Liu Bei was ashamed to surrender, Lu Bu was even more angry.

"Order, the whole army will attack the city, take Liu Bei's head, and be crowned king!"

Although Lu Bu himself is only the king of Qin, it is not impossible to seal out a piece of territory and make him the new king.

Being attacked by his allies, Lu Bu has completely lost his mind.

Ma De, I can't beat the king, and you big-eared thief dare to provoke the king's beard?

Today, this king will let your head fall to the ground!


Knock! Boom! Boom!

After Lu Bu gave an order, the sound of trumpets and war drums sounded one after another.

Immediately, the Xiliang army began to charge at Wudu to the sound of drums.

Kill Liu Bei and be crowned king!

This alone is enough to boost the morale of the Xiliang army.

What is the purpose of being a soldier and fighting? If you are lucky enough to kill Liu Bei, I am afraid that you will become a master in an instant and become one of the top existences in this Huanyu.

Who doesn't desire to be alone?

It is precisely because of this that the Xiliang army does not need to be led by the generals of the department at all, and they have launched a desperate charge towards Wudu City, for fear that Liu Bei's head will be cut off by others.

"Hmph, I don't know what to do, sooner or later there will be a day when you cry and beg for me."

For Lu Bu's siege, Liu Bei was not afraid at all.

Just kidding, Liu Bei also has an army of 120,000 with him, and this Xiliang army is only half of himself.

Half of them dare to attack the city? I'm afraid that in this world, only this brainless Lu Bu can make it.

What if your Xiliang army is strong and morale is like a rainbow? I will guard it for a few days, and when the news of Chang'an's change of ownership comes, I see how arrogant you Lu Bu are?

Of course, Liu Bei didn't know what Lu Bu thought.

Seeing the offensive of the soldiers under his command, Lu Bu was very excited.

Hmph, what Emperor Zhaolie? What Shu Han? It's all a school of soft-footed shrimp!

According to such an offensive, I am afraid that it will not be possible to recapture this military capital in a few days.

At that time, I, Lu Bu, will counterattack you Liu Bei and destroy your Shu Han!

However, everything is just Lu Bu's delusion.

Night, Lu Bu's camp.

"King! We caught a spy who sounded like he was from Chang'an.

This guy sneakily wanted to bypass our army's position and sneak into Wudu, but was discovered by the brother on duty at night! "

The person who was caught was the messenger sent by Sima Lang to Liu Bei.

This unlucky guy, if it was a day in the morning, then he would still have a chance to enter the Wudu, which was not besieged.

However, now Wudu has been besieged by Lu Bu's regiments, and Liu Bei, who has no will to fight at all, is only defending the city, and has not gone out of the city to meet the enemy.

This also caused the envoys of the Sima clan to be unable to infiltrate the Wudu at all.

For the spy, Lu Bu naturally would not tolerate it, and was about to order someone to drag him out and kill him, but found that a bucket of bamboo slips slipped out of his chest.

"Give the bamboo slips to the Lone King!"

Seeing the envoy's instantly pale face, Lu Bu knew that there must be something important on this bamboo slip.

originally thought that at most, it was a Chang'an official who fornicated with Liu Bei, and planned to buy himself an insurance.

But when Lu Bu opened the bamboo slip and looked at it, he was immediately shocked.

What the!?

Sima Yi!? Sima Clan!?

How dare they? How dare you betray the Lone King?!

When he saw the words written by Sima Lang to Liu Bei on the bamboo slip, Lu Bu was shocked and angry.

Unexpectedly, his most trusted son would betray him.

"Herald! The whole army is reorganized, and we return to Chang'an! Lu

Bu knew that if he continued to delay here, he was afraid that his hometown would be lost.

Unfortunately, the Sima family's plan did not succeed, and Lu Bu's hometown had long been lost.

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