"General Wen, if the Chu army comes to harass him again next time, the last general will ask the general to let the last general chase him all the way to the end.

The last general promised that the Chu army would be captured and confronted by the general!"

After winning two battles in a row, Zhang Wu has already entered the take-off mode.

"Okay! If the Chu army comes again, after General Zhang's victory, the general will personally lead the army to suppress the general!"

Come to think of it, the number of Chu troops who entered the country must not be much, and the reciprocal invitation to fight in Runan may be to paralyze us and others, and want to delay our Runan army here to relieve the pressure on the frontal battlefield in Yangzhou? Because of

the asymmetry in information, Wen Ping entered the trap set by Lu Meng for him from the very beginning, and he fell deeper and deeper.

At the same time, the tent of the Chu army dozens of miles away from Runan City.

"General Tan Xiong!" Lu

Meng called down, Tan Xiong's face turned extremely pale in an instant, and the two generals Pan Zhang and Quan Cong grinned happily.

Sample, it's finally your turn to let you talk to us for the past few days.

"Lv Dashuai! Tomorrow... Do you want the last general to be defeated by such a defeat?" "

If you escape, you will inevitably not be able to escape."

With no choice, Tan Xiong can only face it.

There's no way, Pan Zhang and Quan Cong have already gone to be cannon fodder, why don't you go?"

This time, not only will you lose, but you will also lose beautifully.

We must make that Zhang Wu convinced that as long as he can catch up with the general, he will definitely be able to capture and kill the general on the spot!

Moreover, the general must remember that if he runs out of about five miles, he must let that Zhang Wu catch up with the general.

As for after that... Ben Shuai has his own decision.

Hearing Lu Meng's words, Tan Xiong's face became more and more pale, and Pan Zhang and Quan Cong's second generals were almost excited and wanted to cheer.

But at this moment, Lu Meng spoke again.

"Pan Zhang, Quan Cong!

You and your two men are said to have led 3,000 cavalry to ambush on both sides of the mountain road five miles south of Run.

After Zhang Wu led the army to pursue General Tan Xiong, the two of you immediately sent troops to cover up and kill.

Remember, when the time comes, Ru San will fight that Zhang Wu together, and he will not be able to win if he is defeated!"


Pan Zhang and Quan Cong, who were still excited, were dumbfounded when they heard Lu Meng's words.

Still want to lose?

It's not enough to defeat last time, this time you have to fight three to one, and then you have to lose?"

"Hahaha! The last general will take the order! Lu Shuai, please rest assured, Tan Xiong will definitely fulfill Lu Shuai's entrustment!"

Glancing at the two who were still snickering before, Tan Xiong's unhappiness disappeared in an instant.

Let the two of you watch Lao Tzu lively, comfortable?

"Zhang Wu! I am Tan Xiong, do you dare to fight!" The

spear swung sideways, and Tan Xiong rode alone in front of the battle.

"General Wen! The Chu army is really here again! The second battle Zhang promised that he will definitely capture that Chu will be captured by General Wen!" Seeing that the Chu army really

came again, Zhang Wu immediately rubbed his hands.

Counting this, Lao Tzu, I have lost three Chu generals in a row.

Come to think of it, Lu Bu, the king of Qin who was locked in the tiger prison back then, was it just like

that, right? So, is it true that Lao Tzu and my martial arts can also rank among the top few in this world?

I don't know what the strength of the king of Chu is, if there is a chance, Lao Tzu and I will also join him for a while!

After winning one victory after another, Zhang Wu's vision was no longer limited to this small place in Yuzhou.

"Okay! General Ben personally swept the battle for you, and the second battle must reveal the reality of the Chu army!"

Only in this way can the most favorable adjustment be made for the strategic direction of Runan in the future.

"Chu Guo'er, eat your Uncle Zhang Wu's knife!"

With a clamp between his legs, the war horse under his crotch rushed forward, and the big knife in his hand was picked up vigorously, Zhang Wu had obviously entered the state.


With this blow alone, Tan Xiong knew that this special Zhang Wu was completely in vain.

Ma De, with the help of the momentum of the war horse, or with a big sword, Lao Tzu blocked it without any effort?

But helplessly, what Lu Meng asked himself was to be defeated.


"The thief will leave!" Seeing

Tan Xiong, who ran away with one blow, Zhang Wu was furious.

How can these Chu generals, one, two, or three, all look like bears? Can't they have a bit of dignity for the generals?

This time, because of the order of civil appointment, Zhang Wu chased this called a reassuring and bold one, and chased one called an unrestrained and free and easy.

"General, there may be an ambush in the terrain ahead!" chased

for several miles, and when he saw Tan Xiong leading his army to flee into a valley, Zhang Wu immediately spoke to him.

No matter how you look at this, it is all on the terrain where the enemy army is ambushing!"

"It's okay, the children of Chu are all gutless bandits.

With General Ben here, even if there is an ambush, what if there is an ambush?"

Although he also muttered in his heart, as soon as he heard the words left and right, Zhang Wu's arrogance suddenly soared.

Nima, what about the ambush, these Chu generals can't even take Lao Tzu's blow, who dares to ambush me? Who can ambush me?"

The whole army obeyed the order and followed the generals! In this battle, the Chu army must be killed!

With a wave of the big sword in his hand, Zhang Wu took the lead in rushing into the valley.

When I saw it left and right, I had no choice but to follow.

Of course, when Zhang Wu rushed into the valley, there were still heralds who rode back quickly.

No matter how you say it, the chief general of Runan is still Wenpin, and the battle situation here must be reported to Wenpin no matter what.

"Pan Zhang is here, Zhang Wu, this is the place where you bestow the head!"

"Quan Cong is here, Zhang Wu, where to escape!"

Fang Cai led the army to chase into the valley, and the two generals Pan Zhang and Quan Cong, who were ambushed on the left and right sides respectively, led the army to kill.

"It's not good! there's an ambush!" Looking

at Tan Xiong, who was not running away, and looking at Pan Zhang and Quan Cong on the left and right sides, Zhang Wu was stunned in his heart.


must know that Tan Xiong was a lure to defeat before, but there were 3,000 cavalry, but now with the addition of Pan Zhang and Quan Cong, the number of cavalry of the Chu army here has reached 9,000.

"You should go to General Wen for help as soon as possible, and inform the general that the main force of the Chu army has appeared!" Knowing that the Chu

army was all cavalry, and if he led the army to retreat, he could only be pursued by the tail, Zhang Wu was brave and chose to wait for reinforcements here.

These three Chu generals are not Lao Tzu's enemies, even if they are the same three people, Lao Tzu and I will not be afraid at all!

Encouraged again, Zhang Wu held a big knife in his hand and took the lead in rushing towards Pan Zhang, who was closest to him.

"Jingzhou General Zhang Wu is here, who dares to stop me!"

shouted loudly, full of endless coercion.

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