"Report! Overlord! According to the report from Jingzhou's secret agents, Guan Yuqi's troops and armor have been transferred again and again, and they are afraid that they will march on my Yangzhou! "

Spring has not yet arrived, and Guan Yu has made a move.

In this regard, Xiang Ji was really surprised.

This Liu Bei has been quite inflated recently, and he dares to take the initiative to provoke Lao Tzu?

Originally, in Xiang Ji, Liu Bei's Jingzhou, Guanzhong, and even Xiliang were all newly occupied, and I am afraid that it would take at least a year to completely rectify them.

Never wondered, it's only been a few months? Liu Bei was so inflated that he took the lead in doing it to himself?

It's just that how does Xiang Ji know, if it weren't for his letterhead, I'm afraid that Liu Bei really didn't want to take the initiative to provoke a war.

At most, it's just verbal intimidation and verbal harassment.

But because of that letterhead, Liu Bei, who was disgraced, couldn't sit still.

If he does not send troops, then even public opinion will ridicule him to death.

You know, it doesn't matter if it's just the words of the item.

But as soon as he found the gunman to whitewash himself, it really became a big joke.

No one is a fool, what is the truth about Liu Bei's past, and how can he not tell the difference?

Therefore, Liu Bei could only be driven to the shelves and forcibly sent troops.

At the very least, with the war, these idle people will no longer pay attention to his past.

"Herald! Let Ding Feng and Gao Lan each send 10,000 cavalry, and gather 20,000 iron cavalry to distribute to Lu Meng.

Let Lü Meng lead the Yanzhou soldiers and horses to the south immediately and lead the Yangzhou war.

In addition, the generals of Wu State before were transferred to Lu Meng. "

Yanzhou has an army of 50,000, and counting the 20,000 iron cavalry, it is 70,000.

Yangzhou, together with Zhou Tai's sailors, has an army of 120,000.

Even if Guan Yu of Jingzhou claims to have 300,000 troops, he is not weak at all if he wants to come to Lu Bu to face him.

In terms of military generals, Huang Zhong was originally in Lu Meng's department, and now he is adding Zangba, Zhou Tai, who are already in Yangzhou, and several generals from Wu State, and he is also not false to Guan Yu.

As for why Xiang Ji didn't lead the army in person?

You must know that now this is just a prelude before the all-out war, and Liu Bei's main force has not moved in Guanzhong.

If Xiang Ji is attracted to the southern front, then when the all-out war is over, the battle situation on the Central Plains side will not be controlled by Xiang Ji.

What's more, Lu Meng is against Guan Yu, that's a heavenly gram!

Who won Guan Lao Er in history? But it's Lu Meng!

As for Luoyang's defense? There are many generals in the country, and it is not the same to send them to the past to take over?

With the issuance of the order, the soldiers and horses in the northern towns were mobilized, but this frightened Liu Bei, who was in Chang'an.

"Prime Minister! Then the madman of the Chu State is going to fight with me now, can't he do it? "

Now, before the winter has passed, the south can still move first.

Now the north is still in a state of ice and snow, is this nationality crazy? Is there going to be a full-scale war at this time? I'm afraid that if his army leaves the barracks, he will freeze to death and suffer countless frostbites in the field, right?

"Your Majesty, judging from your subordinates, Chu State's actions are not to start a full-scale war with Your Majesty, but to deal with Second Master Guan who is in Jingzhou."

It is not impossible to march in winter, but if it is a full mobilization, the march of hundreds of thousands of troops, it will be too reluctant in winter.

Whether it is the damage caused by the weather to the armor or the pressure of logistics and transportation, it will be consumed exponentially.

Now, because of Liu Bei's anger, Guan Yu, who was in Jingzhou, took the lead in making a move, so Chu Guo's actions are easy to understand, and he must be dealing with Guan Yu in Jingzhou.

It's just that Zhuge Liang regrets that Guan Yu's actions did not attract Xiang Ji to the past.

Yes, this is actually a ploy of Zhuge Liang.

In the previous farce, Zhuge Liang has always maintained a posture of watching from the sidelines.

Because Zhuge Liang knew that after becoming the emperor, Liu Bei looked at the issue of face more than anything else.

Now that his face is damaged, Liu Bei will inevitably be annoyed and angry.

Annoyed and angry, it is not surprising that Liu Bei asked Guan Yu, who was in Jingzhou, to take the lead in making an offensive posture.

All of this was seen by Zhuge Liang in his eyes and calculated in his heart.

In Zhuge Liang's view, there is no problem for today's Shu Han to take the lead in attacking.

Although its territory is newly occupied, most of the soldiers and armor are surrendered by various departments.

None of this is a problem, though.

For example, today's situation can be seen by anyone with a discerning eye, and it has entered the trend of the Chu and Han hegemony hundreds of years ago.

Well, the choice for all is very simple.

Either return to Chu or surrender to Han, there is no third way for you to choose.

In the case that there is no choice, whether it is the territory occupied by Liu Bei or the armor of the various troops under his command, it will not be easy to rise to the second heart.

What's more, after some momentum, Liu Bei also occupied the position of righteousness with the help of the clan.

This made the people under his rule even more popular.

Now, as long as Guan Yu, who is sitting in Jingzhou, takes the lead in attacking, he will have the opportunity to attract the king of Chu Xiangji, who is close to Yangzhou.

Once Xiang Ji's attention is contained in the south, then Shu Han can gain a strategic advantage after the beginning of spring.

It can launch a comprehensive attack on the state of Chu, and at the same time launch an attack on it in Bingzhou, Sizhou, Yuzhou and other places.

Although the state of Chu is well-equipped and has strong combat power, the number of its soldiers is the biggest weakness.

As long as the Chu State is successfully dragged into the quagmire of a full-scale war, then no matter where the Chu army is defeated, the battle between Chu and Han will have a major turning point, and the Shu Han army can take advantage of the situation to take the Chu State in one fell swoop.

Zhuge Liang knew that if he wanted to defeat the Chu State, he had to fight quickly and completely annihilate it in one fell swoop.

Otherwise, if it drags on into a protracted war, then Shu Han will inevitably lose to the Chu State.

You must know that Liu Beike is now in his fifties.

In this era, people over the age of 50 can be considered to be in the stage of old age.

If this is a protracted war, I am afraid that before the Chu State is destroyed, Liu Bei will return to heaven first.

If this is the case, then even Shu Han will follow the old path of Jingzhou Liu Biao and Xichuan Liu Yan, and finally cheapen that certificate in vain.

For Liu Bei's heir Liu Chan, Zhuge Liang's evaluation is only two words, hehe.

Moreover, there is another point that is also the reason why Zhuge Liang cannot accept a protracted war.

That's the national power!

Yes, it is national strength.

Due to the foresight of Xiang Ji, the total population of the country has reached more than twice that of Shu Han.

If this drags into a protracted war and enters the stage of competing for national strength, I am afraid that Shu Han will not be able to consume the Chu State.

But in the end, Zhuge Liang let out a sigh.

Guan Yu made such a big move in Jingzhou, why are you Chu Wang Xiang Ji so confident and don't go to fight against him personally?

It's just that how does Zhuge Liang know, Xiang Ji is waiting for Lu Meng to copy history...

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