"Lu Xun meets Lu Dashuai!"

"The last general, Pan Zhang, meets Lu Dashuai!"

"The last general, Quan Cong, pay a visit to Lu Dashuai!"

"The last general, Tan Xiong, pays a visit to Lu Dashuai!"

After receiving the order of the Xiang nationality, Lu Meng did not hesitate, handed over the defense of Luoyang to Tai Shici, who was going to take over, and immediately went south with Huang Zhong and 20,000 iron horsemen.

Just after coming to Suiyang, Lu Meng met the Jiangdong generals who were assigned by Xiang Ji.

Lu Meng had heard of Lu Xun's name for a long time, and now that he saw him in person, he was really heroic and graceful.

"Excellent! Lu Xun, you will follow Ben Shuai.

Overlord, but I specifically mentioned you to Ben Shuai. "

Yes, before that, Xiang Ji had mentioned Lu Xun to Lu Mengyi.

After all, this Lu Xun is the same as Lu Meng, and he is also handsome.

It will be easy to get, but handsome is hard to find.

Now that there are such outstanding talents, Xiang Ji naturally instructed Lu Meng to cultivate them.

"Handsome! Are we going straight to Yangzhou!? After

being praised by Lu Meng, and even knowing that Xiang Ji was optimistic about him, Lu Xun was very excited.

After all, he is a young man, and he has been following Sun Quan, who has no future because of his loyalty, and now that he has an opportunity, Lu Xun is full of expectations for the future.

"No, we don't go to Yangzhou.

Bo Yan, you send someone to inform General Yu Zhoutai, the Tibetan tyrant general who is guarding Yangzhou, and ask them to immediately reorganize their troops and make a posture to deal with Jingzhou, so as to attract Guan Yu's attention.

As for us....

Let's go directly to Yuzhou! "

Yes, Lu Meng's plan is Yuzhou.

At present, Lü Meng has integrated the Yanzhou armor and the 20,000 iron cavalry supported by Hebei, and now has 70,000 troops in his hands.

It is of little significance for these 70,000 troops to support the frontal battlefield in Yangzhou, and it is just to continue to maintain a state of confrontation with Guan Yu in Jingzhou.

But if you go to attack Yuzhou, it will be different.

You must know that because Yuzhou is close to Xuzhou and Yanzhou, both Liu Biao and Liu Bei were very closely defended before.

Now, because of Guan Yu's repeated actions, Yuzhou is much more empty than before.

After all, Guan Yu's 300,000 troops were gathered on the front line of Jingzhou, and no one would have thought that the Chu State would open up another battlefield to seize the land of Yuzhou.

And Lu Meng wants to beat Guan Yu's time difference.

As long as Yuzhou is taken with lightning speed, then the offensive and defensive momentum of Chu against Shu Han can be reversed immediately.

With the land of Yuzhou, the state of Chu is equivalent to giving Xuzhou more strategic depth, and there is no need to defend the enemy army in front of you from Yuzhou.

In this way, the state of Chu could completely put pressure on Jingzhou from the direction of Yangzhou and Yuzhou at the same time, and launch a general attack on Guan Yu in these two directions at the same time.

Of course, the importance of Yuzhou is also clear before.

However, he has been entangled in the war in the north, and then he has continued to recuperate, and Yuzhou has been hoarded with heavy troops, and Xiang Ji can only sigh in vain.

Now, Guan Yu has taken the initiative to send the opportunity to Lu Meng, and Lu Meng naturally will not let it disappear from his mouth.

Hearing Lu Meng's words, Pan Zhang's generals didn't care, after all, they were players who slashed people with knives, and they didn't understand these things if they didn't explain them clearly.

But Lu Xun understands!

Hearing Lu Meng's words, Lu Xun's eyes suddenly lit up.

is worthy of being the world-famous Lu Dashuai, this strategic vision is not ordinary.

