Yangzhou, Daguan Lake.

"Boss, you said okay, why don't you let us go to the frontal battlefield, but instead take a detour to Daguan Lake?"

Regarding the decision-making of the military advisor Chen Gong, Jiang Qin said that he did not understand it very much.

This is good, instead of going to the frontal battlefield to help the Tibetan tyrant, but going to this lake to fish, who can stand it?

You must know that at this time, Lujiang Ke has been lost, and the Tibetan tyrant has already joined forces with Xu Sheng, who rushed to reinforce, and is confronting the Guan Yu army in Shouchun.

In such a situation, why don't you hurry to reinforcements?

If Shouchun is lost, then the north bank of Yangzhou can basically be declared completely lost.

Who can stand this, after the overlord blames it?

That Shouchun, but it is not far from Pengcheng, the capital of Chu State, so let the enemy army kill in front of the capital? Just thinking about it, Jiang Qin shuddered.

"You know the!

I don't know that Gan Ning's sailor is looking for an opportunity to enter my Yangzhou?

If we don't guard this estuary and let the Jingzhou sailors break in, you won't be able to catch anyone.

That Ganning, you still don't understand? That's a loach. As

Gan Ning's old opponent, Zhou Tai can be said to know him well.

That goods, although the sao bag is terrible, but the strength is still there.

The Jingzhou Navy Division under his command was more than one level higher than the combat power under the leadership of Huang Zu before.

If it is really broken into Yangzhou by the Jingzhou sailors, then the defensive pressure on Yangzhou will be even greater.

You must know that all the baggage logistics transportation in Yangzhou has to be carried out by land and water.

Who knows when the Jingzhou sailors will attack the baggage team of the Chu army?

Therefore, Zhou Tai, the governor of the navy, still very much agreed with Chen Gong's order.

Even if you lose Shouchun, you must not lose Yangzhou's land and water passages.

"Boss, I understand the reason, but this is too stuffy, fishing every day, and the smell of birds fades out of my mouth.

If only I could see how good the Jingzhou Navy would be, our ballista ships would be able to use their weapons... it! Top dog! Look, Boss! So, isn't that a Jingzhou water master!?

While complaining, Jiang Qin instinctively raised his eyes to look, never thinking that he really saw the fleet slowly moving towards him at the end of his vision.

On this big river, the fleet that can form a scale now, out of the Chu State Naval Division, then only the Jingzhou Naval Division remains!

"It's them!

Little ones! Copy guys, fuck it!

Although he comforted Jiang Qin on the lips, Zhou Tai was also depressed in his heart.

You must know that in order to deal with the Jingzhou Navy, Peng Cheng specially came to the aid of the crossbow designed by Mrs. Huang Yueying and installed it on the battleship, which was really beautiful and intoxicating.

However, Zhou Tai, who has a new weapon, is useless.

Now, the Jingzhou sailor he had been waiting for is finally here.

Gan Ning boy, this time Lao Tzu, I will let you taste what a real big guy is!

At the same time, Gan Ning, who was leading the naval army under his command, also discovered the Chu army naval division stationed in the front.

"The standard-bearer gave an order, informed the whole army, found the Chu fleet, and prepared to meet the enemy!"

Looking at the Chu fleet at the end of his vision, Gan Ning licked his chapped lips excitedly.

Nima, old boy Zhoutai, I can't imagine that you will wait for Lao Tzu here?

Then let's have a tough fight and see who is the overlord in this Yangtze River!

Previously, Gan Ning had been leading his subordinates to wander around the Hukou area without going deeper, just waiting for the news that Guan Yu's army had conquered the Lujiang River.

You must know that although he is a sailor, he also needs to be transported by land for logistics and baggage.

After all, he is not fighting on his own soil like the Chu army.

Naturally, logistics and transportation are not as convenient as those of the Chu army.

Otherwise, without the support of the army, your own sailors can't eat fish and shrimp every day, right?

That's nothing, it's more or less filling.

But the problem is! What do the trolls use to fight wars? Arrows! Lots of arrows!

In this era, the navy did not have as many water weapons as later generations, and most of them used their ships to ram each other, and then stood on top of their own ships to shoot at each other.

At most, it's just a white-knuckle battle between two ships.

If the sailor's arrows are insufficient, then the true heart can only be pressed and beaten.

As a general of the water division, how can Gan Ning not understand the truth?

Therefore, Gan Ning had been standing still before, just waiting for the good news from Guan Yu's side.

Now, since the Lujiang River has been conquered, Gan Ning will naturally not be polite, and with a wave of his hand, 100,000 sailors will enter Yangzhou.

I never thought that just after entering the Yangzhou waterway, I met the Chu army sailors stationed on the road.

For the Chu army's sailors, Gan Ning was not afraid at all.

If they occupy the terrain and fight guerrilla warfare with themselves, it will be more troublesome.

But with this kind of frontal toughness, he Gan Ning has never been afraid of anyone.

Zhou Tai? But he was defeated by one hand!

Yes, when Zhou Tai was a water bandit in his early years, he did have a conflict because he was fighting for territory with Gan Ning.

How is the fledgling Zhou Tai the opponent of the Jinfan thief Gan Ning? After a struggle for hegemony and abuse, Zhou Tai ran away to Jiangdong and became a subordinate of Yan Baihu.

But now, how did Gan Ning know.

The equipment of the sailors of the Chu army has long been replaced.

When he still thought that the battle between the sailors was still a mutual fire of bows and arrows, Zhou Tai had already played with the cannon of the strong ship.

Although, this cannon is not the other cannon.

But the power of the ballista is definitely not something that Gan Ning can imagine.


The two armies encountered, and there was nothing to say.

The sound of the battle horn sounded, and for the first time, the naval divisions of the Chu and Han armies faced off head-to-head on the Yangtze River.

As the fleets of the two armies gradually accelerated, the distance between them became closer and closer.

The figure of the soldier on the enemy ship was already visible to the naked eye, and Zhou Tai opened his big mouth.

"Herald! Let the standard-bearer inform the naval artillery team, prepare, aim, and shoot hard at Lao Tzu!

Today, I'll let that sail thief become the fish and shrimp in this lake! Zhou

Tai has never forgotten the humiliation of being abused in his early years, but because of the previous armistice agreement between Chu and Liu Biao of Jingzhou, Zhou Tai did not dare to venture to trouble Na Ganning.

But now, what kind of bullshit Shu Han's Five Tigers have you become so Gan Ning, what else can Lao Tzu be polite to you?

Under Zhou Tai's order, as his deputy, Jiang Qin relayed the order with a wicked smile.

Hey, Sail Thief? Today, I will let you have a long insight, and let you see the magic weapon that our Mrs. Huang has made!

When he saw the power of ballistas on ships for the first time, Jiang Qin, a veteran water bandit, almost peed his pants in fright.

Nima, who can stop this play? Who dares to stand in the way? This is really a big string of big pieces, a cannon and a hole!

You know, the power of the ballista is really devastating against such a ship made of pure wood.

With the transmission of Zhou Tai's order, the ten ballista ships of the Chu army were powerful.

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