"Withdraw! This is fierce, and a certain is invincible!" With a

sad and indignant mood, Pan Zhang fought with the so-called Jingzhou general for more than ten rounds.

Finally, after deliberately selling a flaw, Pan Zhang, who was injured in the shoulder, couldn't play anymore.

Through the fight, Pan Zhang knew in his heart that if he wanted to seriously fight the enemy, he would be able to easily take him down in less than five rounds.

"Whaha! What bullshit Chu Jun, but that's it

! Chase! A certain family wants to capture this Chu general alive!" Seeing

Pan Zhang's defeat and escape, Zhang Wu was even more imposing, and the big knife in his hand was wielding.

Thinking of the order given to him by Wen Ping, Zhang Wu frantically urged the war horse under his crotch, wanting to seize the great merit of capturing and killing the enemy general before this battle.

However, Pan Zhang, who was bent on escaping, led five hundred Chu cavalry, and no matter how Zhang Wu urged the war horse under his crotch, he could only watch Pan Zhang, who fled in advance, disappear at the end of the field of vision with the Chu army.

"General! General Wen has an order, don't chase him deeply!" Seeing

that Zhang Wu was unwilling to chase after him, his deputy hurriedly reminded him.

You must know that Wen Ping had already ordered that if Zhang Wu pursued the enemy and fell into an ambush, then even if he could escape, he would be punished.

"Count this Chu general's fate, let's go back to the city!" Thinking

of the direct order issued by the Wenpin, Zhang Wu could only lead the army back unwillingly.

Vertical said, under the city of Runan.

"Zhang Wu! I am Quan Cong, the general of the Chu State, do you dare to go out of the city to fight!" Looking

at the Chu army who came to the city again to call for battle, Wen Ping was confused.

Yesterday, there was a Pan Zhang, who brought five hundred cavalry.

Today, I came to Quancong, and I still brought 500 cavalry.

What is the situation? How many troops of the Chu army have entered our Yuzhou? Why has there been no news from various prefectures and counties? Is it that they have not been harassed, or have they been conquered by the Chu army?

Thinking of this, Wen Ping shook his head.

It is impossible! The defenders of various prefectures and counties are more than tens of thousands, and as few as thousands, even if they are conquered by this Chu army, how can they not be able to convey any news?

I am afraid that this Chu army has simply bypassed the prefectures and counties along the way and attacked all the way to the city of Runan.

What Wen Ping is wondering about now is who is in command of this Chu army, and what is its strength.

"Zhang Wu! You go out of the city to fight him!

It's still the same sentence, if you can capture him alive, try to capture him alive.

If the Chu army retreats, you can lead the army to pursue Wuli! Remember

, beyond Wuli, no matter whether or not the main force of the Chu army is found, it must be returned!"

Through yesterday's battle, Zhang Wu's status in Wen Ping's heart has risen sharply.

Unexpectedly, this guy from a bandit is really not bad, and he can repel the seemingly mighty Chu General in more than ten rounds.

"The last general has been ordered, General Wen, please rest assured!" Armed

with a big sword, Zhang Wuxiong went out of the city again to meet the battle.

"I am Zhang Wu, the general of Jingzhou! Since the enemy general knows the name of a certain family, why don't you quickly dismount and surrender!"

Looking at Quan Cong, who also had a sad look on his face, Zhang Wu only felt that he was afraid that he would not be able to take it down in ten rounds this time.

It's just that how did Zhang Wu know that all this was deliberately done by Lu Meng.

Yesterday, Pan Zhang's defeat was not enough in Lu Meng's opinion.

If you want to paralyze the heart of the defenders of Jingzhou, then you must defeat him a few more times.

And this second battle was defeated, and it was Pan Zhang's good brother Quan Cong who fought.

Yesterday, he was still laughing at Pan Zhang, and he didn't want to be named to fight today, Quan Cong only felt that the whole world had become gray.

"Hugh wants to talk nonsense, if you want to fight, you will fight!" too

lazy to talk nonsense with the stupid beep on the other side, Quan Cong brandished the big knife in his hand and took the lead in attacking it.

"Since you are looking for death, then it's no wonder that the general!" Looking

at the oncoming and weak broadsword, Zhang Wu sneered.

Unexpectedly, it turned out that my Zhang Wu's force was so high.

Looking at General Chu's outfit, he must also be a person with some name in the Chu State, but it turned out that he only had this kind of strength?

and the same was true of that Pan Zhang yesterday.


they too weak? Or is Lao Tzu and me too strong? It must be Lao Tzu and I who are too strong! This is why they are vulnerable!

Considering that these are all generals of the Chu State, Zhang Wu absolutely does not believe that their strength will be so weak.

Then there is only one possibility, it is Lao Tzu and my strength is too strong! It has far surpassed the grade of this ordinary general! It

is precisely with this confidence that the sword in Zhang Wu's hand this time is even better than in the past.

If you don't consider the flaws, judging from the appearance alone, it is really a thunderous blow.


! Retreat! The whole army retreats! This Zhang Wu is too powerful!" Yesterday

, after hearing Pan Zhang's description, Quan Cong already had a general understanding of Zhang Wu's strength.

I never thought that because of the improvement of his morale and confidence, he would perform at a higher level in the second battle, and he really cut a decent knife.

Seeing this, Quan Cong did not hesitate, and directly sent his left arm up, and obediently slapped his horse and fled immediately after being scratched open by it.

Ten rounds are also lost, and one round is also lost, Lao Tzu is not stupid, why do you have to stick to him for a long time?

"The thief will flee!

Chase! The whole army will pursue!" Seeing

the Chu army fleeing again, Zhang Wu, who was like a rainbow, was immediately furious.

Ma De, just this kind of player, can't stop Lao Tzu's blow and dare to come out and call for battle

? This is not a waste of Lao Tzu's time? What's

even more infuriating is that you Chu generals don't have the dignity of a general at all? When you find that you are invincible, you will flee immediately!?

Thinking that the credit of his hand is about to fly away again, Zhang Wu is even more desperately slapping the war horse under his crotch.

But helplessly, let alone five miles, Zhang Wu, who chased nearly ten miles, still chased people away.

"Let's go back to the city!" Zhang

Wu, who looked gloomy, led the army back to the city.

These Chu generals are weak in strength, and they are all good at escaping, what should they do.

"General Wen, Zhang Wu is ashamed, and let the Chu general escape!" Returning

to the city, seeing Wen Ping, who greeted him, Zhang Wu told him the whole story with a ashamed face.

"General Zhang has worked hard and made great achievements, so General Chu will flee if he escapes, don't worry!"

said Wen Ping in the city to pay special attention to Zhang Wu's move.

Because of the distance, Wen was completely blinded by his vain blow.

In Wen Ping's opinion, the strength of this Zhang Wu is probably above himself.

Even, I'm afraid that Wei Yan may not be able to easily take this Zhang Wu's thunderous blow, right?

Thinking of the age of this product, Wen Ping suddenly raised his mind to recruit him as his son-in-law.

Therefore, Wen Ping did not mention the fact that he did not pursue the Chu army, and even went against his own orders and pursued for five miles.

Compared with those little things, it is the right thing to envelop the heart of this general.

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