"Guys, why are you looking at the letterhead sent by Liu Bei?"

After the New Year, the good mood didn't last for a few days, and Xiang Ji was disgusted by Liu Bei.

What barren play should be? Letter of Surrender? What the hell are you thinking? Who gave you courage? What kind of bullshit are you Nima Feng Lao Tzu side by side?

Just kidding, why do I use you to seal it?

I don't even have a special jade seal, I sneak attack Chang'an, and I lick a B face and really think that I am the real son?

Looking at the contents of the letterhead, Xiang Ji resisted the urge to tear it up directly.

At the very least, you can't be alone with Lao Tzu, right?

Don't you want to suppress Lao Tzu and me in momentum? Then come on, and see if I, the civil and military of the Chu State, are frightened or furious when they see your letter.

Hmph, play with Lao Tzu and me?

Yes, Liu Bei's purpose is to suppress Xiang Ji from the momentum, let himself occupy the initiative, and even spread it to the world, so that everyone knows that he is orthodox.

I don't know how Liu Bei's careful eye is, but it's just right, and it will be calculated.

You Liu Bei and I play routines, then Lao Tzu, I will use your routines to inspire the will to fight.

Sure enough, with the delivery of the letterhead, the entire Chu State Hall was scolded.

Not to mention those arrogant soldiers, even the old and conservative Zhang Zhao and others also scolded one after another.

Just kidding, if it is divided into two today, Chu and Han will compete with each other.

The lives of these civil and military families of the Chu State, and even the century-old foundation of the descendants of the family are tied to the Chu State.

If you belittle the King of Chu, don't you mean belittle us?

It's not that our King Chu can't be called the emperor, but he doesn't care about it at all.

When you really become some kind of bullshit Emperor Zhaolie, you think that the whole world will respect you?

"Overlord! The last general is going to fight! I am willing to be the vanguard of Great Chu and destroy the rampant Zhaolie Emperor Liu Bei! "

Overlord! The last general is going to fight! "

Overlord! The end will be wished! Compared

with the scolding of Zhang Zhao and others, the generals are relatively more direct.

Why do you pretend to be B? Then you can't pretend to be beaten.

After a year of cultivation, now that the combat strength of all the departments of the Chu State has recovered, now this Liu Bei dares to take the initiative to provoke the tiger's beard, so what else is there to be polite? You have to beat it.

At this time, the state of Chu and the land of Hebei were overviewed by Gao Lan and Ding Feng, with a total of 150,000 soldiers, including 50,000 iron cavalry.

The land of Yanzhou and Sizhou was overviewed by Lu Meng, of which 100,000 troops gathered in Luoyang, and the soldiers of the rest of the states and counties could also make up 50,000.

As for Yangzhou, after the defeat of Xu Sheng and Yu Ban before, its strength was damaged.

However, after the reinforcement of Xuzhou, it still reached 60,000 soldiers who could fight.

Counting the 60,000 sailors commanded by Zhou Tai, he can also make up an army of 120,000.

Finally, Qingzhou and Xuzhou, which directly govern Pengcheng in the Chu State.

The number of soldiers who can fight also reaches 150,000, including 10,000 dragon cavalry and 50,000 family troops, but the combat power is the most powerful among the state armor.

Although the battleable armor of the Chu State is nearly half less than that of Liu Bei, who is known as a million-strong army, everyone doesn't think that the Chu State can't fight that bullshit Shu Han.

His army of millions?

Yes, there are indeed many elite soldiers among them, including the 200,000 army of the original Xichuan, the 300,000 army of Jingzhou, and the 200,000 army of Xiliang.

That's 700,000.

But its combat effectiveness? Hehe, the combat power of the Xiliang Iron Cavalry can still make the soldiers of the Chu State look high, and the rest of the armor?

Didn't you see that the Jiangxia army, which had the strongest combat power in Jingzhou, was beaten by the overlord and almost lost its establishment?

As for what Nishikawa army? That's even more of a joke.

If it is between the mountains, the combat power of this Xichuan army is indeed good.

However, if it is in the plains, I am afraid that the combat power of the Xichuan Army is only worthy of the word hehe.

"Okay, the heart of the kings is already known.

However, now that the New Year's Festival is over, the heavy snow will close the road, and the troops at this time can only consume grain and grass in vain.

Don't be anxious, when the spring begins, the lone prince will lead the army, and we will go to fight to the death with the Shu Han, so that Liu Bei knows who is the overlord of the world!

Seeing the indignation of the next group of young people, Xiang Ji knew that his goal had been achieved.

As long as the determination of the generals to fight with that bullshit Zhaolie Emperor Liu Bei is mobilized, then Xiang Ji's previous anger will not be in vain.

However, it is not the character of Xiang Ji to just suffer losses and not take advantage.

Although it is unrealistic for me to send troops to the Lone King now, if I quarrel, I will not be afraid of anyone.

Didn't you Liu Bei play a special lip service, what kind of attack is the best?

Then I'll have a good time with you.

Yes, Liu Bei is not the only one who can write letters, playing ridicule, Xiang Ji is really not afraid of anyone.

A letter set off from Pengcheng under the order of Xiang Ji, and after more than ten days, it successfully arrived at Chang'an, the capital of Shu Han.

"Arrogance! Damn it! Damn it! I'm going to kill him! I'm going to kill him!

Looking at Xiang Ji's reply to himself, Liu Bei was almost angry and got off the dragon chair.

What kind of barren play is this?

You are also the dignified King of Chu, the only overlord in the world who can compete with him Liu Bei, but how can you be so shameless like a scoundrel?

On the letterhead written by Xiang Ji to Liu Bei, Xiang Ji first remembered his encounter with Liu Bei, and expressed great regret that the flying throw did not directly take Liu Bei down.

In this regard, Xiang Ji expressed his admiration for Liu Bei, Ya's life is really big.

Then, Xiang Ji once again remembered the battle in Qingzhou, and hated that he had just killed a Chen Zhi and captured a Chen Gong.

At the beginning, I should have stared directly at one of Guan Yu or Zhang Fei, and cut it to death!

Of course, Xiang Ji still will not forget to express his admiration for Liu Bei.

Emperor Zhaolie's efforts to flee are really first-class in the world, and he has the demeanor of your ancestor Liu Bang who abandoned his children in order to make the car faster.

Subsequently, Xiang Ji remembered again, remembering Liu Bei's sneak attack on Yangzhou after serving Liu Biao.

Those past really impressed me by the lonely king, you Liu Bei is really a Xiaoqiang who can't be killed, no matter how you can escape and then make a comeback.

Of course, Xiang Ji would not forget, and forgot to ask Liu Bei if he himself remembered how many princes he had killed who had helped him and how many allies he had betrayed.

In this regard, Xiang Ji said that he was very curious, a person has done it so much, doesn't your face hurt?

Finally, Xiang Ji also made a request to Liu Bei.

Either hand over the traitor to the forbidden place, or go to war.

Of course, Xiang Ji also knew that Liu Bei would definitely not hand it over to the ban, otherwise I was afraid that the martial arts under his command would instantly become cold.

But, I'm so disgusting, disgusting, you're fine!

Previously, Liu Bei made Xiang Ji feel unhappy, and Xiang Ji naturally wanted him Liu Bei to enjoy it, didn't he?

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