"Xing Daorong is dead, who dares to fight a certain family!"

Holding Xing Daorong's head, the Tibetan tyrant frantically slapped his crotch and galloped in the constant battle array.

Hearing the words of the Tibetan tyrant and seeing Xing Daorong's hideous head, the Jingzhou army panicked.

You must know that the Jingzhou army guarding the West Gate was originally the armor of Jingnan, and it was originally under the command of Xing Daorong.

Now, seeing that their main general Xing Daorong, who has the courage of ten thousand people, has been killed, how can he not panic?

You know, this Chu army has just begun to break through, and their main general has already been killed, doesn't this explain everything?

This Tibetan tyrant actually has the strength to kill Xing Daorong in seconds?

It was precisely because of this idea that the morale of the Jingzhou army guarding the west gate began to fall wildly.

It's just that how can they know that their main general, Xing Daorong, who has the courage of ten thousand people, was killed by the Tibetan tyrant?

Xing Daorong is brave and brave, and the Tibetan tyrant has known it for a long time.

Therefore, Zangba took advantage of the unclear vision and unclear identification of the night, and when he called Xing Daorong to fight, he pulled a corpse in front of him.

When he was close to Xing Daorong, he decisively jumped off the horse, and when Xing Daorong was attracted by the corpse, he killed him with a sneak attack.

Now, the effect of killing Xing Daorong has been achieved, the Jingzhou army guarding the West Gate has been in chaos, and the opportunity for the Chu army to break through has appeared.

"The whole army obeys the order, follow me!"

The ghost head knife in his hand was waved, and no one dared to stop the Tibetan tyrant in the slightest.

"Rubbish! It's all rubbish! What else is the number one general in Jingnan? Knowing

that the Tibetan tyrant led the army to break through the siege, Guan Yu raised his troops to chase after him without saying a word.

However, the Jingzhou army guarding the west gate did not succeed in delaying even a moment.

When Guan Yu led the army to the west gate of the Lujiang River, he could only see the dust and smoke of the Chu army in the distance.

Damn, damn it!

If Guan could have tens of thousands of cavalry under his command at this time, how could this Chu army get out of trouble so easily?

At this moment, Guan Yu was extremely envious of the generals in the north who could command the cavalry.

And Ma Chao and others, who were envied by Guan Yu, are now extremely depressed.

"General Zhang, isn't it okay for you and I to directly lead the army into Hebei? Why are you waiting here for the assembly of the Huns? Outside

the plug, inside the big tent of the Hun royal court, Ma Chao was depressed.

This Nima, the Xiongnu herdsmen were born nomadically, and I don't know how long it will take to wait for them to assemble, isn't this a missed opportunity to sneak attack in vain?

Ma Chao, who had been to Hebei, knew that the strength of the Chu army in Hebei was not weak.

If you directly attack with light cavalry, then you will have a chance to catch the Chu army off guard.

But why are you waiting in the territory of the Huns, is the Chu army a fool?

I'm afraid that when you have the Huns assembled, the Chu army will already put on a posture and wait for you to come.

However, His Majesty's order was to cooperate with the Huns to launch a thunderous force to suppress the Hebei army.

Ma Chao was dissatisfied in his heart, and he didn't dare to show it to Liu Bei easily.

Although, his current position is high enough, and he has become the so-called Five Tiger Generals.

But his family knows his own business.

As the generals who descended later, he and Zhang Liao belonged to the excluded side in Shu Han.

The real cronies under Liu Bei's command are still Guan Yu and Zhang Fei.

Then it was also the Nishikawa Wenwu Group.

Himself and Zhang Liao? I'm afraid that the status is not as good as that of the Wenwu group in Jingzhou.

"Since Your Majesty has an order, you and I just wait here, what are you anxious about?"

After taking a sip of mare's milk wine, Zhang Liao calmly responded to Ma Chao.

Obviously, Zhang Liao is not as eager to go to the battlefield as Ma Chao.

Just kidding, what are you doing on the battlefield in such a hurry?

In order to show his mind, Liu Bei directly mentioned himself and this Ma Chao's official position to the point where he could not be mentioned.

No matter how much credit you make? I'm afraid that if you have a lot of credit, it will be easy to give you a high merit.

For Liu Bei, Zhang Liao didn't feel good.

But what can I do, the time, the momentum, and the fate.

At the beginning, in order to survive the Xiliang army under his command, Zhang Liao had no choice but to surrender.

It's just that Zhang Liao also knows that when he surrenders, there is no turning back.

For example, the situation is clear today, and the Chu and Han hegemony are on the verge of success.

Since he is Hanchen, before he is abandoned by Liu Bei, I am afraid that he will never have a second choice.

After all, the title of the Five Tiger Generals, the official position of the General of Zhenguo, had already restricted Zhang Liao from serving the Chu State.

Just kidding, you have such a high official position, how will the king of Chu treat you if you go?

So that you are still the general of Zhenguo in the state of Chu?

The king of Chu dared to give it, but Zhang Liao didn't dare to ask for it.

Therefore, now for Zhang Liao, no fault is merit, Liu Bei is the boss, let us do whatever we want, anyway, a certain family is guaranteed to do absolutely a lot, but it will definitely not give you more to do.

"Two generals! Two generals! The villain was ordered by Da Dan Yu Hu Chuquan to inform the two generals.

Now that my Great Hun warriors have been assembled, they can attack Hebei with the Han Dynasty army at any time! After

waiting for a few days, Ma Chao finally waited for the news he was looking forward to.

Seeing Ma Chao's excited face, Zhang Liao could only sigh helplessly.

Horses, brainless!

In any case, the Xiongnu army had been assembled, and Zhang Liao could only set off with the army no matter how unwilling he was.

Just when the Han army, which had been delayed by the Xiongnu for several days, had made a move, Gao Lan, who was in Hebei, had also led his army to Bingzhou.

After all, Bingzhou is the front line adjacent to the Xiongnu, and it is impossible for the Huns to bypass Bingzhou and attack Youzhou far away under any circumstances.

"General Gao Ran! According to the report of our scouts, the herdsmen of the Xiongnu steppe who have come in are gathering in large numbers, and they are almost ready to launch an attack on our state. Seeing

Gao Ran's arrival, Ding Feng, the state guard, breathed a sigh of air in his heart.

Anyway, with the support of Gao Lan's headquarters, the number of soldiers who can fight in the state has reached 130,000, including 30,000 cavalry.

Against the Han army and the Huns, even if the attack is insufficient, the defense is worry-free.

As for Boss Cao?

Although the person is the person in charge of Hebei, but the identity of Boss Cao is there, whether to participate in the defensive battle in Hebei or not, it really can only depend on his old man's mood.

In this regard, whether it is Ding Feng or Gao Ran, they have never had any extravagant desires.

At present, the only thing that Ding Feng and Gao Lan are waiting for is Gong Du's department, which is rushing from Pengcheng.

Yes, it is the Ministry of Gong Du.

Only when Gong Du arrived with his soldiers and armor could Ding Feng and Gao Ran be truly at ease.

It's just because the commander of this cargo is the cavalry nemesis, the crossbow convoy!

And at this time, the two of them were worried about the Gong Du Department...

"Brothers, work hard! The front line is still waiting for us!

Looking at the road closed by heavy snow, Gong Du kept scolding his mother in his heart.

Nima, Liu Bei, are you brain-dead? Can't you wait for the beginning of spring to start a war?

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