"Overlord, King Sun Quan of Wu is here."

After exterminating the Yizhou Japanese people before, Zhou Tai naturally took the lead in returning.

Now, after some rectification, Sun Quan is finally willing to lead his subordinates and his family back to the mainland.

After all, it is not a matter at all to hang alone overseas, and it is really boring for a king with tens of thousands of subjects under his command to be in front of him.

At this moment, Sun Quan can be regarded as completely losing his previous ambitions.

Even a widow abuses you casually, and you don't have the strength to be ambitious, right?

"The subordinate Sun Quan meets the overlord!"

Looking at Sun Quan, who had a vicissitudes of life, Xiang Ji couldn't help but sigh.

It's really not an easy thing to expand the territory, this Sun Quan seems to be a few years younger than that Sun Ce, right?

In terms of age, this Sun Quan is only as old as Sun Ce back then.

But now? This special thing is about to become a little old man.

"Very good, Sun Quan, if you are willing to submit to the lonely king, the lonely king will not treat you badly.

Yizhou, I will give you the lonely king as the fief of your Sun clan.

Also, Sun Quan, in the future, you don't want to call yourself the king of Wu, just call it the Marquis of Yi, "

For Sun Quan's reward, Xiang Xiang has not come out with a dime, Yizhou is his own territory, and even Sun Quan's title of King Wu was taken by Xiang Ji, but he was given a marquis."

However, Sun Quan had no complaints about this, but was overjoyed to thank Xiang Ji again and again.

You must know that Sun Quan was just a grass platform team before.

Less than 10,000 soldiers and tens of thousands of people, who are called kings, are not as big as a medium-sized town.

If Yizhou has not been exposed, then Sun Quan can still close the door and be a king of Wu who covers his ears and steals the bell, and even after a few hundred years of development, maybe Yizhou will gradually become stronger.

But the question is, Yizhou has been exposed, and it is too long to claim to be the king of self-reliance under the nose of the king of Chu?

Don't think much about Sun Quan doesn't know, but Sun Quan himself would never do such a stupid thing, otherwise he wouldn't have chosen to leave when he knew that Wu was defeated and his eldest brother's life was in danger.

To put it bluntly, everything is actually for the continuation of the family and for its own glory and wealth.

For the reward of the current item, Sun Quan is no longer satisfied.

You know, before he thought that he was at most the same as Yuan Shang, just give a letter to a city or county.

But I never expected that this overlord would be so generous, and he didn't care about the land of Yizhou at all, and he actually gave him all the rewards.

Sun Quan absolutely didn't believe it, and Zhou Tai, who went to Yizhou, did not report to Xiang Ji.

Nayi Prefecture, but it is enough to have the scope of a state on the mainland, but it is really not small.

Now it is sparsely populated and cannot be cultivated too much, otherwise it is really not weaker than any state on the mainland.

It's just that how does Sun Quan understand that for Yizhou, Xiang Ji knows much more than him.

It's not that it's generous, it's that there's no way at all.

Based on the current productivity and transportation volume, there is no way to directly govern Yizhou.

It's not convenient to manage, and whoever you arrange to go is basically to make him the overlord.

Rather than that, it is better to continue to let this Sun Quan engage in development.

At the very least, Xiang Ji gave him the entire Yizhou, presumably this goods are not willing to go to Huohuo, right?

As long as he develops for hundreds of years, Yizhou develops, and the mainland's shipping capacity also improves, so the governance of Yizhou will naturally increase.

Xiang Ji didn't believe that he was a small Yizhou, and he dared to engage in secession after leaving the mainland?

As long as Sun Quan has been developing in Yizhou, then tens of millions of years later, Yizhou will always be a part of the descendants of China.

This is the intention of the item.

Of course, Sun Quan did not win Yizhou for nothing.

All of the martial arts under his command belonged to the state of Chu and became the courtiers of the Xiang family.

Sun Quan has no objection to this, after all, you have to watch other people's faces to eat, and you are retaining a small team, isn't it okay to find trouble?

Although there are no outstanding generals among Sun Quan's generals, Xiang Ji is still very satisfied with Lu Xun.

This kid has been cultivated, and it is definitely not weaker than Lu Meng's existence.

As for Sun Quan's other gift to himself, Xiang Ji also smiled unceremoniously.

Sun Shangxiang, bow waist Ji!

For Sun Shangxiang's name, how can Xiang Ji not know.

When he exterminated Eastern Wu before, because of Sun Quan's escape, Xiang Ji speculated that this little girl slipped away with his brother.

The result was really as Xiang Ji expected, but he didn't expect that this Sun Quan was so knowledgeable and took the initiative to send this little girl to Xiang Ji.

sent away Sun Quan, who was full of gratitude, and Xiang Ji naturally returned to the harem to try the famous Sun Shangxiang.

Hmph, Liu Bei, if according to history, Lao Tzu has already ridden your two women, compared to that, your head must be full of green, right?

With the pleasure of revenge, Xiang Ji walked into the palace placed for Sun Shangxiang.

Naturally, I don't mention it.

At the same time, Liu Bei, who was worried about the item, did not have a green head, but his face was blue and purple.

Actually, it's not a big deal.

It's just that the letterhead written to Liu Bei by the previous item was published by an accident.

Of course, Liu Bei is not to blame.

Whoever sees that angry person will naturally smash it out.

Originally, Liu Bei thought that the thing would be disposed of by the yellow gate in the palace, but he didn't think about it, but it was discovered by his precious son Liu Chan.

When he was young and studious, when he saw the letterhead thrown out by his father, Liu Chan naturally wanted to read it.

However, Liu Chan, who is not knowledgeable, really can't understand the content on the letterhead.

Therefore, Liu Chan could only take the letterhead and go around looking for people to ask.

This question was asked thoroughly, and the civil and military forces of the Shu Han and Manchu dynasties all knew the information on the letterhead.

Although Liu Bei's start is not glorious, after all, he is now the emperor of Shu Han and his own boss.

No matter what the ministers are in their hearts, their faces still remain the same as before.

But Liu Chan's young temperament was not enough to let the ministers know, and even took him out of the palace to study with his friends privately.

This time, Liu Beike was tragic.

The entire Chang'an knew about Liu Bei's past failures.

For the sake of face, the ministers naturally won't mention it.

But the people are not used to you.

Passed on, passed on, and naturally passed to the ears of Liu Bei in the deep palace.

The current Liu Bei is the emperor, and the problem of face is bigger than the sky.

The things in his past have long been whitewashed by the gunmen he found to be humiliating and informal.

Now comparing the content of the letterhead with the king of Chu, Liu Bei is completely disgraced.

"Someone! Herald! Inform my second brother and let him send troops immediately! I'm going to destroy it!" "

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