"General Wen, General Zhang's headquarters encountered the main force of the Chu army in the valley a few miles ahead.

Now General Zhang is leading his troops to resist the enemy, and he hopes that General Wen will quickly reinforce him!"

Previously, he was told by the herald of Zhang Wu's department that his leading army would chase into the valley, and Wen Ping made a decisive decision and decisively led the army forward, preparing to meet Zhang Wuyi and Er.

Sure enough, the army had only traveled a few miles before they received the second report from Zhang Wu's department.

This Chu army finally couldn't bear it!

Knowing that Zhang Wu's department was ambushed, Wen Ping was not surprised and rejoiced.

As long as he knew the strength of the main force of the Chu army, the worries in Wen Ping's heart could be completely put down.

As for Zhang Wu's safety

, just kidding, how could such a brave general be stopped by a few scumbags?

"Okay! The whole army listens to the order, picks up the speed, and advances!" As

long as this battle can completely take down this Chu army, then Wen Ping can sit back and relax.

After that, whether it was to guard Runan in situ and stand by, or to send troops to reinforce Guan Yu to attack Yangzhou, it would be much easier.

"General Wen! General Zhang Wu has now killed the Chu generals with one enemy and three enemies, and now General Zhang Wu is leading his troops and horses to pursue the main force of the Chu army!"

As soon as he arrived at the mouth of the valley, Wen Ping received a report from Zhang Wu's department again.


that Zhang Wu had defeated the Chu army with one enemy and three enemies, Wen Ping was immediately filled with emotion.

I didn't expect that there were such brave people under my command, why didn't he find out before?

This Zhang Wu is considered to have been picked up by himself, no matter how high his position is, he will never forget the grace of his promotion.

"The whole army listens to the order, accelerates, rushes!" Now

that Zhang Wu has repelled the main force of the Chu army, Wen Ping naturally has no doubts.

Only when his own army arrived quickly and assisted the Zhang Wusuo Department together could he quickly and completely annihilate the Chu army here.

Because of hearing Zhang Wu's achievements, the 50,000 Runan defenders brought out by Wenpin were also high morale and wind under their feet.

Now, it was time to beat the water dogs, who didn't fight bravely? Who didn't fight for the lead?


The army rushed into the valley, and suddenly there was a loud noise like an earth-shattering sound from behind.

"What's going on!?"

was attracted by the loud noise, looking at the billowing dust behind him, and a bad premonition rose to his heart.

"Hahaha! Wen Ping, you have fallen for my Lu Shuai's scheme!" Without

waiting for his subordinates to investigate, Huang Zhong, who suddenly killed in the oblique stab, answered all the doubts of Wen Ping.

Seeing Huang Zhong appear, Wen Ping's brain buzzed, and he almost fell directly on the horse's back.

How could Wen Ping not know this Huang Zhong? This, but the general under Huang Zu's command back then was the existence of the number one military general in Jingzhou

! I didn't expect that this Huang Zhong would actually appear here!

And what did he just say? A certain family had

Lu Shuai's scheme? Lu Shuai? Who else could Chu Jun call Lu Shuai other than Lu Meng?

Thinking of this, Wen Ping's

head became even more dizzy.

Unexpectedly, this Lu Meng actually led his army to this place in person, could it be that Yuzhou has already been conquered by him? That's why there is no news from various prefectures and counties?

Damn! Damn!

"The whole army is arrayed to meet the enemy!" Hold steady, the number of the enemy's armor is not much more than that of our army, and if General Zhang Wu is turned around, our army will definitely be able to win!"

At present, it is useless to talk about anything else, only to stabilize the morale of the army and prevent the army under his command from falling into panic.

Moreover, because of Zhang Wu's bravery before, Wen Ping still has hope of winning in his heart.

Although this Huang Zhong is invincible, but after all, he is already old and frail, and it is still unknown who will win and who will lose against this rising star

Zhang Wu!" "Zhang Wu?

"Do you still expect this spicy chicken?" Hmph, it's not the enemy's play

, and it's also called a general? Previously, if it wasn't for the purpose of luring you Wen Pingzhong, I would really be so incompetent and would I lose in the hands of this spicy chicken?" "

It's over! It's complete! Zhang Wu, mistake me! Seeing Zhang Wu's

head, Wen Ping instantly sorted out everything.

Previously, the Chu army had been defeated many times, simply to eliminate his vigilance, so that he thought that Pan Heng was only a small number of Chu army divisions in Yuzhou.

Now, Huang Zhong has arrived, and even Lu Meng of the Chu State has arrived.

This is clearly the main force of the Chu army.

"Break through! The whole army breaks through!" Now

, the only hope left for Wenpin is Runan.

As long as you can break through and successfully return to Runan City, then everything will still have room for maneuver.

"Hmph, I don't know what to do!

The sons and daughters of the Chu State, kill!" Seeing

Wen Ping's reaction, Huang Zhong swung the big knife in his hand sideways and issued an order for a general attack on the Chu army in the battle.

The morale of the defenders of Runan fell because of the ambush, and when they saw Zhang Wu, the god of war in their minds, they were just a waste, and the morale of the defenders of Runan fell even more wildly.

Now, that is, Wen Ping is here with them, and he is still personally leading the army to break through, otherwise I am afraid that the Runan defenders would have fallen into collapse long ago.

"Rush! Kill Wen Ping!" "

Chu Guoerlang, rush with me

!" "Da Chu, Wan Sheng!" Because

of the previous various deceptions, Pan Zhang's hearts were already full of grief and indignation.

Even if the culprit Zhang Wu has been taken down by Pan Zhang, this still can't alleviate the depression in the hearts of the three of them.

Now, only by desperately killing the enemy can he wash away the humiliation on his body.

If the soldiers have no will to fight, they will have no will to fight.

Under the charge led by the three generals of the Chu army, the defenders of Runan could not match it at all, and in a moment they were in chaos by the Chu army.

Regarding the situation behind him, Wen Ping didn't bother to pay attention to it at all.

Now, the only thing on his mind is to break out of the siege and return to Runan City.

You must know that there are still 30,000 defenders in Runan City.

As long as he can return safely, then according to the words of the city guard, the situation can be restored.

Fighting all the way, and finally escaping from the encirclement of the Chu army, Wen Ping looked at the Runan defenders with less than a thousand people beside him and smiled bitterly.

Unexpectedly, this array would usher in such a big defeat.


, Wen Ping at this time did not know about Gan Ning's situation, otherwise he would be able to find some psychological comfort.

"Kaecheng, I'm Wen Ping!" Returning

to Runan City in embarrassment, looking at the firmly closed gates, Wen Ping had never felt so stable in his heart.

"Wen Ping, I am Lu Meng, the left general of Chu State, are you willing to surrender?" When Lu

Meng's words came from the city, Wen Ping, who had been running wildly, finally gave up, decisively fell off his horse, and fainted in place.

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