"Damn! Damn! Running

wildly, Lu Bu led the army to withdraw from the battlefield in Wudu overnight, and returned to Chang'an in just one day.

Looking at the "Han" son Daxu at the head of Chang'an City, Lu Bu was almost angry and fell under the horse's back.

"Attack! The whole army is on the offensive! Take back Chang'an and kill the Sima family! "

Now, Lu Bu doesn't have much hatred for Liu Bei, and the only thing he hates in his heart is betraying his Sima clan and his righteous son Sima Yi.

In Lu Bu's opinion, this Chang'an flag change is just a ghost made by the Sima family, who intends to sell it to the new master.

Regarding the troops in Chang'an City, Lu Bu still knows what to expect.

originally thought that the Xiliang army could recapture Chang'an with a casual charge, but with the appearance of countless soldiers wearing Han army clothes and armor at the head of the city, Lu Bu was completely stunned.

This, how is this possible? Isn't the Han army still in Wudu?

How could they appear in Chang'an? Looking at the number of people, I am afraid that it is not less than the soldiers and horses under my command.

This really made Lu Bu unbelievable.

Lu Bu couldn't believe it, and the Xiliang army was also incredulous.

You must know that their relatives and family members are also in Chang'an.

Now, when Qin King Lu Bu came back from wandering around the city for two days, he found that his home was gone, and even the enemy was not weaker than his own, how could the Xiliang army accept it?

Morale, crazy falls.

"Hahaha! Lu Bu, you have fallen for my majesty's scheme!

Standing at the head of the city, Zhang Ren looked at Lu Bu, who was lost and depressed, with indescribable happiness in his heart.

What King Qin? What flying generals? Isn't it like a lost dog in front of me Zhang Ren?

Liu Bei!?

Hearing that Zhang Ren, the head of the city, said this, Lu Bu understood.

I'm afraid that without the betrayal of the Sima family, this Chang'an will not be able to hold it.

This Liu Bei is clearly divided into three ways, and he plans to eat himself in one bite!

It's ridiculous that he still went out of the city to fight Liu Bei, and turned Chang'an into an empty city completely.

Damn, damn it!

"The whole army retreats! Let's retreat to Huguan! "

Now, Lu Bu has no other choice, or he will fight to the death with that Liu Bei and then be wiped out in the wilderness of this pass.

Or, surrender to Liu Bei and become a dog under him.

For the above two points, Lu Bu couldn't accept it in his heart.

Therefore, Lu Bu chose the third way, retreated to Huguan, and continued to resist stubbornly.

Although this is just drinking to quench his thirst, Lu Bu is unwilling, unwilling to be wiped out by that despicable villain.

Now, what Lu Bu is waiting for is Zhang Liao's 100,000 army.

As long as Zhang Liao can lead the army back, then Lu Bu is not without the strength to fight against Liu Bei.

Regarding the retreat of Lu Bu's army, Zhang Ren, who was guarding Chang'an, could only watch and could not interfere with it.

His family knows his own family affairs, and if he talks about field battles, Lu Bu, who has more than 10,000 Xiliang iron horsemen, really abuses him.

When Liu Bei led the army to arrive, what he learned from Zhang Ren was that Lu Bu was still resisting stubbornly, and the army had retreated to the front line of Huguan.

In this regard, Liu Bei could only sigh helplessly.

After all, the field strength of the Han army is limited, and Liu Bei does not dare to really carry a wave with that Lu Bu, otherwise the loss will be too great, which will hurt the muscles and bones.

"Zhang Ren, I will leave you another army of 50,000, and the capture of the entire territory of Guanzhong will be handed over to you.

Remember, that Lu Bu must not let him come out of Huguan with a single soldier! "

The current situation is unrealistic to storm Huguan, and Liu Bei can only choose to leave Lu Bu there for the time being.

Hmph, Lu Bu? Didn't you just count on Zhang Liao's 100,000 army?

When I destroy him, I see that you Lu Bu can still jump for a few days.

The soldiers were so fast, Liu Bei didn't even take a step in Chang'an, leaving an army of 50,000 and then leading the troops straight to the direction of Xiping.

Only now, only by converging Zhang Fei's 100,000 army can we have a chance to completely leave the last strength of the Qin State, Zhang Liao's 100,000 army.

And just when Liu Bei joined Zhang Fei, Zhang Liao, who had already arrived in Tianshui, also exchanged hands with Ma Chao.

"Meng Qi! Your Highness has taken you a lot, why do you have to do this?

Facing his former colleagues, Zhang Liao was full of helplessness.

Now that the Qin State has experienced the defeat of Hebei, it has been in turmoil, and now this Ma Chao is still leading the people of Xiliang to rebel and revolt, which makes the Qin State even worse.

As the first general to follow Lu Bu to fight the world, Zhang Liao watched the establishment of the Qin State with his own eyes, towards glory, and gradually towards the end.

"Not thin? Hahaha! Not thin?

Zhang Wenyuan! I, Ma Chao, respect you as a good man, you actually said such childish words?

That Lu Bu, that damn Lu Bu, he just listened to slander, and killed my Ma family, you tell me this is not thin? Such a thief, what qualifications do you have to become the lord of my Ma Chao! "

He was already not loyal to Lu Bu, and now he has been killed and his whole family is full, and Ma Chao naturally hates him to the core.

Hearing Ma Chao's words, Zhang Liao also knew that he was at a loss, and he could only sigh helplessly.

Lu Bu, it's changed.

After experiencing the defeat in Hebei, Lu Bu became stubborn and self-serving, suspicious, and no longer had any desire to compete for hegemony and enterprising.

And this is also the reason why Lu Bu directly destroyed Ma Teng's family just by hearing the rumors about Ma Chao.

It's because he's too scared, afraid of betrayal, afraid of losing.

"General Zhang Liao, you are also a well-known figure in the world, why do you still follow Lu Bu who brought about his own destruction?

For example, the general trend has become clear today, and I, Ma Chao, have sworn allegiance to Shu Han.

Now, I am afraid that all the land in Guanzhong has been acquired by the Han Emperor, and it is difficult to say whether Lu Bu lives or dies.

General Zhang Liao, why don't you go with me to serve the Han Emperor Liu Bei!

Seeing Zhang Liao's face ashamed of what he said, Ma Chao was rarely smart.

Now, it's a good time to surrender this Liao!

If this Liao can be surrendered along with his soldiers, it will really be a great achievement.

Although the death of his own family made Ma Chao sad, but the deceased is gone, a big living person, he always has to think about his future, right?

What the!?

Shocked by Ma Chao's words, Zhang Liao was shocked.

This Ma Chao, isn't he a rash rebellion?

Liu Bei? Damn! Could it be that he is behind everything?

Originally, Zhang Liao only thought that Ma Chao was avenging his father, so he rashly rebelled.

Now it seems that Lu Bu, the king of Qin, and himself are afraid that they have been deceived by that Liu Bei.

This Ma Chao is simply a disguise, and it is simply to turn the tiger away from the mountain!

Thinking that the number of troops in Guanzhong is even less than 100,000 now, Zhang Liao has no doubts about Ma Chao's words.

If Liu Bei really has the heart to attack Guanzhong, I'm afraid that Qin King Lu Bu really can't resist it!

"The whole army retreats, let's go back to Guanzhong!"

Shocked to hear that there was a change in Guanzhong, Zhang Liao no longer had the intention of exterminating Ma Chao.

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