Who would have thought that under the pressure of Guan Yu's 300,000 army, Lu Meng would dare to attack it with less and more, but take the initiative to attack it.

Others can't think of it, and Guan Yu naturally can't think of it.

This also gave Lu Meng a chance.

Just when Lu Meng arrived in Suiyang, Guan Yu, who was in Xiangyang, finally made a move.

"Command the three armies, set off immediately! Let's go and take down Nayangzhou for Your Majesty! "

Today's Guan Yu is really high-spirited.

When he set out from the land of Xichuan, Guan Yu only brought less than 100,000 horses.

Now, by recruiting people from all walks of life along the way, Guan Yu has reached 150,000 troops when he besieged Xiangyang, and after successfully occupying Jingzhou, he has reached 300,000 combatable soldiers.

This is not counting the 100,000 troops defending Yuzhou, otherwise the armor under Guan Yu's command can reach 400,000.

I want Guan Yu to fight with Liu Bei for half his life, when did he have so many armor under his command? When did his subordinates have so many civil and military forces?

Now, his eldest brother Liu Bei occupies half of the world, ascends the throne as the emperor, and becomes the co-lord of the world is just around the corner.

Guan Yu, who was named a general and the Marquis of Hanshou Pavilion, was not satisfied.

The marquis is only, how can he show Guan's martial bravery?

Come to think of it, after Guan and I capture Yangzhou for my eldest brother, I'm afraid that he can still move on this title, right?

With Guan Yu's order, the army assembled in Xiangyang slowly moved, and its destination was Yangzhou in the east.

"Marshal Guan, in good opinion, it is best for our army to divide the troops into two routes, and divide the troops from Yuzhou and Jingzhou at the same time, and form a situation of encirclement in Yangzhou!"

It was the time when the army set off and was complacent.

Ma Liang, who has no eyesight, appeared.

Although Ma Liang had previously used a trick to help Guan Yu take down the Yangzhou defenders, he also recruited the general to ban.

However, in Guan Yu's opinion, these are just some small tricks, and they can't be put on the real table.

What really determines the victory or defeat of the two armies is not to rely on the frontal battlefield, nor does it depend on the command and command of the generals?

The Yangzhou defenders, if there was no threat to the Xichuan army led by Guan Yu, and even directly broke through the forbidden department, how could they be annihilated so easily?

Now, when the Jingzhou army, which has the momentum of a great victory, is in one go and takes Yangzhou with the autumn wind sweeping away the fallen leaves, how can it divide the troops into two ways and cause more trouble?

You must know that Yuzhou is adjacent to Yanzhou, which is adjacent to Chu at the same time, and Xuzhou, where the capital of the country is located.

At present, Yuzhou is defended by an army of 100,000 troops, and Chu State does not have much idea about it.

If you increase the number of troops in Yuzhou, or even send troops from Yuzhou to attack the state of Chu, how can the king of Chu sit idly by?

At that time, I am afraid that the army in Yuzhou will face the multi-faceted encirclement of Chu State.

"No! Ben Shuai has his own decision.

In today's situation, as soon as our army arrives, Yangzhou will be broken, so why divide the troops and cause more incidents? "

After all, he is also his own military advisor, and Guan Yu can't really pout others.

Seeing Guan Yu, who was bent on going his own way, Ma Liang could only sigh helplessly.

General Guan, since taking Jingzhou and defeating the defenders of Yangzhou, has become more and more proud and less and less willing to listen to people's persuasion.

Now, I can only hope that His Majesty's side will give strength and send troops to respond to General Guan's Jingzhou army as soon as possible.

Otherwise, if the state of Chu is encircled, it will be easy for the 300,000 Jingzhou troops to go to Yangzhou, but it will be difficult to return to Jingzhou.

Regarding Guan Yu's decision, Ma Liang did not support it.

The order given to you by His Majesty is just to create a posture of sending troops, put pressure on the state of Chu, and divert the attention of domestic public opinion.

But you, why did you really send troops...

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